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what a waste of money the new sign in the market place !!!! welcome to bedlington council tax must be able to be put to a better use than this ????

what a waste of money the new sign in the market place !!!! welcome to bedlington council tax must be able to be put to a better use than this ????

Not seen it yet. Most people who have think the same as you. Did it cost all of the money set aside for improvements? Or will there be some left for useful things?


Due to the comments on this topic and others in the same vein on other topics, having friends staying with me now who are integral to various volunteer bodies in and around Bedlington it seemed too good a chance to miss, getting first hand information about the subject. One thing I would add is that it seems very simple to get first hand information about any of these schemes, get along to a Forum meeting!

“There is a package of improvements for Front Street which should make our town centre deserve its conservation area status. These improvements will include:

1. New seating, around 30, designed for ease of use incorporating traditional materials, ie, cast iron.

2. New litter bins, again approx 30, with Terrier logo cast into face. Again these bins have been designed to compliment the “street package.”

3. Planters, existing planters replaced with olde worlde cast iron designs again with Terrier logo.

4. Finger (Direction) posts; again in the traditional style, these posts will be located at various points along Front Street highlighting areas of interest.

5. All existing street furniture ie, bollards, lamp posts and hopefully bus shelters will be painted in the old Bedlingtonshire green which will match all the new furniture going in.

6. Railings will be painted in the same colour.

7. Erection of an “interpretation board” depicting historical events in the town and showing key locations.

8. Improvements to alleyway street lighting. (Between Front Street and car park/doctors/Woolsington Court etc.)

These packages of improvements have come around through an amalgamation of grant funding obtained by WDC and overseen by interested voluntary bodies who represent the town’s interests, ie, Bedlington Forum, West Bedlington CAP, street traders etc.. The improvements have been brought to fruition with the help of a charitable company, “The Living Streets.” This group specialises in advising public authorities on how best to utilise their inner city areas. They particularly target pedestrian usage giving advice and information on how to improve a particular street etc. Once WDC and those interested parties had formulated a draft design package incorporating the advice they had received the whole thing went out to the general public for comment and suggestions. The comments received were extremely positive and in virtually every case acted upon. If anyone in Bedlington has a problem with these improvements and upgrades there has been many chances and public opportunities to voice any concerns and other suggestions!

As for the “Welcome to Bedlington” sign I presume this will be item 7, the “interpretation board”, something I too have yet to see. The rest of the package is due to be installed, including improvements to the pavement areas under and around the new seating, in the very near future. The total price for the package to date and there is some way to go yet is well over £100.000.

As a footnote all the above information has been published in the magazine “In Touch” which is regularly distributed to EVERY household in the Wansbeck area!”

...all the above information has been published in the magazine “In Touch” which is regularly distributed to EVERY household in the Wansbeck area!”
Not to our household it hasn't! :(

Ours is probably in a bundle in a hedge in someone's back garden - like most of our News Posts! :rolleyes:

Of course WDC could make use of the facilities here for FREE. But doubtless that's an inappropriate use of public money! :D

AND... Councillor ********* - if you're reading this, you promised many moons ago to come on board and answer the queries of your electors. You are conspicious by your absence. Come election time this may return to haunt you. <_< Or... are you banking on a well-paid retirement before your neglect of the Town finally catches up with you?


1. New seating, around 30, designed for ease of use incorporating traditional materials, ie, cast iron. Very cold ond the bum, and uncovered I presume.

2. New litter bins, again approx 30, with Terrier logo cast into face. Again these bins have been designed to compliment the “street package.” A terrier logo? corny at best, I'd leave that to the football club, if the council allow them to continue.

3. Planters, existing planters replaced with olde worlde cast iron designs again with Terrier logo. ditto..

4. Finger (Direction) posts; again in the traditional style, these posts will be located at various points along Front Street highlighting areas of interest.How many fingers?

5. All existing street furniture ie, bollards, lamp posts and hopefully bus shelters will be painted in the old Bedlingtonshire green which will match all the new furniture going in.But no budges.

6. Railings will be painted in the same colour. Paint them to match the complexion of councillors who haven't a clue.

7. Erection of an “interpretation board” depicting historical events in the town and showing key locations. Ideal for graffiti, could lead to a mini boom in aerosol sales


Every upgrade made to the Market Place seems to lead to less trade and shop closures. Some years ago I remember WDC refusing ASDA planning permission to build in Bedlington. Now they are kicking Ashington FC out of their ground just for ASDA.



Ok then, how on earth can anyone square the circle? This like other initiatives is Gov inspired but most of the work and “push” for their fruition comes from local people who give up their time to actually do something constructive for the town. Like cunnyjohn it is easy to knock something but much harder to achieve anything solid and as we all know Bedlington is a very poor relation in the unholy trinity so it is up to the people on the ground to get things going. Like most of the posters on this board I had very little faith in the elected (ad nauseum) councillors to achieve anything for the town so the only way Bedlington can “improve” is for the general populous to get off their arses and do something for themselves. This initiative, in my view, fits the bill and shows how things can be achieved through a determined effort. Whilst the package itself might not be the ideal for some it does show the town can get something for itself and is a step in the right direction. Like other opportunities the cash is there and if Bedlington doesn’t access it other places will. The fact that it has to be spent in certain ways and with certain objectives is quite right and proper so instead of knocking it get involved and get more and make sure you agree with what it is spent on. I know there is a million squid supposed to be coming the town’s way from somewhere if you think you know how it should be spent make sure you have your say on how you think it should be spent.

As for the comments about ASDA:

ASDA, at the time, made tentative enquiries about several locations in the area and Bedlington was one but how determined were they to actually open a store? Had ASDA actually opened in the Market Place it would have shut more shops down than anyone can imagine, as none of the “small” shops in the town could hope to compete with such an aggressive multi national. Rightly or wrongly I can understand the decision to turn down that particular application. What I cannot understand is the commercial realism behind other decisions regarding shopping on Front Street. Many years ago WDC made the decision to make Ashington the retail heart of Wansbeck and leave other areas high and dry and what everyone in Bedlington complains about concerning shopping is the fallout of that base decree!


Due to the comments on this topic and others in the same vein on other topics, having friends staying with me now who are integral to various volunteer bodies in and around Bedlington it seemed too good a chance to miss, getting first hand information about the subject. One thing I would add is that it seems very simple to get first hand information about any of these schemes, get along to a Forum meeting!

“There is a package of improvements for Front Street which should make our town centre deserve its conservation area status. These improvements will include:

1. New seating, around 30, designed for ease of use incorporating traditional materials, ie, cast iron.

2. New litter bins, again approx 30, with Terrier logo cast into face. Again these bins have been designed to compliment the “street package.”

3. Planters, existing planters replaced with olde worlde cast iron designs again with Terrier logo.

4. Finger (Direction) posts; again in the traditional style, these posts will be located at various points along Front Street highlighting areas of interest.

5. All existing street furniture ie, bollards, lamp posts and hopefully bus shelters will be painted in the old Bedlingtonshire green which will match all the new furniture going in.

6. Railings will be painted in the same colour.

7. Erection of an “interpretation board” depicting historical events in the town and showing key locations.

8. Improvements to alleyway street lighting. (Between Front Street and car park/doctors/Woolsington Court etc.)

These packages of improvements have come around through an amalgamation of grant funding obtained by WDC and overseen by interested voluntary bodies who represent the town’s interests, ie, Bedlington Forum, West Bedlington CAP, street traders etc.. The improvements have been brought to fruition with the help of a charitable company, “The Living Streets.” This group specialises in advising public authorities on how best to utilise their inner city areas. They particularly target pedestrian usage giving advice and information on how to improve a particular street etc. Once WDC and those interested parties had formulated a draft design package incorporating the advice they had received the whole thing went out to the general public for comment and suggestions. The comments received were extremely positive and in virtually every case acted upon. If anyone in Bedlington has a problem with these improvements and upgrades there has been many chances and public opportunities to voice any concerns and other suggestions!

As for the “Welcome to Bedlington” sign I presume this will be item 7, the “interpretation board”, something I too have yet to see. The rest of the package is due to be installed, including improvements to the pavement areas under and around the new seating, in the very near future. The total price for the package to date and there is some way to go yet is well over £100.000.

As a footnote all the above information has been published in the magazine “In Touch” which is regularly distributed to EVERY household in the Wansbeck area!”

The worst 'newspaper' in the world - how is anyone meant to read it when the print and photographs are so out of registration?

This initiative, in my view, fits the bill and shows how things can be achieved through a determined effort. Whilst the package itself might not be the ideal for some it does show the town can get something for itself and is a step in the right direction. Like other opportunities the cash is there and if Bedlington doesn’t access it other places will. The fact that it has to be spent in certain ways and with certain objectives is quite right and proper so instead of knocking it get involved and get more and make sure you agree with what it is spent on. I know there is a million squid supposed to be coming the town’s way from somewhere if you think you know how it should be spent make sure you have your say on how you think it should be spent.

If this scheme is designed to improve the 'shopping experience' then it is a total waste of time and money. Bedlington Front Street is useless for shopping because of the way shops are spread out, inconvenient parking and little or no convenience, people expect more nowadays.

With a little thought and imagination I'm sure the wasted space currently used as a car park could be developed into a very pleasant shopping plaza which would be to the benefit of everyone. With clean bathrooms and a small food court, everything horizontal with easy parking, maybe it's all too sensible and logical for WDC. 1087.gif

If this scheme is designed to improve the 'shopping experience' then it is a total waste of time and money. Bedlington Front Street is useless for shopping because of the way shops are spread out, inconvenient parking and little or no convenience, people expect more nowadays.

With a little thought and imagination I'm sure the wasted space currently used as a car park could be developed into a very pleasant shopping plaza which would be to the benefit of everyone. With clean bathrooms and a small food court, everything horizontal with easy parking, maybe it's all too sensible and logical for WDC. 1087.gif

not sure about that... "shopping centres" tend to be herding areas for "hing oots" in their kappa gear .And im glad we don't have a ASDA as its a shop from the land of the great Satan ... and its meat is inedible.Also public bathrooms never remain clean. Maybe a new open plan shopping area to stop congregation, thats why the seats are made of metal , they're for looking at not sitting on for longer than 10 minutes its all thought through im sure ...then again maybe they stick pins in a list

The worst 'newspaper' in the world - how is anyone meant to read it when the print and photographs are so out of registration?

Bit like my sp-e-e-e-e-ech :rolleyes:

Guest missvic


for joe and pete and everyone else who hasn't seen it... the offending sign... :angry:

The worst 'newspaper' in the world - how is anyone meant to read it when the print and photographs are so out of registration?

WDC like to brag about what they've done, but fail to give information on what hasn't, propoganda for the 21st century, a bit like you Denzel......lol

Americans would describe Bedlington as a 'hick' town, and they'd be right. :D

What I cannot understand is the commercial realism behind other decisions regarding shopping on Front Street. Many years ago WDC made the decision to make Ashington the retail heart of Wansbeck and leave other areas high and dry and what everyone in Bedlington complains about concerning shopping is the fallout of that base decree!

Do you, or any other councillor have any training/education re. business?

Do you, or any other councillor have any training/education re. business?


I ain't a councillor, in fact I was the bane of their lives! As for your business question I was in business for over 20 years in the town and became deeply involved in the political and business arenas for the last 5 years I was there. I acually knew an American who lived down Stead Lane, his wife was from Bedlington and they came back when retried, and his description of the town, "Gee, this is a one horse town" so you are spot on with that one! Of course WDC like to brag about hitting targets etc it must only come along once in a while so the opportunities for this positive propaganda are limited and as such will be overdone to death! Nobody will "celebrate" their failures but anyone who feels strongly enough about the subject must make their views known. This, for me, always boiled down to the fact that the elected councillors never seemed to do anything about certain concerns their electorate had!

Thanks Missvic at least we can see what this posting is all about.

cunnyjohn Posted Yesterday, 07:22 PM

if there is money to be spent in bedlington spend it on something that the public want not stupid signs !!!!!!!!


I do not know how you can say that. The amount of time and trouble, even I know of, that some people have gone to to get the public involved in the descision about how the money was going to be spent is immeasurable. Public meetings were held and anyone could put foward ideas on what was wanted. I realise the outcome reflects the views of the people who actually turned up and they may or may not have had their own agendas but the fact remains everyone in the town had the same opportunity.

In that vein and with the anonimity this "forum" provides what would people like to see the town go for in future as I believe there is more cash available even on the current scheme.


I ain't a councillor, in fact I was the bane of their lives! As for your business question I was in business for over 20 years in the town and became deeply involved in the political and business arenas for the last 5 years I was there. I acually knew an American who lived down Stead Lane, his wife was from Bedlington and they came back when retried, and his description of the town, "Gee, this is a one horse town" so you are spot on with that one!

Having spent 10 years in Canada describing Bedlington as a "one horse town" seems very inadequate, the word "redneck" does spring to mind.

Back in my schooldays I remember a snotty nosed little kid named Malcolm Robinson, later ran a shop close to the vets, a coincidence I suppose.

Having spent 10 years in Canada describing Bedlington as a "one horse town" seems very inadequate, the word "redneck" does spring to mind.

Back in my schooldays I remember a snotty nosed little kid named Malcolm Robinson, later ran a shop close to the vets, a coincidence I suppose.

The gloves are off....

Having spent 10 years in Canada describing Bedlington as a "one horse town" seems very inadequate, the word "redneck" does spring to mind.

Back in my schooldays I remember a snotty nosed little kid named Malcolm Robinson, later ran a shop close to the vets, a coincidence I suppose.

Fraid so Swanalla I migrated to Bedlington in my 20's.


i sat opposite the new sign for an hour today and not one person looked at it ! can something not be done to get the empty shops used again ! why not get the buisness tax lowered on them and who knows you might not have to go out of bedlington to do you shopping !!!!


I saw the new sign today but I didn't spend much time looking at it.

There was an odd-looking fellow peering at me from the other side of the road while muttering away to himself, so I continued on my way.


i sat opposite the new sign for an hour today and not one person looked at it ! can something not be done to get the empty shops used again ! why not get the buisness tax lowered on them and who knows you might not have to go out of bedlington to do you shopping !!!!

That is exactly what is needed, fill those empty shops so the area at least looks “affluent and prosperous”. That in itself would be the biggest thing which will attract new businesses into the area. Many times I heard people asking for WDC to fill the empty shops but that is not in their remit that is the job of the private sector. However the council could and should do everything in its power to provide an environment where business will want to come. For that reason everything which upgrades Front Street should be welcomed and seen as a step in the right direction. I do not necessarily agree with the new street furniture package but I whole heartedly support the intent behind it and anything is better than nothing.

Rates is obviously a big concern you just have to look at all the charity shops which occupy prime retail space and pay only a fraction of the charges normal shops would have to cough up. It is a complicated question none the less; you only have to consider domestic rates where almost half of the money goes to pay civil servant pensions, something which is set to increase year on year and is the biggest reason your rates bills go up every year and the level of services you receive goes in the opposite direction!!!! Business rates make up half the money councils get back from central Gov to run themselves, the rest is a mix of income tax and domestic rates, and one of the factors which goes into this calculation is the number of houses in a district: wonder if that was a reason WDC have always been so keen for new housing? Listening to councillors saying they wished there were no businesses in their area as they got nothing from them, business rates go straight to central gov, just proved how little they understood the system they were part of! The fact remains business rates are an overhead none of the small businesses in Bedlington have any control over but it is one area which could, with a little thought, be used to stimulate small business activity and get those empty shops on Front Street filled.

Swalnalla, shock, I nearly paid my tax on time! In the days of yore when I came to the town it was a village and for many years afterwards still had a village feel to it, now it looks and feels like a sprawling anonymous dormitory town like so many others. That could be addresses with a sensible commercial initiative for its heart.

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