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Community Times?

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Bedlington.co.uk everybody's favourite website, as we all know...

But is there competition?

What I thought was a cheap promotional leaflet was delivered chezvic this morning, and hoping that it would contain the latest Netto offers, I took a quick glance. Sadly this was no Netto publication but mearly a load of adverts for 'local' businesses (as far a South Tyneside) interspersed with Daniel Craig and Anthea Turner interviews. 2 pages at the back of the rag contained 'day in the life' type articles with a councillor (Tyler) and a historian/ 'antique dealer' (with whom I still have a grievance with when he took a lend of an elderly relative). And it claims that it will be a monthly publication... with whom are they going to find interviews with for the next 12 months?

All in all it was a bit rubbish really, and provided me with no more information than a Yellow Pages/ News Post Leader combo could provide... but with more paper wasted.

AND it has a website!!!!

YES!!! :o:o:o



Sound familiar?!?!

It's not a as good... let me tell you!

Anyway... I'll let you all make up your own minds about it... take a look. I'm guessing it's a national franchise or something, as it's geet generic and not a patch on the real Bedlington site.

couldn't find the web site

It's opening for me!

(unless I'm imagining it all) :huh:

It's opening for me!

(unless I'm imagining it all) :huh:

The leaflet was poorly laid out, the registration was out in a few of the adverts, and the advert for the pub in West Boldon was cringeworthy.

Bedlington.co.uk 1, Johnny Come Lately's 0


Now, y'all just hold on there!

It seems that there is a Country and Western evening at the CC on the second Friday of every month!

I, for one, welcome our new Community Times website. I can see it proving to be a veritable goldmine of useful information.


Now, y'all just hold on there!

It seems that there is a Country and Western evening at the CC on the second Friday of every month!

I, for one, welcome our new Community Times website. I can see it proving to be a veritable goldmine of useful information.


But all of that information is available on line anyway in the Bedlington section of the Journal

didn't think much of the booklet but the Bedlington Terrier on the front cover made me smile!

You wouldn't smile if it savaged you.

Anyone getting savaged by a Bedlington terrier is clearly soft as claggy toffee. You can kill one in about a second. Just kick its face off.

Well done HP on sounding geet hard there!

(Btw... I was once told that the way to snub an attack from a a vicious dog was to burn it's nose with a lighter. This was said in the Sun Inn, so I'm not too sure on it's authenication, but it's always worth a try)

Anyone getting savaged by a Bedlington terrier is clearly soft as claggy toffee. You can kill one in about a second. Just kick its face off.

Second only to 'get stood on' in the list of great old phrases.

  • 3 weeks later...

Hi - I'm a new member! My boyfriend was telling me about your site so I signed up - love it so far!

I read about a new Bedlington site in the Journal the other day and thought it might be the one you're on about but it's www.bedlington.journallive.co.uk and it's a news site - no chat - boo hiss!!!

Hi - I'm a new member! My boyfriend was telling me about your site so I signed up - love it so far!

I read about a new Bedlington site in the Journal the other day and thought it might be the one you're on about but it's www.bedlington.journallive.co.uk and it's a news site - no chat - boo hiss!!!

Welcome in Hels1978! why not say hello in our introductions section, so we can all formally say hi?

check it out by clicking here!


Arrhh The Journal Bedlington.co.uk's most ardent new member.

Wonder why they keep joining but never contribute anything? :D

Seriously though, I'm told the local press is having a very hard time of it at the moment. One contact told me things have never been so bleak on the advertising revenue front. I do hope they survive Gordon Brown economics, as we will be a poorer community without them.

Arrhh The Journal Bedlington.co.uk's most ardent new member.

Wonder why they keep joining but never contribute anything? :D

Seriously though, I'm told the local press is having a very hard time of it at the moment. One contact told me things have never been so bleak on the advertising revenue front. I do hope they survive Gordon Brown economics, as we will be a poorer community without them.

Aye, the local rags need more badly designed adverts full of spelling mistakes.

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