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Nen Baths!

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Guest mrsvic

No, no, I'm not talking about the hygine habits of some of the Station Folk, but of the current leisure situation of Bedlington town.

Nothing new there then, eh?

Well... there should have been.

Maybe not swimming baths, but the £500,000 from the sale of the Golf Club was due to go to 'facilities' for the town... now with WDC on it's last legs, it appears it's off to the County Council. Now 'up to £500,000' will be spent in Bedlington (a set of skipping ropes for hire from the council offices, with the rest as back-handers?). Anyone with any more details? I just got this from the News Post... and of course, I'm not one to spread idle rumours...

Bad craic, it seems though. :angry:


I totally agree!

I KNEW this money would be syphoned off somehow!

Its a bloody disgrace, and we ALL should do something about it!

I for one will be writing a stern letter.


that topic is so old even me great great granda was talking about it! to put it simple bedlington is to small to warrant such a feature as there would be no one actually turning up to use it! plus if you need a sports centre the high school at the station is full fitted out and available for booking! and blyth is only a short bus trip as is morpeth and ashington and newbiggin. so your stern letter will be falling on def ears! :D anyway i could think up a thousand more useful uses of the cash than a rubbish sports centre none of you would actually use (be honest when was the last time you where at a sports centre) why not create somewhere for the chavs to try and destroy like a cast iron bushshelter with built in speaker with attachments for mobile phones so they can play tha chava music! :lol::lol::lol: and smoke tha tabs and drink white lightning. :huh::D


Adroit as ever Monsta, however Mrsvic does have a valid point too. When you see community assets being stripped out and replaced with........err........well nothing really we should all be asking questions.

Course the normal whipping boys at WDC have been replaced so Mr Darn do you even know where to send your stern letter?

Never mind its all about bring local government closer to the people it serves and making it inclusive!

I wonder Mrsvic if the 500K might just be part of the million quid being already spent on the town, if so it ain’t new money!


that topic is so old even me great great granda was talking about it!

Yes, it is, and it will always be the same as long as we lie down and take it

to put it simple bedlington is to small to warrant such a feature as there would be no one actually turning up to use it!

You have a point, but i seem to remember us having a pool once over, and it being popular! :huh:

plus if you need a sports centre the high school at the station is full fitted out and available for booking!

With what? i've never heard of any facility's been offered there, and i have certainly never seen a price list! Why is this not more publicised?

and blyth is only a short bus trip as is morpeth and ashington and newbiggin.

Have you SEEN the bus prices lately? it costs me £88 a month just to get from bedlington to ASDA and back 20 times. No way would i be able to afford the extra few miles on a daily basis if i was not already traveling it for work. As it is, i get weekly tickets, so this isn't an isue for me, but for everyone else, £88 a month to use a sports center is not viable.

so your stern letter will be falling on def ears!

Possibly, but this will not deter me. Me shouting by myself will, as you suggest, be a waste of time. i hope theres more than me out there who are outraged!. Dont get me wrong, i'm not gunning for just a sports center, i just want the money to be spent on enhancing bedlington, as promised.

anyway i could think up a thousand more useful uses of the cash than a rubbish sports centre none of you would actually use

Excelent! Lets hear them!

Some may even be considered if enough people get behind them!

(be honest when was the last time you where at a sports centre)

Today. i go for an hour per day, 5 days a week before i go to meet my better half.

Blyth has an adult swim session between 7.30 and 10am weekdays, and 9am till10am sat and sun.

But, Yes, i'm in the minority, and again see your point :D

why not create somewhere for the chavs to try and destroy like a cast iron bushshelter with built in speaker with attachments for mobile phones so they can play tha chava music! and smoke tha tabs and drink white lightning.

Shame, you started off well there, then spoilt yourself, in my opinion.

Somewhere for the groups of kids to go HAS to be a priority.

I for one, am sick of going to lloyds cash machine and being surrounded by kids on bikes as i take cash out. surely some part of the £500,000 could go on bedlingtons future, as at the moment, without anything for them to do, i fear the money will be spent on another wing of cells for the police station, to house them once they are out of control! :mellow::o

Of course, my comments are not directed in Monsta's general direction, but as my answers to legitamate questions. Thankyou for bringing them up Monsta!

Lets get this debated!! :D


I can't disagree more with Monsta; have you seen the size of the Hazelmere estate these days? I tell you what, drive around one day (or mount your BMX/Horse/Bogey/Whatever) at a weekend and count the numbers of kids playing in each street, then think how many of them would use a swinning baths in Bedlington if it saved them travelling to Blyth/Concordia. This town's not too small to warrant it at all, that's absolute nonsense.

Then there's the likes of our very own Mrs Vic, who clearly uses such facilities and would rather one closer to home, and the likes of my dear old mum and her pals who go swimming on a regular basis, and would like to do so without having to use a car. And in between, of course.

As for the buses they're bloody expensive (unless, like me, you get a free pass because you can't hear the fifteen foot high bright blue vehicle advancing up the street, but that's another story....).

No, Mrs Vic is right: that money was for us - here in bedlington - and should be fought for tooth and nail; complacency is something that always comes back to bite you in the !*!@# , Monsta, and whether you want a swimming pool or not, it's 'our' money.

On this subject, and as a slight aside, there is a small organisation known as the 'Friends of Gallacher park' (hope i spell that right) who are currently campaigning, and lobbying for money, to have that particular - and rather lacklustre - facility improved; their first step is to get a BMX/Skateboard park built, something for the kids to do in otherwords, and future plans are in hand. The space is ideal, and I believe we should all get behind it.

More power to Mrs Vics elbow, I say. And her knees, and other joints.

And Mr Darn, '101 - what are your thoughts?' - it's no wonder this place is quiet of you peddle that sort of mundane nonsense! get a grip, man, and get controversial!


sorry like but even if they said yes to a swimming pool £500,000 is not going to bulid much more than a paddling pool. which will be covered over for health and safety reasons :huh: and it does need to be able to support its self and perhaps make a small profit to be a twinkle in the councils eye!

bedlington high has got loads of stuff like a gym squash courts etc and if you enquire you can use these facilities out of school hours!

how way if the pubs in bedlington cant stay open (with al the !*!@# heads in this place) what chance has a sports centre got!

sorry like but even if they said yes to a swimming pool £500,000 is not going to bulid much more than a paddling pool. which will be covered over for health and safety reasons :huh: and it does need to be able to support its self and perhaps make a small profit to be a twinkle in the councils eye!

bedlington high has got loads of stuff like a gym squash courts etc and if you enquire you can use these facilities out of school hours!

how way if the pubs in bedlington cant stay open (with al the !*!@# heads in this place) what chance has a sports centre got!

You give up too easily; the half million is just the start - dismissing it out of hand as YOU believe it would not be used is simply ludicrous. The demographic of the Bedlington population encompasses more than just you and I, it covers a great deal of age ranges and social types. With due respect, I don't think you're considering the overall picture.

That £500,000 was earmarked FOR bedlington; this is the point. As I said, complacency will bite you on the !*!@# - the 'I can't be bothered to vote because it will make no difference' attitude that prevails among the younger voters of today is exactly what has landed teh country in teh situation its in today.

Bedlington high - great - but what if you want to use the facilities within School hours?

Furthermore, there is little comparison between pubs and leisure facilities, as the pubs do not cater for children.

If you don't care, that's fine, but don't moan to the rest of us when it doesn't work out for you. This is your town, it's your country, get on the case. Join Mrs Vic in her haranguing of useless politicians, and get something done.

Furthermore, there is little comparison between pubs and leisure facilities, as the pubs do not cater for children.

aye the dee look a movies its full of them on a friday and saturday!

And Mr Darn, '101 - what are your thoughts?' - it's no wonder this place is quiet of you peddle that sort of mundane nonsense! get a grip, man, and get controversial!



At least it was a topic that involved our town, and had a particular interest to me! (Namely the fact i tried to use it and it was no longer there!)

I shall endeavour to run any future topics by you first, just to get the all clear B)

That said, I'd back those plans for gallager park, if i got to see them in a little more detail.

What better place for these 'friends' than right here??


and away on your special assignments again! its a forum for gods sake! to debate stuff etc like you said if you dont like it dont post. wey divint shift me posts if you dont like it :angry::ph34r:



At least it was a topic that involved our town, and had a particular interest to me! (Namely the fact i tried to use it and it was no longer there!)

Sims you up, Mr Darn; the 101 man!

I shall endeavour to run any future topics by you first, just to get the all clear B)

No need, just a bit of controversy into the mix!

That said, I'd back those plans for gallager park, if i got to see them in a little more detail.

I think they may have a website - i'll check for you.

What better place for these 'friends' than right here??

mmm, depends who they are....


I don't care what the naysayers think, I, for one, enjoy Darny's fractured take on the latest bleeding-edge developments in the hard news agenda.

While I'm here, what does everyone think about old Richie Cobden and his campaign to repeal the Corn Laws? It will end badly, I fear.


Old hat this,but where would they build this leisure palace,where there is land W.D.C. build houses!

Darni you off on another power trip or what?Calm down man! People might,just might take you seriously :lol:

Mercury. If kids are on the street then they are not at concordia/blyth as they do not sell cheap booze!

As for money for us ie.Bedlington,get a grip man,any money W.D.C. gets goes to Newbiggin-By- the-Sewer or Ash-it-on as in Ash-It-on Bedlington. So no surprise the money is going elsewhere....eh!!! De-ja-vu.

Bedlington High School the opperative word there is High!

Mercury don't mention 'It's your country' in HP's precense you'll be accused of racism,cos if blacks muslims or others of ethnic minorities wanted anything in Bedlington you can Guarantee HP's support,I'm sure I saw him on telly holding a placard'Basra Murderers' when our brave troops returned home,I have also heard that he has a steel hook attached to one arm,he also patrols The Monkey and Northumberland Arms preaching his White Hatred

While I'm on the subject yet more !*!@# from HP.Off topic and non-sensical as usual.Hiding behind Annon AS USUAL as if we don't know he's there,come on darni you are slipping if he's post dosn't warrant shifting to the bin then nothing does!

While I'm on the subject yet more !*!@# from HP.Off topic and non-sensical as usual.Hiding behind Annon AS USUAL as if we don't know he's there,come on darni you are slipping if he's post dosn't warrant shifting to the bin then nothing does!

The name above the door firmly states MrsVic, merlin.

However, should any posts be reported using the 'report' button, i will have a look at the offending article, as will Threegee, Fourgee and MrsVic.

Thats what its there for!! ;)

You will notice i am a little more strict in the forums i look after, But this is MrsVic's territory, and she has my full backing ;)

Old hat this,but where would they build this leisure palace,where there is land W.D.C. build houses!

When did WDC last build a house?

As for money for us ie.Bedlington,get a grip man,any money W.D.C. gets goes to Newbiggin-By- the-Sewer or Ash-it-on as in Ash-It-on Bedlington. So no surprise the money is going elsewhere....eh!!! De-ja-vu.

yeah, of course, we'll just let it be; that old complacency, hey?

Mercury don't mention 'It's your country' in HP's precense you'll be accused of racism,cos if blacks muslims or others of ethnic minorities wanted anything in Bedlington you can Guarantee HP's support,I'm sure I saw him on telly holding a placard'Basra Murderers' when our brave troops returned home,I have also heard that he has a steel hook attached to one arm,he also patrols The Monkey and Northumberland Arms preaching his White Hatred

I don't know him, so wouldn't care to comment.

Guest mrsvic
Mercury don't mention 'It's your country' in HP's precense you'll be accused of racism,cos if blacks muslims or others of ethnic minorities wanted anything in Bedlington you can Guarantee HP's support,I'm sure I saw him on telly holding a placard'Basra Murderers' when our brave troops returned home,I have also heard that he has a steel hook attached to one arm,he also patrols The Monkey and Northumberland Arms preaching his White Hatred

While I'm on the subject yet more !*!@# from HP.Off topic and non-sensical as usual.Hiding behind Annon AS USUAL as if we don't know he's there,come on darni you are slipping if he's post dosn't warrant shifting to the bin then nothing does!

As far as I'm aware, Mr Pimp does not preach any white hatred, just a level of sense that means he doesn't jump on the tabloid bandwagon of blaming all the problems of the world on those of a non-arian descent... a load of people did that once before, and I heard it wasn't too good. Odd though that, yet again, a topic about something else entirely has been forced to include the race agenda... particularly in a town where the population is almost 100% white british. Even feudal corn laws are more relevant to this town I reckon.

Back to the topic (so as not frustrate Mr Darn!) the full story is now available online at the News Post Leader!

Rock and roll.

As far as I'm aware, Mr Pimp does not preach any white hatred.

he's a ninja lover! :ph34r:

(so as not frustrate Mr Darn!)

But I LIKE to infuriate Mr Darn.

Rock and roll.

You got a hell of a lot to learn about roock n roll, lady....


I think the quotes by Councillor Reid and the ubiquitous county authority should be sending a red flare up for us all. If the new authority are not going to be bound by any pledges made by the old councils who they replace where are we? This new authority has already been shown to be fiscally imprudent and may well go back on pledges it has only just made. It was bad enough being ‘governed’ from a small (very small!) room in Ashington now we are to be overseen by people who really might think Bedlington is just a dog kennel!

As an aside, I know of moves to develop and promote Meadowdale School for community sporting facilities as well.

  • 2 weeks later...
As far as I'm aware, Mr Pimp does not preach any white hatred, just a level of sense that means he doesn't jump on the tabloid bandwagon of blaming all the problems of the world on those of a non-arian descent... a load of people did that once before, and I heard it wasn't too good. Odd though that, yet again, a topic about something else entirely has been forced to include the race agenda... particularly in a town where the population is almost 100% white british. Even feudal corn laws are more relevant to this town I reckon.

Back to the topic (so as not frustrate Mr Darn!) the full story is now available online at the News Post Leader!

Rock and roll.

Nonsense, it's a well known fact that he is a wizard beneath the sheets.

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