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Betrayal Of The Gurkhas


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How many here consider the Government's strategy in dealing with the older group of Gurkhas shameful? The premise that 'if you're prepared to die Blighty, you should be allowed to settle here' seem fair to me. 45,000 died for us in WW1 & WW2 and even this weekend Cpl Kumar Pun was killed in Afghanistan (he was also the son a former Gurkha). The cost of the proposal to allow settlement seems to me to be modest in the grand scheme of things.

Sure, there'll be the usual racist insects who'll baulk at this notion of fairness ... probably spouting the usual line 'if you let one lot in you'll have to let the rest in nonesense', or calling them 'just common mercenaries who shouldn't have any right to come here twaddle'.

Amazing how badly the Government have handled the issue - didn't they realise the British people have a fondness for the men from the foothills of the Himalayas?

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How many here consider the Government's strategy in dealing with the older group of Gurkhas shameful? The premise that 'if you're prepared to die Blighty, you should be allowed to settle here' seem fair to me. 45,000 died for us in WW1 & WW2 and even this weekend Cpl Kumar Pun was killed in Afghanistan (he was also the son a former Gurkha). The cost of the proposal to allow settlement seems to me to be modest in the grand scheme of things.

Sure, there'll be the usual racist insects who'll baulk at this notion of fairness ... probably spouting the usual line 'if you let one lot in you'll have to let the rest in nonesense', or calling them 'just common mercenaries who shouldn't have any right to come here twaddle'.

Amazing how badly the Government have handled the issue - didn't they realise the British people have a fondness for the men from the foothills of the Himalayas?

I agree 100%, Symtoms, Gordon and his incompetent band should be ashamed of themselves for their handling of this situation, as you say these people were prepared to die for the cause and many did, therefore they have every right to settle here and be made to feel welcome.

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Is it really surprising how out of touch our elected leaders are these days, it is starting to look as if they believe they are there by "divine right!" A national trait is a sense of fair play not surprising this has blown up in their faces.

So we can allow in some Eastern European miscreants whose only mission is to carry on their nefarious activities while not allowing people who have put their lives on the line to defend our way of life. The "new rules" where they have to have served for 99 years or been awarded a posthumous Victoria Cross (Ok not quite that bad but not far off!) is ridiculous.

Anyone who "takes the Queen's shilling" should be given by right the Queens hospitality, especially in a time of armed conflict.

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But do not miss any opportunity to invoke the memory of our war heroes to gain a few votes:


This is of course from the website of Mrs Ed Balls - the mouth disconnected from the brain otherwise known as Yvette Cooper. Our current Chief Secretary to the Treasury, and aspiring Prime Minister (well at least Ed thinks the electorate won't see right through her; but maybe he's planning another PM coronation instead).

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Is it really surprising how out of touch our elected leaders

But who elected them Malcolm? as far as I recall Tony Blair was the leader at the last election not Brown the clown. This man became Prime Minister by default not by public vote, but you are right it really is not surprising how out of touch he is.

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Joanna lumley doesn't even live in folkestone where most of the 100,000 will end up..celebrity power........how typically weak of our goverment.

most of these "warriors" have done less than 2 years service.Cheriton where most of them reside has become a mecca for brothels and betting offices.their women are just incubators.my daughters class is already half nepalese.i don't have anything against them apart from having to queue in the bookies and never having a chance of winning "dads race" on my kids sports day....but they don't mix with us and Folkestone has been lumped with a huge volume of them.........they are dirt poor and handpicked from their villages.......nothing fights better than skint young males....exploited by the goverment same as us all.........joanna lumley!!!!good grief!!last week it was dafur........... this week the gurkhas.............i bet the tamil tigers has sent her a text already for next week.........

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But who elected them Malcolm? as far as I recall Tony Blair was the leader at the last election not Brown the clown. This man became Prime Minister by default not by public vote, but you are right it really is not surprising how out of touch he is.


I don't really blame Brown for taking over the premiership by default, although it is obvious he is the wrong man in the wrong job at the wrong time, after all it was Blair who stood at the last election promising to see out a full term! It all just goes to show what utter contempt they hold the electorate in!

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Joanna lumley doesn't even live in folkestone where most of the 100,000 will end up..celebrity power........how typically weak of our goverment.

most of these "warriors" have done less than 2 years service.Cheriton where most of them reside has become a mecca for brothels and betting offices.their women are just incubators.my daughters class is already half nepalese.i don't have anything against them apart from having to queue in the bookies and never having a chance of winning "dads race" on my kids sports day....but they don't mix with us and Folkestone has been lumped with a huge volume of them.........they are dirt poor and handpicked from their villages.......nothing fights better than skint young males....exploited by the goverment same as us all.........joanna lumley!!!!good grief!!last week it was dafur........... this week the gurkhas.............i bet the tamil tigers has sent her a text already for next week.........


I completely understand where you are coming from on this but isn't it more about how we treat ex-service people in general than the topic's title? We train them and give them skills with one thing in mind and when demobbed almost turn our backs on them. I don't think we can do enough for anyone prepared to put their life on the line to protect our way of life and I would include some aspects of the emergency services in that as well. The rights and wrongs of the present conflict are another matter, the fact remains there are bullets flying around and "our" kids are being killed, the very least we can do is to try and adequately thank them for the risks they all take and if that means retraining, counselling, whatever, so they slot into civilian life better, so be it. I would rather my tax money went into that than some dammed MP's fictitious expenses claim!

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I know this is going to be unpopular but there are reasons that they should stay in the Nepal, their pensions help the communities there a great deal, and that negates some of the poverty in remote regions, many cannot wait to get back after service ends but now more are wanting to come and stay in the UK, I know that they just dont settle well, its just my opinion but i see them here and the wifes look miserable and lost, they bring gran mother over as well but its just fish totally out of water, they are a friendly people, but sometimes not that friendly and can be stand offish.

We take the best men out of a community and to keep doing that and just keep them here through easy rules seems like a double whammy for the Nepalese Villages they came from. Im not sure its a good thing, if they want to stay tho im not sure public opinion will not let it happen. Joanna lumixly tho hasnt a real clue about the complexities of the issue and after this she be back to saving giraffes and something

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Again I can understand your argument Dave but purely on a matter of principle, as the topic title would suggest, if someone is willing to stand up and fight for a country shouldn't that country reciprocate that allegiance?

In time that pay back could be in terms of economic help or help with infrastructure projects to tackle the root cause of the indigenous problems thereby reducing the need for emigration. Like most foreign aid and charitable donations etc we seem intent on covering up the cracks with expensive wallpaper instead of helping rebuild the walls.

As for JL, I think her face said it all when at that hastily convened press conference, after her meeting with the PM, the minister had to somehow explain that the promises she had just been given off the PM might not, in fact, be what she thought they were! Her scowl, for me, seemed to be the dawning realisation that in the world of grubby politics she was fighting above her weight and may well have been cynically manipulated!

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Again I can understand your argument Dave but purely on a matter of principle, as the topic title would suggest, if someone is willing to stand up and fight for a country shouldn't that country reciprocate that allegiance?

In time that pay back could be in terms of economic help or help with infrastructure projects to tackle the root cause of the indigenous problems thereby reducing the need for emigration. Like most foreign aid and charitable donations etc we seem intent on covering up the cracks with expensive wallpaper instead of helping rebuild the walls.

As for JL, I think her face said it all when at that hastily convened press conference, after her meeting with the PM, the minister had to somehow explain that the promises she had just been given off the PM might not, in fact, be what she thought they were! Her scowl, for me, seemed to be the dawning realisation that in the world of grubby politics she was fighting above her weight and may well have been cynically manipulated!

they got paid to fight! just like any job nen body forced them to do it. they should stay away the benifit leaches!

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they got paid to fight! just like any job nen body forced them to do it. they should stay away the benifit leaches!

to further that what about al the other countries that died to help us such as the americans who in all fairness save us for complete destruction from mr hitler!!! they still have to gan through immigration! so if tha gan de it for one they'll have to de it for all them.

so sorry but gurkas gan an dee one! :angry:

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Guest mrsvic
I know this is going to be unpopular but there are reasons that they should stay in the Nepal, their pensions help the communities there a great deal, and that negates some of the poverty in remote regions, many cannot wait to get back after service ends but now more are wanting to come and stay in the UK, I know that they just dont settle well, its just my opinion but i see them here and the wifes look miserable and lost, they bring gran mother over as well but its just fish totally out of water, they are a friendly people, but sometimes not that friendly and can be stand offish.

We take the best men out of a community and to keep doing that and just keep them here through easy rules seems like a double whammy for the Nepalese Villages they came from. Im not sure its a good thing, if they want to stay tho im not sure public opinion will not let it happen. Joanna lumixly tho hasnt a real clue about the complexities of the issue and after this she be back to saving giraffes and something

Again, I am going to present my arguement that until the chava scum, who serve absolutely no purpose in British society, are irradicated we have no grounds to disallow anyone into 'our' country, just because they may have minor cultural differences at times. As humans we all have the same basic needs to shelter, food, safety and the right to look after and protect our families etc, as well as responsibilites like to make a positive input to society, not to hurt others, look after your fellow man, and generally be nice... as far as the Ghurkas go, it seems they're alright... but then, most people are welcome here in my eyes... if they are prepared to come over and work, make an input to society, then it shouldn't be an issue, let them stay... if they are going to leech off the state like the millions of own doing so without any intention of working to make the country better, stick them in detention centres and send them back... just please send some of our lot with them.

Asylum/ immigration debates never seem to end, but the numbers pale into comparison with the number of British born wasters snuffling every last penny they can get. Perhaps like National Insurance, we should have a contributions based system? You work, help people, volunteer and contribute to society you get to stay (workers, recent unemployed, Ghurkas etc)... you do sod all and expect money thrown at you for your rotten lifestyle, illegitimate spawn, decedance of white lightning/ fancy brandy (delete as whether charva/ MP), send them away... preferably to somewhere like North Korea, near a nuclear testing site.

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Again, I am going to present my arguement that until the chava scum, who serve absolutely no purpose in British society, are irradicated we have no grounds to disallow anyone into 'our' country, just because they may have minor cultural differences at times. As humans we all have the same basic needs to shelter, food, safety and the right to look after and protect our families etc, as well as responsibilites like to make a positive input to society, not to hurt others, look after your fellow man, and generally be nice... as far as the Ghurkas go, it seems they're alright... but then, most people are welcome here in my eyes... if they are prepared to come over and work, make an input to society, then it shouldn't be an issue, let them stay... if they are going to leech off the state like the millions of own doing so without any intention of working to make the country better, stick them in detention centres and send them back... just please send some of our lot with them.

Asylum/ immigration debates never seem to end, but the numbers pale into comparison with the number of British born wasters snuffling every last penny they can get. Perhaps like National Insurance, we should have a contributions based system? You work, help people, volunteer and contribute to society you get to stay (workers, recent unemployed, Ghurkas etc)... you do sod all and expect money thrown at you for your rotten lifestyle, illegitimate spawn, decedance of white lightning/ fancy brandy (delete as whether charva/ MP), send them away... preferably to somewhere like North Korea, near a nuclear testing site.

only if you follow! how can you say the youngins of today do sod all? they probably would do something if there was something for them to do!!! stinking immigrants and migrant workers stealing are few remaining jobs, have you looked on the job centres web site lately obviously not otherwise you would know theres nowt! so the homegrown youngins have nowt better to do than drink and waste there lives.

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Well true , i suppose its better to be a bit out of place over here, than a "resident" in your face filled with hate and cheap cider.. I just wonder why they would wont to come over here, i think they have an image of 1950's Britain , when it was a bit queiter and fairer maybe. I remember going on Adventure training with a bunch of Lads from the GurKa rifles too a place called Brak off Yugoslavia, they were great fun, had a great laugh, a Scottish Charva from the Black Watch started taking the P#$% out of this one when he was drunk, calling him some terrible names, all the Gurka said was , why are you being like that? The idiot jock couldnt think of any reason so just got more in his face, so the Gurka -- ( fella called Mann ) kicked him in the head., in a lightening quick move, he knocked him clean out , fell like a sack of !*!@# , we threw him in the water . He was so concussed he threw up all day, haha... yeah great days

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only if you follow! how can you say the youngins of today do sod all? they probably would do something if there was something for them to do!!! stinking immigrants and migrant workers stealing are few remaining jobs, have you looked on the job centres web site lately obviously not otherwise you would know theres nowt! so the homegrown youngins have nowt better to do than drink and waste there lives.

What absolute hogwash.

Young people today have every opportunity in the world open to them, the schools are brilliant compared to the way they were in the 80s and early 90s.

It's never been easier to gain access to a University education. Graduates earn on average £250K more than non-graduates over their working life.

If a British young person, with the advantage of residency, language and access to education, is having a job "stolen" from them by an immigrant it's because they are too stupid or lazy to get out and get that job.

Laziness and ignorance are the enemy, not people from other countries.

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Guest mrsvic
only if you follow! how can you say the youngins of today do sod all? they probably would do something if there was something for them to do!!! stinking immigrants and migrant workers stealing are few remaining jobs, have you looked on the job centres web site lately obviously not otherwise you would know theres nowt! so the homegrown youngins have nowt better to do than drink and waste there lives.

47547 jobs available today... 100s within 20 mile of Bedlington. Northumberland CC show 100s on their website, including loads of apprenticeships, as do the other councils. Sector1.net have 100s of jobs in the area too. Oh, and there are one or 2 agencies around.

Contributing to society doesn't necessarily mean getting paid if it's still not available, as I thought I wrote... try the CVS amongst others to find a voluntary project to help out your fellow man... you don't just have to be on the New Deal to work for nowt!

As for the 'youngins' who drink and waste their lives, are they the produce of 3rd and even 4th generation unemployed in the area? It's not good, but unless you want it to be a perpetual cycle, it can't be used as an excuse anymore. There are too many excuses to why people wont get out there and do anything to benefit society... living lives that involve scrounging taxes and popping out mealtickets... if it's that shameful and there's no way out, then perhaps they should use the free contraception their social workers keep telling them to use.

When the first of the lot lost their jobs it had nothing to do with any immigrants, and living in the North East, it remains to not be a factor now. Hopefully once this economic blip is over with then jobs will come back for many more... but few long-term unemployed will be taking them... it's far too easy to live from someone else's pockets.

Perhaps we need some kind of freeview TV station to follow the great unwashed on their daily ventures, so we can see them searching dilligently for meaningful employment/ training, as until I physically see someone from Bedlington refused a job to have it given to migrant, I refuse to believe this rubbish.

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Guest mrsvic
Not for nothing, Mrsvic, but you appear to be turning into a blue-rinsed old biddy. You'll be bringing back the workhouse next.

I'm currently applying for a change of use for the Terrier... not far to ship them from that way :o

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until I physically see someone from Bedlington refused a job to have it given to migrant, I refuse to believe this rubbish.

Bang on, Mrs Vic - way to go old girl. Unemployment is always going to present a problem of one kind or another, but the 'jobs nicked by immigrants' excuse simply doesn't wash with me. before my present era of self-employment, and since my starting my first job at the age of 18 - my God, that was some time ago - I have worked for eight different companies, many of them with workforce of in excess of 500. The number of 'immigrants' I can count on having worked alongside is absolutely negligible. Of course, in a different part of the country (and bear in mind my working years in the great metropolis of Manchester) things may be somewhet different, but certainly not here.

As for the Gurkha's, let em in.

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so theres 47574 jobs available! thats not nearly a drop compaired to the amounts being laid off! plus most of these jobs are special skilled jobs such as teachers etc and the rest are cleaners!

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so theres 47574 jobs available! thats not nearly a drop compaired to the amounts being laid off! plus most of these jobs are special skilled jobs such as teachers etc and the rest are cleaners!

I love it how people that aren't prepared to put in a little time and effort to gain some valuable skills are suddenly above manual non skilled jobs such as cleaners.

The free market will always provide work for those that are prepared to do it unfortunately the minimum wage legislation means that people that are often willing to work for less are unable to do so.

Also wage inflation creeps in as higher paid people try to maintain their pay differential. This cost-push inflation is why manufacturing in this country is no longer competitive.

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