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At first I thought it was my eyes, then I thought my laptop had a virus, then i realised it must be you lot messing around.

Are you trying to encourage the snow to come?


At first I thought it was my eyes, then I thought my laptop had a virus, then i realised it must be you lot messing around.

Are you trying to encourage the snow to come?

Only the Warm Wide Web kind! biggrin.gif


Are you trying to encourage the snow to come?

Funnily enough we did get hail the day we put it on.


that snows becoming really annoying! :D

OK I'll add an option to disable it.


you can't. it's either on or off for everybody until I get a few spare minutes to add a toggle.


Did I ever tell you how much I hate snow!

Well, I do, but even more I hate cold weather, and Winter!

And boy do we have it just now.

Ten days ago, the temperatures were in the low to medium teens, not great, but not so bad either.

Then last week, it all went to hell an a handbasket!

First we had high winds, then the temperatures began to fall, and last Friday, it began to snow, and with it, all Southern Alberta suffered winds of 60 to 80 Kilometres an hour.

By noon Friday, every major highway in Central and Southern Alberta was snowbound, hundreds, possibly thousands of vehicles, large and small were left helpless in the blizzard. Emergency vehicls were stuck in snow. Several were stuck enroute to a Calgary fire. Meanwhile Four houses built side by side in a new housing developement burned down to the basements, as the fire crews tried to carry their equipment through the six foot drifts blocking the entrance to the developement. Fortunately, no one died in that fire.

By Saturday, the snow was diminishing, but so was the tempurature. From -15C windchill it fell to -28C.

My wife was home with our grandkids since our youngest daughter spent five hours completing a car trip from office to home that normally takes 25 to 40 minutes.

My wife stayed till dawn, and started home. This is normally a 15 minute trip, she called me twice while en route, and finally arrived home at 3.30pm Saturday afternoon. The final insult was that she got stuck on a major intown route while trying to turn into our enclave.

Since then, the snow has calmed considerably, but the cold has persisted.

And tonights suppertime news forecast warns of temperatures for the rest of the week ranging from -22C to -33C, with accompanying windchills of -25C to -42C.

I stuck her in a hot shower, fed her anything that she could stomach, and tried to cheer her up by telling her how fortunate we are in comparison to people who live closer to the Rockies, and the real bad weather.

She may be talking to me by June. But tomorrow night we are supposed to be at my Grandsons school music

festival. After that does,(Or does not) occur, we will see who is, or is not talking to whom!

As I said before, I really hate cold,Snow,Winter, and for the umpteenth time I have to ask her: Why did we move to Calgary, again!

Merry Christmas to all of you, better weather anyway!

Regards to all.

Joe Rooney


Ho Ho Ho Joe, nice to see you pop up out of that snow bank! we've had snow for about 6 weeks now but we didn't get big dump you did, the girls did in Leduc, two years ago October 21st we got 4ft but it was all gone by May or was it June! :rolleyes: -34c last night. :angry:


So why should it be off for everybody because one person didn't like it?

a) 'cos it'll be a surprise when it gets turned on again.

c) 'cos it was Monsta, and you just gotta keep feeding Monstas cookies.

d) 'cos 4G likes work.

e) 'cos people need something less depressing to complain about at Christmas time.

f) 'cos it can be.


Joe I truly sympathise with you and your hatred of the snow but.....

Please can I have the snow back? I grew to like it!!


Of course you can have your snow back, Camille. We just have to ask Vic for some of his surplus.

Where he lives, they have far more snow than anyone outside of the Winter Olympics could ever use.

But here in Southern Alberta, the local CTV news is running reports of several hundred cars that are still buried under several feet of the white stuff from last Friday and Saturday, and following that with forecasts of more snow by Thusday.

You know, one of my pet irritants are Grandchildren who come over and ask if I am feeling OK because I am so quiet! They don,t seem to understand that if I have nothing to say, then I dont talk. And since they have been burbling about how cool the snow has been, and I cant take it out on them for enjoying it so much.

So I take the safe way, and vent my frustrations on unsuspecting friends in Bedlington, and thereabouts.

Just one of things you have to do to stay sane in your years of advancing decrepitude, while keeping the peace with various daughters, and one bristling wife.

Thank you all for your kind forebearance, and tolerance.

And good to hear from you Vic, but I am still thankful that I decided not to live in Banff!

By the way, I did have a few weeks of extra aches and pains that kept me off line for a while.

But I am fine for now, just a little quiet!

Regards, Joe :)

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