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Red Lion Restaurant

Andy Millne

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No, it wouldn't. But then what would the government tax to get its money?

Petrol is looking to be obsolite in 50 yrs, tobacco either needs banning, or the laws relaxed on other drugs such as canabis, and the way health crazes are going alcohol will be pushed further and further underground too.

Whats left?

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it wouldn't be the end of the world!

Haven't we had a conversation about your flippany complacency before, Monsta? Allowing the government to outlaw things that people have considered as 'guilty pleasures' for decades, if not centuries, is allowin the first step towards them controlling what we can and can't do to a greater degree. It should be my choice - even as a non smoker - whether i want to drink in a smoke filled bar or not, just as it should be my choice whether I want to drink, or smoke, as each is perfectly legal. You're right, it wouldn't be the end of the world, but it would be another step on the way to eroding yet more of our enjoyable civil liberties. You will stop accepting it when they move on to things that affect you.

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I agree, banning smoking and drinking would not be the end of the world but would it be the begining of the end. As Mr D has said where would Gordon get his tax from.

Banning everything and taking people's freedom of chioce away leads to nothing left except the air we breath, how long before the clown at number 10 starts to tax that? Just a thought.

mercuryg, I understand the point you make about smoking not comming back but we are the people not Gordon and his cronies there only there to cary out our wishes and its time the people of this country got together and started making them do that.

I am getting mighty sick of them telling me what I can do and cant do but have to listen to the lattest remarks (allegedly) I'm a cab for hire at £5000 a day, who do these idiots people think they are

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I just think that it is a shame about all the pubs not just the Red Lion as being a Bar Lass I have fond memories of all the pubs in Bedlington (the blue bell on an afternoon watching deal or no deal and putting £2 bets on racehorses) and I just think that pubs are going to slowly sizzle out and there won't be anymore. But what will happen then for those of us who do enjoy going out?? Yes the breweries are destroying the pub industry but the government is the biggest greediest person ever as if you imagine for every pint a pub sells they put around 5p on a pint when the new budget comes in. Imagine how much the brewery is forced to put the beer up in order to be able to still make a hefty profit. All the breweries are in it for these days is to make money out of short term landlords because when you invest in a pub you invest 1000's and the majority of landlords/ladies last around 18 months - 2 years and then they are forced to move as the brewery puts the price of rent, rates up the more that the pub is turning over so then they get rid of one person, get someone else in and then charge them to invest which goes around in a vigorous circle and no matter what the breweries say they are all the same. A guy from Punch Taverns once asked me if I would take over the Dun Cow if somebody left and I said no because all you breweries are all the same and he said actually we are different. YEAH RIGHT!! Thats why the dun cow, the market tavern, clayton and all the others that punch owns has had god knows how many people in them!!!

In a few years time this country is going to be completely destroyed and it will all be the governments fault!

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Bar lass,

The memories are still with me; did anyone ever win anything with those bets? And did we succeed in hiding from the Blind Man? Anyhow, back to the point....

You are correct in slating the government but alcohol is a luxury and, as such, will always be taxed to the hilt. The direct problem lies with the fact that it is nigh on impossible to make a decent living these days from a tied house, as the likes of Punch Taverns are hanging on to a property portfolio, not a chain of pubs. We have to remember that Punch, and many others who own a great number of pubs, is not a brewery; the brewery's - and there are many - supply their products in a free market, yet Punch insists that their tenants pay THEM the price that THEY set. I know of a manager in a free house who is paying a lot less for the same products than in a tied house, and benefiting from the result (the prices, while not considerably lower, are notably discounted but the fact remains that the ability to make a living is actually realistic.) Pubs are not charities, after all, but businesses, yet something needs to be done to rejuvenate interest. Having said that, I was in the Grapes yesterday for a couple of hours and considering it was Wednesday afternoon there was a fair deal of trade going on.

Perhaps we should have regular bedlington.co.uk meets in local bars; i'm sure Monsta would be the first at the bar to get a round in.

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Monsta would only buy tapwater from what i hear on here! and he's winge about that being *****!:lol: :lol: :D

As for the meets, i cant see it happening... people on here dont use their real names for a reason.

Good idea though. in the foundation.

I know i'd pop over to one, if plenty of noticew was given, and you had some sausage rolls on the go! :D

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Monsta would only buy tapwater from what i hear on here! and he's winge about that being *****!:lol: :lol: :D

As for the meets, i cant see it happening... people on here dont use their real names for a reason.

Good idea though. in the foundation.

I know i'd pop over to one, if plenty of noticew was given, and you had some sausage rolls on the go! :D

tapwaters free! and why not winge? if your not happy with something its your right to have your say!

its not my fault the taverns and restuarants in bedlington are below par! probably the reason there all shutting!

sausagerolls i thought you where into black pudding and marmite! :lol:

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Black pudding and ....:mellow:

o - k...:blink:

i do agree with the winging part tho. Ask my lass, she's sick of me moaning about every little thing!

The thing is, if its a service, it normally results in something better...

Bad Pint? Tell them! i've complained more than once, and been re-imbursed.

Poor Service? Complain! Your paying for it! Get them telt!

In the liong run they'll take it one of 2 ways.

Constructivly, and improve whats wrong, or they'll spit the dummy out. Something i tend to do when i don't get my own way :D

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Black pudding and ....:mellow:

o - k...:blink:

i do agree with the winging part tho. Ask my lass, she's sick of me moaning about every little thing!

The thing is, if its a service, it normally results in something better...

Bad Pint? Tell them! i've complained more than once, and been re-imbursed.

Poor Service? Complain! Your paying for it! Get them telt!

In the liong run they'll take it one of 2 ways.

Constructivly, and improve whats wrong, or they'll spit the dummy out. Something i tend to do when i don't get my own way :D

I had to rep you for that last bit :lol:

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Darnie, never mind monster moaning about tapwater he'll have a good right to moan,have you seen the !*!@# they put in it?

Monsta, do you you not think it should be black pudding and vaseline :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


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I guess you know more about that than me merlin... you seem obsessed with it!:blink:

Thanks Cympil! i thought someone would appreciate it :D

I had a very sheltered upbringing me! :rolleyes: I haven't got a clue what you're on about, is it something to do with the frying of the black pudding ;):blink::unsure: That must be why dogs are fussy :D

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