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Law Courts To Close?

Andy Millne

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Rumour has it that the law courts are set to close with court employees being asked whether they would prefer to travel to either the courts in Newcastle or Gateshead.

If that is the case what is to happen to the building there? It hasn't even been there for ten years yet has it? Could this be our fabled Leisure Centre?

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Rumour has it that the law courts are set to close with court employees being asked whether they would prefer to travel to either the courts in Newcastle or Gateshead.

If that is the case what is to happen to the building there? It hasn't even been there for ten years yet has it? Could this be our fabled Leisure Centre?

I can't see why the Law Courts in Bedlington would close – where has this rumour come from?

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Rumour has it that the law courts are set to close with court employees being asked whether they would prefer to travel to either the courts in Newcastle or Gateshead.

If that is the case what is to happen to the building there? It hasn't even been there for ten years yet has it? Could this be our fabled Leisure Centre?

Who's the source for this rumour? I'm suspicious.

Should it be true, we should arrange a mass show of criminal behaviour to keep the court in business.

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If we can't even hang on to pre-padded govt jobs then that's ghastly! ohmy.gif

Hope it's not true, but given the size of the cuts necessary after Gordon's mega-binge it's not beyond the bounds of possibility. He may be using the bankers as a convenient scapegoat, but it was he who presided over credit getting totally out of control, and it was he who put nothing aside during the good years.

There's been a bit of confusion about this, but the total cost of fixing the hole in the budget over the next 8 years is going to be the equivalent of £2,400 per family, per year, in the form of higher taxes or lower spending and investment. Unfortunately, that's not cumulative, it's annual.

But that's all right because someone else will be paying it, won't they? Err.. wrong!

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If we can't even hang on to pre-padded govt jobs then that's ghastly!

Even more so when you consider 40% of all jobs in the county are public sector ones, in my view far too weighted but jobs nevertheless. We have now lost the presupposed coziness of Och and Ich running the county and if Bootsie and Smudge take over not hard to see where they will be making their much heralded cuts in public spends!

Course we will be hit with a double whammy soon as not only national frontline services will be effected local ones delivered by the County are to be drastically cut as well. There does seem to be a pattern developing….cut the service and change more for less!

As for the original question, I can't see how or why a dedicated building like the courts is, can be discarded? It was built for a purpose and is delivering that purpose or am I missing something? It would make a cracking leisure centre though or even a business addendum to the Tesco development.

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10/1 they knock it down and build 200 houses on the site :D

I wouldn't take that bet Merlin………….

However it is worth pointing out that one reason that WDC was so keen to have new housing was that it got a bigger grant from central government, or in reality it was allowed to keep more of the business rates it collected. I wonder if the county have the same carrot?

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Rip that down aswell, never needed it in the first place. :D


With that gone i'll have to walk from Blyth or Cramlington after getting locked up!!! :D

Its handy, leave it alone. (also good if you parked in the car park expecting to do the walk of shame the next morning to pick it up! ;) )

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Well its apparently to close because Tescos are going to put a 3 hour limit on vehicles using there car park.

So the answer is pull the police station down and put a carpark on there I mean they don,t actually do a lot and they can move back in to the old one or put a portacabin on the "new frontstreet" or they can move in to one of the numerouse empty shops... just a thought lol :rolleyes:

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