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Nice looking website with 100% glowing testimonials from happy customers which: "We have not changed or altered ... in any way what so ever".

But, before you place an order google on the name first! blink.gif

Nuf said.

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There's an even bigger laugh Mons. It seems that the two guys at computerwebstore that are attracting so many customer complaints both share the surname p****

Go on have a totally wild guess Bedlingtonians!

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There's an even bigger laugh Mons. It seems that the two guys at computerwebstore that are attracting so many customer complaints both share the surname p****

Go on have a totally wild guess Bedlingtonians!


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It's a rogue idea I know, but somehow I can't help being a builder of a very similar association. unsure.gif

Wouldn't surprise me to learn they are sons is too!

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