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Now that the no smoking campaign has ended and we will soon not be able to smoke in a working man's club and other establishments it's time to hit the junk food outlets.


What will happen next, will it be unhealthy to breathe or to stand within 1 meter of each other, or will they ban all forms of transport and you will be made to walk eveywhere with a fixed penelty if you do not exceed four miles per hour but you must remain one meter apart even in the Toon centre at Christmas, oh I forgot thats baned too.

Sorry just having a gripe but if the ban everything brigade have their way we soon won't be able to do anything


Beans are next Pete. :D

Yesterdays new bullitin, the Goverment are considering droping tax on fuel also road tax may be scraped, you will charged for every mile that you do or you can walk. Is this yet another one of our rights the Goverment wants to take from us the right to own and drive a car because they will soon make it impossible for you to use a car and they don't supply an alternative.

Soon we will have no rights or freedom.

Thank you the nanny state

Personally I welcome the smoking ban next year :rolleyes:

It's sweet, less folk at the bar

Until that smelly old bar has to close due to lack of customers. :rolleyes:

Until that smelly old bar has to close due to lack of customers. :rolleyes:

or because they ban alcohol.... after all, its about the only drug besids caffine that is a stimulant and still legal to take without a prescription!!

ASDA has caused upraw among the educational system, they have upped their 'knives and anything to do with smoking' policy to the 'chalenge 21' status.

now anyone under 21, that does not have I.D to show they are over 18 cannot buy these items!

Schoolchildren in blyth are up in arms!!!

(but still getting their fix at the local 'corner shop')


Blairs nanny state is now telling me that I can't buy my fags on the Internet (cos he'd loose eight billion if he lets us) Now we have Blairs nanny state Internet police.

Howay the Black Markrtiers man, keep that Golden Virginia comming.


Blairs nanny state is now telling me that I can't buy my fags on the Internet (cos he'd loose eight billion if he lets us) Now we have Blairs nanny state Internet police.

Howay the Black Markrtiers man, keep that Golden Virginia comming.


I'd appreciate it if you didn't wantonly flaunt pornography on this board thank you Mr Pete!


I've been reliably informed that it's a well-known brand of rolling tobacco, not a skin-flick.

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