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I don't suppose I am alone in thinking that nothing ever gets done in Bedlington. Yes we have a new Market Square, but have you seen any sign of the much advertised expanded Tesco's. I went up there this morning and was disgusted by the state of the pavement outside the store. It is littered with all sorts of rubbish. We have so many empty shops in Bedlington, it is becoming a ghost town. What are our council doing about attracting new business? I know for a fact that there was a buyer for the old shoe shop, but like most thing here it took so long for something to happen the buyer gave up.

We always see pictures of our councilors doing good work, but never in Bedlington. I remember them all standing outside the garage opposite Tesco's saying that it was to re-developed. What happened to that?

Instead of wasting money on useless papers, and magazines on the area, use it to improve Bedlington. Give it back it's heart. Give it life. Make the residents proud, to live here. Spend money here instead of Blyth, Ashington, Newbiggin etc.,

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that's why we set up the save bedlington page on facebook. It's on here too! I am awaiting a reply from Tesco re: the expansion. And I'm waiting for MP's to get back to me! we are all sick of Bedlington being the "poor relation". We have said we have a great community, a safe place to live and our M.P's, councillors, council etc.. are letting Bedlington go to the dogs! We deserve decent facilities to meet our needs and the people of Bedlington have had enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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that's why we set up the save bedlington page on facebook. It's on here too! I am awaiting a reply from Tesco re: the expansion. And I'm waiting for MP's to get back to me! we are all sick of Bedlington being the "poor relation". We have said we have a great community, a safe place to live and our M.P's, councillors, council etc.. are letting Bedlington go to the dogs! We deserve decent facilities to meet our needs and the people of Bedlington have had enough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here, here!


I am glad to hear that other people think the same. How do we get something done. I have never got involved in local politics, but I feel that we have been very badly let down.

From what I read in the press we are not alone, it seems to be a problem in the so called developed world!!!!!!!


It seems everyone in Bedlington has had enough.. We have for a long time but we've just moaned to others about it in every day conversations and not to those we should be moaning to!I know nothing about the politics either but we've all had enough and that's why we are looking for ways to make our voices heard!



West Bedlington Town Council meeting tomorrow night. There is a VERY brief questions and answers session at the beginning of the meeting so come prepared. Don't waste your question with "When is something going to happen?" be specific tell them what you DO want.



West Bedlington Town Council meeting tomorrow night. There is a VERY brief questions and answers session at the beginning of the meeting so come prepared. Don't waste your question with "When is something going to happen?" be specific tell them what you DO want.

wey your having a laugh! people have been saying what they want for years and nowt ever happens!


Didn't know about meeting. can't attend as I'm at my daughters high schooltomorrow night from half 6 til 9 as we have important meeting about her choices for year 10 and meetings with all her teachers. Trying to find out if anyone of our members going. Just wish I had more time to devote to this


It is encouraging that we at least now seem to be talking with each other in reasonable numbers.


I know you are a fan of Gandhi (http://www.bedlingto...irthday-gandhi/) maybe he can convince you.

"when people lead, governments will follow." - Monsta's Mate

thing is the leaders round here are fat and stupid and care little about anything other than themselves! and there pay cheques and bonuses.


thing is the leaders round here are fat and stupid and care little about anything other than themselves! and there pay cheques and bonuses.

I think there's a lot of truth in that but we've let them get that way.


I am very heartened about all the replies I have had to my post. I am disabled, but if I can attend I will. Perhaps it is time to act with our feet, or in my case lack of them, and vote for a change, before we get more of the same.

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West Bedlington Town Council meeting tomorrow night. There is a VERY brief questions and answers session at the beginning of the meeting so come prepared. Don't waste your question with "When is something going to happen?" be specific tell them what you DO want.

There is a VERY brief questions and answers session at the beginning of the meeting so come prepared.

Which can be extended if the chairman sees fit!

The problem here is that the powers of a parish/town council are pretty limited, certainly within the context of what we are talking about , which is essentially social/economic regeneration whose remit is essentially a County Council one. Much better to 'lobby' at the Area meetings where most if not all county councillors and a lot of officers attend.

Having said that the town council do have a route to take their community's concerns further up the ladder and lets not forget the Mayor and vice Mayor are county councillors as well!

There is another comparable community route and that is through the Partnership meetings, so if the politics puts anyone off you are still able to progress your cause in a non political environment.

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The reality is that Bedlington is now becoming a large "commuter" town with people working outside of the local area, lack of investment coupled with poor facilities will eventually drive people away to area's better suited to modern demands, for a town that has such great links to major road networks this is unnecessary, the lack of foresight by local representatives is incredible, as for the "Front Street" it beggars belief that business can't invest because they might spoil the look of the place, look at the old Ford Showroom / Red Lion / and all the other properties that have suffered becasue of the lack of upkeep over the years, it's about time we had some modern investment that attracts more Business and better facilities ie: public sports/gym facility, decent coffee shops, better variety of shops, just look at the new Sanderson Arcade in Morpeth!!!

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Here Here. These echo my comments. By the way, my son made the comment that at the Hartford Bridge bend where the Morpeth turn is, have you seen the sign for the new Sanderson Arcade. Who allowed that? It is almost as if they say "Don't bother going that way, Bedlington has nothing to offer!!!!!


Here Here. These echo my comments. By the way, my son made the comment that at the Hartford Bridge bend where the Morpeth turn is, have you seen the sign for the new Sanderson Arcade. Who allowed that? It is almost as if they say "Don't bother going that way, Bedlington has nothing to offer!!!!!

Good point, the council obviously decide who puts what where! sadly it's a fact that Bedlington has very little or nothing to offer these signs actually begin at the Seaton Burn junction of tha A1 - as always Morpeth is the priority spending area for the local Town Developers, I can't beleive Tesco is soon going to be allowed to run the shopping we have availible to us (look at their aggressive tactics in other area's if you doubt this will happen)! :angry:


What we need is a council and community as strong as that in Sherringham, where they have stood up to the likes of Tesco. Soon it will not just be where you shop, but what you can buy. I have noticed this in particular at Asda, where certain well known brands are no longer on the shelves. Instead you have Asda's own brand, or nothing at all. What happened to freedom of choice. We are told that they only stock what we want to buy. I rather think it is the other way round. :angry:They stock what they want us to buy!!!!!

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The problem is no one seems to be advised what is happening with regards to new developments, and they are carried out poorly when they are built with no foresight, it seems as if the local planners sit down and throw ideas around then choose something they think will appease the local populace!

Just look at the recent "development" of the market place, it is already looking tatty with tyre marks all over it, rubbish being left to gather on the stairs not to mention the old closed up shops that were purchased by Tesco and the site fencing to keep people off the grassed area!

Why doesn't the local councillors send out a questionnaire asking everyone what they honestly think of the Town and the re-generation that was promised but never appeared?? :angry::angry:

AS for the old Red Lion why not have a decent "branded Coffee Shop" like the one that has been put in the Sanderson Arcade, heaven knows we could do with one!

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Our options as far as I can see are ... Anarchy, Petition, Move Away, Put up with it or my personal favourite ritual stake burning of all senior council members!

I've lived in Bedders all my life and have never been as disappointed as I currently am. Someone mentioned that we will ultimately drive people away and I couldn't agree more - we will all suffer as house prices dip through low demand and this will drive us further down.

If I could afford it and the market was better I would move like a shot! The state that that front street is in, is an absolute disgrace and it depresses me to drive down it... It looks like the opening scene of 'The Good, The Bad and The Ugly!"

We'd be better off levelling the old Elliot's Garage that having that building determinate the way it is.

Is it just me or does the new market place look worse that it did before!???

By the way I am normally a very positive person!!... For goodness sake Wansbeck ( or whatever the hell you are calling yourselves these days)... DO SOMETHING BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE

Rant over!

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I like the first option, a ritual burning. Maybe that will get some attention. But there is a problem, when did you last see your local member? They only seem to appear at meetings, and in the local papers.

I love living here, but agree that if I could, I would move.

Yes bulldoze Elliots Garage. That would be better than what is there now.

I agree that the new market square now looks worse than the old one.

Yes. Who is our local council now?


How about we combine the two and build a big bonfire with the rumble from the demolished garage and use that for the ritual burning! Now that's efficient! ;)

In all seriousness though mispasispa, you raise an interesting point – I have no idea who the councillors are or how we could even contact them. If they are worth their salt they should be viewing bedlington.co.uk at the VERY least and reading our comments.

I think we are all part of Northumberland County Council now!

Lets see if anyone even knows the names or whereabouts of our councillors – the people who should be representing our views and fighting the fight to improve our town... any sightings of these mythical beasts should be posted on here! We could always get that bloke from 'Monster Hunter' to track one of them down or at least prove or disprove their existence!!


I like the first option, a ritual burning. Maybe that will get some attention. But there is a problem, when did you last see your local member? They only seem to appear at meetings, and in the local papers.

I love living here, but agree that if I could, I would move.

Yes bulldoze Elliots Garage. That would be better than what is there now.

I agree that the new market square now looks worse than the old one.

Yes. Who is our local council now?

Depends on what you mean by council. With the change to a Unitary Authority, (which by the way everyone got to vote on and the fact that the majority decision isn't what has gone though is another argument) Wansbeck District Council has been scrapped, along with 5 other district councils, and we now have a county council overseeing all the important decisions. We do have a Town/Parish Council but their powers are pretty limited with regard to the main impetus in this thread. New rates bills are dropping through the doors now that will give everyone some idea of where their money is going and how it is being split.

The 'local councillors' of old are not the same kettle of fish as they are now, might be the same people but their influence and authority has diminished somewhat.

County councillors, different ball game, but here we see politics once again muddying the waters!

As for Elliott's Garage this is privately owned, it can't be pulled down unless the owner agrees. It's like council saying they don't like the way your house looks so they will pull it down, what would you say?

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I agree with Toffo.....The market place is a disgrace. A few days ago they cleaned the tyre marks off and they're on again!(you'd expect more wearability from expensive stones!!!!). It looks a mess. And I know it's cold, but more folk sat on the seats the way the old market place was! All that money...and for what? And as I have said, surrounded by empty eyesores, it makes it look a joke!

I think the questionnaire is an excellent idea! But I doubt the councillors will go for it. We can ask I suppose!

Like Jim, I have lived in Bedlington all my life, and I am disgusted that our wonderful community is being so let down by all those that run the show. However, there is unrest amongst us and I feel the more we stick together and complain, the more noise we will create... surely they will have to listen to us? Just wait til the buggers knock on our doors for votes...

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