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The 2010 General Election Result


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How many time have we heard this could produce a constitutional crisis, errrrrrrr when did the UK get a constitution?

Watching Nick parade his wares around like a virgin at a hen party is starting to look tawdry. The fact that none seem able to convince their own elected party members to support the current deal on offer smacks of self indulgence. Dave and Nick are facsimiles of each other both being products of similar environments. Looks like someone is going to have to put Gordon out of his misery to get him out of number 10! Put them all in a ring and the one who walks out wins!

Never thought I would say this but Reid made a lot of sense yesterday!

Watch out for Johnson he will be at a leadership election like a rat up a drainpipe!

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Stephen, that underestimates the sheer ambition of Cleggie. He's humbled by his poll result but he's also worked out that he can get his hands on the levers of power, and that this could well be his only chance. So I think we're going to see more than a stability pact. That's if he can get the huge compromises past his own party, and I guess that with this bunch he quite probably can. Labour can't offer him anything other than instant unpopularity, and a very shaky coalition. The only bargaining chip Labour has is their eleventh-hour conversion to electoral reform. A bird or two in the hand could be worth a small flock of electorally reformed ones in the bush - especially when it's a Brown bush!

On the other hand such is Gordon's "long-termist outlook" that he's going to do, say, or buy (with other people's money) anything to cling on. Even if this means throwing away the built-in advantage Labour has in the present electoral system. Interesting times, but so far all horses are running to form.

Wow, stand up the guy who made that uncannily accurate prediction! tongue.gif Turns out that Gordon was sitting at the table in Downing Street - when all about him had quit and the engine was running to take him to the palace - desperately making last bid phone calls to the LDs for that extra four months in power.

That VAT to 20% prediction is only counting down the days now. How do you close the revenue shortfall without it, and without a stiff rise in direct taxation? It would be nice if it was only for a few years, but I fear it will be near permanent.

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Wow, stand up the guy who made that uncannily accurate prediction! tongue.gif Turns out that Gordon was sitting at the table in Downing Street - when all about him had quit and the engine was running to take him to the palace - desperately making last bid phone calls to the LDs for that extra four months in power.

That VAT to 20% prediction is only counting down the days now. How do you close the revenue shortfall without it, and without a stiff rise in direct taxation? It would be nice if it was only for a few years, but I fear it will be near permanent.

20% only puts us into the EU average, so at least 20%!

I still think at that we are on the lefthand side of that Laffer curve.

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