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Here's one for the history buffs that I am researching for a friend; the subject is one John Topham, who at some point in his life - although not sure exactly when - resided in Bedlington. Topham, who was awarded the Distiguished Flying Cross, had a story to tell, one tinged with tragedy and heroism. Shot down over occupied France - was a Lancaster captain and his plane was hit by 'friendly fire', a bomb from an aircraft above him - he suffered injuries to his leg and was soon under the care of Resistance operatives. during his time hiding he even spent 36 hours buried in a grave, in order to convince attending SS officer he was, in fact, dead. They believed th story, but one became suspicious, and apparently returned some time later. Topham shot the German, who was sunsequently buried in said grave. To cut a long story short, he returned to the Police Force - in newcastle, apparently - after the war and, tragically, met his death in his late 50's when hit by a lorry while crossing Stanhope Street.

Anyone who can provide me with further details, knowledge or information about this man with such an interestign life please send me a message, it's research being carried out in connection with the Help for Heroes appeal, more of which I will divulge if required but would rather keep under wraps for now.


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