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Commanders for Libya's transitional authorities say they have captured former Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi.

The news came after transitional forces claimed control of Sirte, Col Gaddafi's birthplace. There was no independent confirmation of his capture.

Col Gaddafi came to power in Libya in 1969. He was toppled in an uprising that began in February.

The International Criminal Court is seeking his arrest.

"He's captured. He's wounded in both legs," National Transitional Council (NTC) official Abdel Majid told Reuters news agency.

"He's been taken away by ambulance."

AFP news agency quoted another NTC official, Mohamed Leith, as saying that Col Gaddafi had been captured in Sirte and was "seriously wounded" but still breathing.


Let's hope he is still alive - shooting him is just too easy a way out! Deserves to be thrown into one of his own prisons, but that wouldn't be allowed as inhumane!


Oh well! :(

Returning to your original question: my vote is for Herman Van Rumpoy. I didn't vote for him and no one else seems to have either - ergo, as our President he's a dictator of the grandest kind! A sewerage pipe seems too good for him! :D


Take your pick.............

1. Omar al-Bashir Sudan

2. Kim Jong Il

3. Than Shwe

4. Robert Mugabe

5. Islam Karimov

6. Hu Jintao

7. King Abdullah

8. Saparmurat Niyazov

9. Seyed Ali Khamane

10. Teodoro Obiang Nguema


Hang on, King Abdullah is a nice old despot, and doesn't deserve to be on a list with mass murderers like Mugabe! Maybe his security lot have roughed-up the odd "trouble maker", but he is a reformer, and things are consistently moving in the right direction. Without him the religious nutters would call all the shots, and we'd have another Iran on our hands.


There's also the argument that it is us who have taken this women drivers thing far too far! ;)

And where is Bashar al-Assad on this list? Should be at the very top I think!


Hang on, King Abdullah is a nice old despot, and doesn't deserve to be on a list with mass murderers like Mugabe! Maybe his security lot have roughed-up the odd "trouble maker", but he is a reformer, and things are consistently moving in the right direction. Without him the religious nutters would call all the shots, and we'd have another Iran on our hands.

There's also the argument that it is us who have taken this women drivers thing far too far!


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