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Hms Bounty (Rip)

keith lockey

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I see the Bounty has sunk as Hurricane Sandy strikes the USA. I was on the Bounty when it docked at Blyth a few years ago. (I'm assuming it was the same one.) I was amazed at how small it was. It cost £5 to board and go below decks and the whole ship seemed cramped, but it was well worth it just to see what it would have been like in those days.

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I came across the Bounty when I was looking at sailing vessels for sale at the start of the year ... if I recall it was up for about $4.5; I wonder if it was new owners in charge when it went down?

Oh, and before anybody (and we all know who that might be) suggests that Symptoms wanted a boat to host Commie champagne parties on board let me get in first to state that everybody should drink champers, not just the vile, robber-baron, ruling Tory elite scum.

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