Malcolm Robinson Posted November 10, 2012 Posted November 10, 2012 Well quite an explosive Town Council meeting last night with the Mayor at one point standing up shouting he was about to close the meeting if members of the public didn't shut up and stop interrupting! (Which in itself was quite ironic seeing as the Town Council had just been asked by NCC to take part in a video promoting democracy?)It didn't start all that well with a £1000 mistake in the paperwork associated with the presentations at the beginning of the meeting. During the usually all too brief, public question time, Mr A Hogg asked what the Town Council's position was regarding safety in the Parish. Asked to clarify by the Mayor he said it alluded to the public petition that had gone into the County about safety concerns regarding the busses using the St Bennets School entrance. The Mayor's reply was puzzling, seems the concerns should have gone to the Town Council not the County Council? I didn't realise it was a competition. Mr A Hogg then made reference to the fact that neither the Town Council nor the individual County Councillors had supported the petition or offered any help or advice. He was again referred to the above answer from the mayor. Mr A. Hogg then said he had received notification from the County that the petition and concerns had indeed gone to both the County Councillor responsible for that area and the local town council. Asked what his reply had been the deputy Mayor, who is also the County Councillor for that area, said he hadn't received anything and the Clerk of the Town Council said he couldn't remember getting anything either. The deputy Mayor also said as he sits on the planning group within NCC he couldn't get involved or say anything anyway. (Which kinda begs another question……?) The Mayor then said he wanted to draw a line under the whole thing; however I felt there were some salient points still left unsaid and so mentioned them. Firstly the Town Council has no remit concerning transport issues; the authority which does is the County Council therefore the petition was handed into the correct place! Secondly this is the second petition regarding road safety issues at exactly the same spot, anyone would think a Town Council and or the local county councillors would recognise a public safety concern and be all over it like a rash, (that is what we pay them for isn't it?). Thirdly the issue is a transport one therefore the sitting county councillor could have intervened, it isn't a planning matter. I didn't receive any response to these points. Public question time was hurriedly abandoned after that, some of the content however wasn't! Later the deputy Mayor, as normal, gave a breakdown of live planning applications and licences and made personal observations so much so Mr B.Oliver, a Community Planning Champion, could contain himself no longer. He asked why the deputy mayor was allowed to do that in clear breach of what he had just said as his excuse for not being involved in the St Bennets question. The Mayor told him to shut up, however the normally calm Mr Oliver wouldn't and accused members of not behaving in a proper and lawful manner. The Mayor was now on his feet shouting that unless Mr Oliver shut up he would have him ejected or abandon the meeting. First time that has happened, I thought Guy Fawkes Night had just been, light the blue touch paper and retire! Order was eventually restored but there are even more questions now needing answers! Another question was raised later when the Town Council voted to allow the Trustees of the community centre permission to alter the building. As the Mayor and deputy mayor are chair and vice chair of the board of trustees and took part in that vote, they effectively gave themselves that permission? At the start of most council meetings, and these are no exception, there is an agenda item……. DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS…… where any member who has an interest in an agenda item should make their interest known. No member made any reference at this critical juncture which does seem strange to say the least!One of the most sensational reports at the meeting was almost glossed over. It looks likely rate payers will face a just over doubling of their rates bills next year as NCC devolve more services. Just over £150K worth of new charges is to be devolved and at present the West Bedlington Town precept raises about £120K so we can see any new charge will more than double the existing one. This is to be discussed at the next Town Council meeting in December.
mercuryg Posted November 10, 2012 Posted November 10, 2012 Malcolm, they must really love you..........
Malcolm Robinson Posted November 10, 2012 Author Posted November 10, 2012 Merc,I happen to believe this stuff is really quite important; it defines us as a society. Plus tomorrow we are about to honour the people who gave their lives protecting the principles involved!
mercuryg Posted November 10, 2012 Posted November 10, 2012 Merc,I happen to believe this stuff is really quite important; it defines us as a society. Plus tomorrow we are about to honour the people who gave their lives protecting the principles involved!Malcolm,I wasn't being facetious, I hope you understand! Agreed on all points.
Adam Hogg Posted November 10, 2012 Posted November 10, 2012 In addition to what Malcolm said the Chair said the second petition was about the same issue as the first (a toucan crossing) however it was quoted in their agenda of the 21st June 2012 under letters received and sender NCC "Notification of a petition handed to them re traffic congestion and public safety at St Benet Biscop School." Now does that sound the same as a petition for a toucan crossing?
keith lockey Posted November 10, 2012 Posted November 10, 2012 If it is any help I voiced concerns, this year, about the cul-de-sac school traffic where I live - and it was to NCC that I had to send my concerns. I did eventually get a reply and they said they would monitor it. But the first time I did this - many years earlier - a councillor rounded on me at a neighbourhood watch meeting for not contacting him first. He was shot down in flames by a lovely wpc. But the point I am trying to make is that sometimes they don't seem to know who is in charge. (Passing the buck is still a favoured game.)
Malcolm Robinson Posted November 12, 2012 Author Posted November 12, 2012 Mr A. Hogg then said he had received notification from the County that the petition and concerns had indeed gone to both the County Councillor responsible for that area and the local town council. Asked what his reply had been the deputy Mayor, who is also the County Councillor for that area, said he hadn't received anything and the Clerk of the Town Council said he couldn't remember getting anything either. The deputy Mayor also said as he sits on the planning group within NCC he couldn't get involved or say anything anyway. (Which kinda begs another question……?) With thanks to one of the Elves in the archives...............Section of WBTC minutes from 21st June 2012!
Malcolm Robinson Posted November 12, 2012 Author Posted November 12, 2012 Box of Aricept on it's way.............
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