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As part of the project a mobile exhibition, (or trailer!) goes around the local schools doing workshops and exhibiting items from Woodhorn and Beamish for the school children to work with.


Inside we have a projector screen where videos can be shown.

Bearing in mind the target audience is around 8yrs old I think the videos are exceptional and well done everyone involved.

Also many thanks to Foxy for supplying me with the original pictures.

Here is the first video, more to follow!

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Excellent! So great to see youngsters getting involved and giving it their all; well done to all! Look forward to more.


The next generation historians.

Well done Malcolm and others.

The filming looks fun and I think I even recognise a Ridge Terrace wall!

Take care when filming the road.


This one is a bit different.

2 or 3 of our youngest students from each of the local schools went off to Woodhorn and took part in making this film.

Very well done to them all, they are a credit to themselves, their schools and Bedlington.

Again production down to the team at Leading Link and special thanks to Jonny for the stylised finished version.


Excellent stuff! Great to see, and fun to do.


just watched the three films and i must say that is was a delightful way to pass a sunday morning..i feel all warm inside now and a little homesick..time travel was a hoot and the best line delivered was ( it must have been that vortexy thing.)..still laughing..

its great to see youngsters having craic and doing somting constructive..fair play to all involved..respect.


wish i was over there..lol..its crap having to work pharma plants when trapped in the body of a director/musician/clown.

check out my first debut film on utube malcom,..davids 1st ride(osset 12.5)

i just got so much gannin on i cant get nowt done..lol..come on the hollidays in may..tick tock..


Need some volunteers people.

Within the Heritage Project we have a large event planned for 25th May in Attlee Park.

It's a Saturday on a Bank Holiday weekend.

The event will run between 10.30am -3.30pm.

We need some extra stewards.

We have professionals coming but we need some volunteers too.

Nothing too onerous and I will make sure you are fed and watered!

If you can help out please get in touch.

PM either way.

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