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Can anyone remember the miner's gala at the park, down Palace Rd, (where the station club used to play it's home football matches) and into the gates at Tanglewood Cottage?

I have now caught up within History Hollow, I have read all topics, and updated my on-line picture folder with some amazing pictures and memories, thank you all for that. In the topic 'What Do You Miss?' miners galas get a mention, but not for Bedlington Station. I can't find any photos in my old family albums, so I assume our box brownie was too expensive to get bout for the day. As I type this a thought has just popped into the old grey matter! As we did not have a miner in the immediate family was the only time we got tickets for this when neighbours were away on holiday? And that would be why there are no pictures to be found. Illegal entry. I remember getting a white bag with food, and I am sure a couple of bob, me mam would not have slept for a week.

So, Ian, even wearing the sleek white hot-pants to reduce wind resistance I assume our family I could never have entered any race, three legged, wheel barrow or sack, in fear of being spotted as illegals.

Have we any legitimates, or other illegals, that have evidence of this 'A' pit event?

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