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Hello all.

My name is Lee Downey from Donegal Ireland. My father was Laurence Nigel Downey who was born in Hirst Head farm in June 1923. His mother Was Maud Downey a servant at the farm and resided in the Mechanics Instute in Bedlington. He went on to join the RAF and later when posted to Derry N.Ireland during WW11 Married my Mother Mary Josephine Toner. He was origionally from the methodist fratenity

As he was an only child and his mother was not married there was no name on the Birth Certificate. I have since found the name of my grand father and intend to go back and find out some more information about Hirst Head Farm maybe next year 2014.

So if you have any information about the farm and its residents at that time my family would be ever so grateful.


Lee Downey


Hi Lee, my family also lived and worked at Hirst Head Farm from the 1890s until the 1920s. If you go to History Hollow you will find quite a lot of information, my family were called Latty and Todd.


That's Great thanks . I must add that I am not sure if Annie Maud Downey Worked in the Farm. She is described as a domestic servant, but there must have been some connection as he was listed as being born there.

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