threegee Posted April 26, 2014 Posted April 26, 2014 I tried to ignore it, honestly I did! But every time I went to iPlayer it was there staring back at me, and only three minutes! Curiosity overtook me and I watched - I am a politicoholic - there I've said it! Was it instructive? Well... yes, but not in the way intended. I've learned that however much all reason points the other way, it's still possible for a small group of individuals to ignore the overwhelming negatives and cling to a core of outdated, and positively self-damaging, ideas. Fresh from his drubbing at the hands of common sense and the real facts, personified by Nigel Farage, Nick was back reminding everyone that his is ONLY party that fully supports the EU - "we're the party of IN" he chirps, without giving any solid reasons why, or addressing any of dozens of reasons why not. Sure, they'd strung out an almost subliminal 3D graphic down a shopping street saying "3 MILLION JOBS"; a sort of paper mache religious icon, so true believers have a real-world instantiation, lest they start to disbelieve the immaculate conception. But here was a near-exclusive appeal to the heart and not to reason. That word fairness is creeping back into the LDs claims too. Yes, the UK electorate have short memories, but not THAT short Nick! This was the month that Danny Alexander was seen claiming that the recovery was as much his success as George Osborne's and positioning himself as the new party leader. The LDs sure need one, and quickly! But it's not going to happen until the inevitable drubbing at the polls. I strongly suspect that a new incarnation of the LD's will take a far more pragmatic approach to the EU. Danny won't want to remind us about his being "the party of IN", and will quite likely secretly wish that it was the party of OUT!
keith lockey Posted April 26, 2014 Posted April 26, 2014 Threegee, the LD are the IN party... INactive / INappropriate / INattentive / INcapable / INcompetent / INconclusive / INconsequent / INconstant / INcorporeal / INcredulous / INdisposed / INeffective / INexcusable / INjurious / INsignificant / INsouciant / INsubstantial / INtermittent / INtolerable / and last but not least – INvalid.
threegee Posted April 28, 2014 Author Posted April 28, 2014 LOL I'm going to have to look up insouciant! It's kick Nick time it seems: [Nick Clegg] is self-obsessed, sanctimonious and so dishonest he finds the words truth and lies have ceased to have any objective meaning, and he treats taxpayers money with contempt. He won't do the hard work to get policy right – all he cares about is his image. He is a revolting character. And I say that after spending 15 years in Westminster. Whenever Clegg gave a speech, he'd demand we spent hundreds of millions of taxpayers' money for his latest absurd gimmick. We thwarted Clegg as much as we could. -- Dominic Cummings (ex DoE). Now that sounds personal! I do think he should stop trotting out the three million jobs at risk garbage though. His source was back in 2000, and the academic he plucked the figure from says his figures are being misused - they don't mean that at all! So why keep repeating this when it's not actually true? It's rather like his claim that only 7% of our laws are made in Brussels - which he picked from a HoC document which specifically pointed out that it didn't include "orders in council" - how the mass of Euro diktats are promulgated. The true figure is well over 50%. Nick seems to have a way with the truth that doesn't involve reading past the first few convenient words into the inconvenient ones. An interesting book that serious LD's will need to read if they think any of their ideas will stand up to scrutiny. The guy seems to think the EU may be redeemable, but I'm not convinced. Certainly if Cameron goes to re-negotiate it will be a pre-arranged fix, and he will try to pull the same con trick as was pulled the last time by Labour. That a real (non-politicos', non-federalist) Common Market can be formed I've no doubt, there is plenty of will among the more democratic parts of Europe if the UK were to set the lead. And, it would rapidly see off the EU in terms of GDP growth - but that's not at all what the political classes want!
willy j. Posted May 8, 2014 Posted May 8, 2014 Just got back onto the website after being away from it for a while, and reading all the political opinions from you guys is fantastic. Things are certainly changing in our country, and more importantly in our area, which really excites me. I must admit that I am the Secretary of UKIP Wansbeck, and proud to be so, this is why I haven't had much time to use the site as much as I would like as we are very busy at the moment as there is a lot of work to be done. Anyway, it is so refreshing to hear you all, like myself, waking up and realising that we have been lied to by successive governments all our voting life. It does give us a lift here at UKIP to hear people in Bedlington, where I live, standing up and voicing there opinion. After all, we are only saying all the things that we used to talk about sitting on a hardwood chock down Ellington Pit, but had no way of voicing them in the wider political world. Now we have, and isn't it fantastic. Thank you guys, keep debating, and if you really want to change things you will be very welcome here at Ukip here in Wansbeck.
Brett Posted May 9, 2014 Posted May 9, 2014 Threegee have you seen Question Time from last night yet? The most valid point in the entire show came from a member of the audience. Is there any wonder that people feel disconnected from politics, especially the younger generation.
threegee Posted May 9, 2014 Author Posted May 9, 2014 Hi willy j! I think we are seeing a revolution in our country, but the political classes haven't woken up to this yet. They've lost control of the media and they are about to lose control of quite a few other things too! The modern working classes, the people who produce the wealth, are about to consign the chattering classes to history. We've had quite enough of Old Etonians and Champaign Socialists telling us what to do and how we should think. Instead of rolling back their influence over our lives they've plotted to add yet another undemocratic layer of it - the EU! Nowhere is the waste and futility of big government more evident than it is in Brussels. As per usual this was sold to ordinary people on a lie. We were told it was a Common Market that would increase wealth, and the LD's still peddle this lie. When he thought no one much was listening Ted Heath even admitted to the dishonesty. The modern strategy to bury this lie is to pretend that the thinking masses don't actually care much about the EU - it's very low priority, we must see to other more important things first. Well, it's behind all of our problems people, and the lie needs sorting once and for all! Cameron lied about his "cast iron guarantee" of a referendum, and his current strategy (ably aided and abetted by Labour and the LD's) is to promise one at a future date. A date when he suspects that he won't need to deliver. His chums in the other parties will help him along on the cynically calculated 2017 date. If, by chance, he is in a position to deliver, he'll try to repeat the Harold Wilson trick of pretending that we now have a much better deal, so all is OK again. It will be a deal that civil servants have pre-negotiated so's he can return from the Reich in triumph, waving his worthless bit of paper! Brussels will moan about the UK getting special treatment, but the eurocrats will be secretly laughing all the way to the European Central Bank! Like everyone else I was duped by the political classes into believing in "the European project" and foolishly voted for it. It's up to our generation to flag up to our children and their children, the fact that they are being exploited. They must not repeat our mistakes! Only by voting against the political classes can the latest rounds of political musical chairs at our expense be stopped! But we mustn't stop with Brussels - that Westminster gentleman's club needs a very thorough sorting too! A vote for Labour, LD or Tory is to be duped once again. And... if you foolishly think that they are not all in it together then ask yourself what a Labourite ex-minister is doing chairing an all-party committee formed to try to discredit UKIP! If UKIP is simply taking votes from the Shire Tories then why is Labour helping them to combat this?!
willy j. Posted May 9, 2014 Posted May 9, 2014 Spot on threegee! Everything you said is absolutely true, we have known this for a long time at UKIP so our priority is to convince the people, and keep reminding them that the 3 other parties think they are stupid. Their attitude to us, the common man, is very insulting, when you consider that they truly believe that we, the British public cannot be trusted to vote on a referendum. This 'Holier Than Thou', and, 'We know better' than those plebs out there attitude, really makes me so angry, I am hell bent on giving them the bloodiest nose that they ever had. Cameron, Milliband and the other one are worried, and so they should be, their own seats are in danger, because UKIP will be strongly contesting them. Can you imagine if all 3 find themselves signing on the dole, for me it would be better that England winning the World Cup. Anyway, just wanted to say thanks for the support, we need all we can get. We know that things are going to be tough for us here In Wansbeck, but we are prepared for all the crap that will be coming our way, and we will get through it. Probably the biggest thing the party has to deal with, is the constant lies and misinformation coming from the Con/Lab/Lib Dem alliance about UKIP. But hey, it's nothing new in a way, they've been lying to us for 50 years and they're still lying to us. All I can say to people is, go and show them that you're not stupid, you can tell the difference between what is right for our country, and what isn't. You have a vote, use it wisely, and remember, it is not racist to be patriotic and love your country. After all, it's what our forefathers fought for, and I for one, are so proud of them.
Malcolm Robinson Posted May 9, 2014 Posted May 9, 2014 So is Nigel getting into bed with Wilders and Le Penn or what?
threegee Posted May 10, 2014 Author Posted May 10, 2014 So is Nigel getting into bed with Wilders and Le Penn or what? No bloomin' way!!! It's true that Marine Le Pen has made noises, but she has been thoroughly rebuffed. I think Dupont-Aignan would very much like an alliance - I'm fairly sure it was him on TV the other day proposing something to that effect - but so far he has minuscule support compared to the Le Pen bandwagon. Take a look at these pictures and tell me that these people would support anything which was even mildly racist., OK, the event was managed to get African, Asian and Jewish faces up there on stage, but considering the massed ranks of the establishment spin-doctors trying every bit of innuendo in the book to indirectly imply that UKIP is racist - whilst of course denying any such thing - the party has no option but to demonstrate its breadth of support.It's actually very logical for immigrants to support UKIP. They have even more to lose than native Brits from continued uncontrolled immigration.
Malcolm Robinson Posted May 10, 2014 Posted May 10, 2014 So Nigel spurned Marie's advances to go with De Gaul. Can't understand why he wouldn't want to be associated with National Front terminology! Meanwhile Geert has just targeted Dutch Moroccans for special treatment. Trouble with this far right stuff is that we end up in bunkers..........probably literally! (Just trying to break up the "Love Fest" GGG! )
threegee Posted May 10, 2014 Author Posted May 10, 2014 Didn't say there were any links with Guallists.. said I think he would like to. So AfD and Bepe Grillo's movement is "far right" too is it? They have a lot of support, are diametrically opposed to EU waste and corruption, and want their countries out! Looks like rather a lot of left leaning folk in Cinque Stelle from where I'm sitting - and I'm sitting quite close as I write! To portray UKIP as far right is a tactic of the establishment. The truth is that in a focus-group-driven bid for votes Labour moved sharply right and Cameron has now moved his party into the realms of the loony left. We all know that they are near indistinguishable and simply out for themselves; so why do we still buy into their divisive ploys? Supporting your country is not the exclusive province of the far-right, and being anti-establishment the exclusive province of the far-left. There's a revolution headed our way! That the dinosaur political classes are blind to it - and will try all the usual ploys to hang on to power - is a given.
Malcolm Robinson Posted May 10, 2014 Posted May 10, 2014 Think he might have GGG...........
threegee Posted June 13, 2014 Author Posted June 13, 2014 Bepe - Italy's second largest political party - joins UKIP! 17 more MEPs to strengthen the hand of the sane people in the UK who want to leave the EU. Why do so many in Italy - one of the EU's principal founders - now want to leave the EU? Well, it's bleeding the country dry, and it has completely killed democracy. Italians no longer have any say in who runs their country - Brussels appoints their PM! Berlusconi decided that Italy would be better off out of the EMU (Euro), so Brussels decided that he had to be removed and replaced by a EU puppet. They are now onto their third puppet!
Malcolm Robinson Posted June 13, 2014 Posted June 13, 2014 "Brussels appoints their PM!" Bedlington knows exactly what that feels like!!!!!
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