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as last year green bins will just be emptyed once with all the extra rubbish i think they shud be done twice. all that extra paper shud b put to good use instead of goin in to the black bin


WDC wouldnt supply me with my bins i had to purchase them, being a single mum of 2 i couldnt afford to buy them both so unfortunately i dont have a green bin, i will however recycle my paper/card at the tip, it will all be for sale again on the next bedlington market car boot

Bedlingtons own Nicky Campbell


Ah yes, VC winning lanky Scotsman. A toast please!

WDC wouldnt supply me with my bins i had to purchase them, being a single mum of 2 i couldnt afford to buy them both so unfortunately i dont have a green bin, i will however recycle my paper/card at the tip, it will all be for sale again on the next bedlington market car boot

******* disgrace! I'll shall be championing this case at the next WDC meeting

17/12/05 8pm Blyth Beach Car Park (no lights)

******* disgrace! I'll shall be championing this case at the next WDC meeting

17/12/05 8pm Blyth Beach Car Park (no lights)

Thanx, i have tried all but kicking at screaming at them for them to supply me with bins, as my mum has an empty property i nicked the black one off her till she gets a tennant then i gotta hand it back :angry:

WDC wouldnt supply me with my bins i had to purchase them, being a single mum of 2 i couldnt afford to buy them both so unfortunately i dont have a green bin

i seem to remember the story going like this:

you viewed the property with bins intact

you signed for property with bins

you picked the keys up

you got to your new abode to find it bin-less.

my question is, wheres the thief? did WDC call by and pick up the bins to be re-sold?

(lets face it, how else would they have second hand bins to sell back to us?)

or did the local yobs make a bogey out of them and have races down bedlington bank?

i think the local yobs are to blame, as WDC are not organised enough to get someone out to the property in the specified timeframe, and if they did, they would have to arrange another appointment coz they dont have the required tools!

does make you think about the second hand bins tho.....

and if you have to buy them, do you get to keep them when you move? or buy some more?

or can you sell them back to WDC and make a tidy profit?

Answers on a postcard please!


my green bins are allways full so i cant keep my extra rubbish for two weeks. five people live in my house so i was told i could get a big green bin i rang up and yes i can have a big green bin but it will cost £45. i pay enough council tax so why pay for a big bin !!!!!!!

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