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Our Towns....but Not Bedders!

Malcolm Robinson

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Deffo an oversell of Ashington there! :rofl:


Would Mr L get so animated if it was beautiful down-town Bedlington getting slagged off?  Answers on a postcard to: 94 Station Road, Ashington, Northumberland, NE63 8RN.

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Ha he's on the money in my eyes with that description, I don't know why or how they've ended up like that, but they have. Just keep an eye out for them trying to ship the idiots in our direction, if I was blowing 75 million on a sh*t hole , I would be trying to get rid of the undesirables, probably coming to a street near you. Easier access to the courts I suppose.

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If a certain social landlord gets it's way Bedlington would become the Bournemouth of the North. Every other new build seems to include old folks homes / sheltered accommodation / warden controlled accommodation. Mind you the Drs practices like them as it seems they are the only addresses that they will do a home visit to ( without a slanging match on the phone) cos the do a block booking. They did not like it (it seems) when we in Burnside challenged them on certain aspects of the proposed improvements to our homes and estate and got our own way.

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