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Keith Scantlebury

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Keith Scantlebury last won the day on February 24 2024

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  1. The residents group has been going almost 6 years now and we're still very active. We've had a Xmas party for the kids every year and we've had two trips , one to Blair Drummond Safari Park in 2017 and Flamingo Land in 2018. The trips were heavily discounted thanks to grants from East Bedlington Parish Council and Bernicia. They also help to fund the Xmas party along with donations from Morrison, Bedlington Station Co Op, Bobby Cowell, Proctor and Gamble and Kevin Foster Funeral Services. Bernicia recognise the residents group and we meet with them to air any concerns etc . Anti social behaviour is at an all time low on the estate and Bernicia have told us that they have a waiting list of people wanting to move here. We have a weekly bonus ball draw £45 to the winner and one every two months at £10 a number which pays the winner £500. Bigger and better things are planned for this year.
  2. Shame they couldn't spell Lidl properly in the opening credit . They spelled it Lidil
  3. Thanks Sharky, Everything that happens is a joint effort by the residents . There are a few things planned for next year and hopefully they will come off. Many people will tell you what the estate was like prior to the residents group being set up . Life in Burnside has improved considerably.
  4. The residents group is still going strong. We have just had our 4th xmas party for the kids on Saturday and as usual they thoroughly enjoyed it. Because of the major renovations going on over the last couple of years ,hindered by the original builders going bust we've had to put a few things on hold. We've had financial help and support from, Bernicia, EBPC,Police and Crime commissioners Fund and Northumberland Police. We raise money mainly via a weekly bonus ball draw. We are looking to raise funds by other means from next year. A trip is being planned to South Lakes Zoo Park in late Spring / Early summer 2017. Hopefully we can do something for the older residents and get them away in the summer as well. Our bank account is in a healthy state as well. Maybe we should take up the offer of help to create a website (above GGG) if it is still available . We've managed with a facebook page up till now
  5. The Residents Group is still growing strong. We had a quiet time re organising events etc over the past 18 months because of all the renovation work on the estate . Plenty planned for next year.
  6. I went to the Whitley from 1963 to 1967. That picture is of the first classroom I was in. I think the teacher was Miss Payne. I still have a prize that I won for ( believe it or not ) Scripture from when I was in Matty Hall's class. I wanted a book on farming but they couldn't get one. The Seasons and the Gardener by H. E. Bates is what I got. its still in good nick and has the award sticker inside signed by Fred Hostler.
  7. I'm back . Was trying too hard apparently
  8. 3 generations of Tommy Dodds. Tommy Dodds senior died, his son Tommy lives in Belgium. His Grandson Tommy lives in the area, his mother Lynn was landlady of the monkey before the current keepers. He works for RTH Lubers in Cramlington
  9. I was absolutely floored when Foxy messaged me and told me of Keith's passing. I have known the Lockey lads since our Whitley school days. My sincere condolences to all the family Alan. I have told Dave Hunter and he will tell Jim, I know you were all good friends at one time .
  10. Not a problem Malcolm. I'll be in a tipper next week so I could drive through with the body up !!
  11. I think a cracking job has been done with the lights in Bedlington this year. I think some people moan because they are not strung across the street like they are in Morpeth ....... err have you seen how wide Bedlington front street is hinny ? A few years ago I drove through Morpeth with a tall trailer on and pulled a few strings of lights down. They had hung them too low. Anything less that 16' 6" has to be marked with the height. Just as well it was early morning and not many people / traffic about .
  12. There are no bad beers, just an unaquired taste
  13. Well done to all those who made it possible, really is an achievement to be proud of.
  14. I remember watching the tractor pulling at the Royal Show (around 1980) there was a tractor with 2 RR Merlin engines in.
  15. The road works on the A19 are night time
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