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The Old Low Light inside Clifford's Fort is now open as a cafe and heritage centre.

Worth going for the history alone.

The river changed course which resulted in the new Low and High Light buildings.

There is an article in the Journal today.


The only thing good about North Shields was getting the ferry to South Shields for my next ad entire in the merchant navy ..

God forsaken place


I do not think you have been there recently Tonyp.

I love the place , it has always been a special and important part of our life up here.

It has changed a lot in recent years .

It now has a thriving restaurant scene and has an amazing number of flats and houses to buy.

The views of the Tyne Mouth , the Collingwood Memorial, even the Black Midden Rocks all have a special place in my heart and head.


I was born and brought up in North Shields (over 70 years ago) now that's given my age away! and my how the place has changed - for the better, well i don't know, some good things have happened I have to admit but the worst thing in my opinion was the 1960's policy of flattening the old centre of the town and building the monstrous indoor shopping centre. Perhaps I'm living in the past with that kind of view but I stand by it. Change is not always for the best.


I agree about the shopping centre.

The history of the town is important for our area.

The views from the Fish Quay are brilliant in my opinion.


I was born in North Shields tomtom but don't tell anyone.

Lots of the ancestors have history around the town.

The history community are doing amazing things.

They have documented WWI with maps and details of almost every soldier.

It went on line at the end of June to coincide with the death of the Arch Duke..

Not sure about the Jungle Tonyp.

Sounds like you have a tale or two to tell.

For history purposes of course.

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