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The ukip banker wants to put breast feeding in a corner

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'Eees not a banker, 'eees just a very naughty metals trader! :D


And... don't believe the LibLabCon propaganda machine Tony; they are masters of distortion!


I found myself on the receiving end of some very bizarre treatment by the establishment media today – you might have noticed!


When I was on LBC radio this morning, I was asked about breastfeeding in Claridges, of all things! I said that I had no problem with it personally, but that if privately owned establishments had certain rules about discretion, that those could perhaps be adhered to relatively easily. I certainly didn't endorse the idea of forcing women to sit in corners, or wear napkins – as the media has sought to report.


I suppose by now I should be used to being misrepresented by the press, though it does strike me as utterly immoral that they cosy up to you when they're begging for interviews, then expect you to take them lying about you on the chin.


I have no problem with transparency as you know. Unlike other politicians, I don't hide the fact that I smoke, nor do I shy away from the cameras through slick press conferences. What I do have a problem with however is untruths, falsifications, and what we've seen today: outright fantasy.


"Nigel's said something about breastfeeding!” the media reacted. "He must have said something terrible!” they assumed. Yet none of them listened to what I actually said. I have no personal problem with it, but I'm sensitive to the views of people who do. We live in a society, and one in which compromises need to be made in the interest of social cohesion. I don't back the idea of women having to get up and move away to have to do it, and if the media wants to misrepresent what I have to say then they will find themselves in the corner very quickly.



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And... today's effort by the establishment media to make Ukip look loony is the headline "Farage blames M4 traffic delays on immigration". Some establishment papers have even extended this further to claim he blames being late on immigrants. All of which he didn't say!


He simply echoed the thoughts of the present immigration minister James Brokenshire that mass immigration is putting pressure on Britain's road system, and added that those who say all the sums "proving" that immigration is positive for the economy don't factor in the pressure on a host of public services and the general infrastructure.  (It's also a short-term calculation because it totally ignores the demographic).


So, it's OK for an establishment figure to point out the bloomin' obvious, but when when Ukip do so, try to extend what is actually being said to make it look irrational.  Unite LibLabCon brothers to protect our divine right to rule from those ignorant plebs, else tomorrow we might have to face the tragedy of finding real work - for the first time in our lives!

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Come on these people are bound to be walking around like unexploded bombs, the popularity of UKIP has unleashed every disenfranchised wannabe to put themselves forward and because it's so new there aren't the checks and balances in place the other parties have.

Doesn't mean they or UKIP are wrong only a bit naive until they get bloodied.


I think the kippers should be honest with 'the great unwashed' - they should just admit they don't like black folks.  It doesn't matter how much squirming, wriggling, deflecting, or denying they or their apologists do, dislike & fear of black people is the glue that binds them together. 


Does that not almost make you as bad as them Sym?


Making assumptions that they are all the same?

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I think the kippers should be honest with 'the great unwashed' - they should just admit they don't like black folks.  It doesn't matter how much squirming, wriggling, deflecting, or denying they or their apologists do, dislike & fear of black people is the glue that binds them together. 




All these black Kippers suffer from self loathing then?  :)  That's Hillingdon BTW, and the same is repeated in many constituencies.  Simple fact: immigrants have more to fear from mass immigration than native Brits.  A fact very recently confirmed by an academic on the Beeb who'd extensively studied global population shifts and the economics of immigration.  The Beeb thought police must have been having the night off!


Another Cockney kipper caught slagging-off the good LGBT folks:




Umm... seems those LG-whatsit folk are kippers themselves - how can this possibly count when they are already despicable wacist scum?  :D


There's a lot of jockeying for the nomination in this seat because it's very likely to go Ukip at the GE.  I suspect he was set up and the leak came from inside - yes, mega-surprise, insider dirty tricks in a political party!   Says he was on strong pain killers, well...  Anyway, does referring to someone as a "Chinky Lady" really rate Ch***y Lady being scrolled across the BBC News 24 screens fourty times every hour for most of the night, and given news headline precedence over evidence of British government involvement in CIA torture?  One suspects that it wouldn't have got remotely as much exposure if it had been uttered by a member of an establishment party (on strong pain killers ;) ).  BTW did you know that poor people can't cook?  Well... there's an general election coming!


Thought: maybe she was a very nice Ch***y Lady, and the word was being used as a term of endearment!  I used to regularly send out for a Chinky, and am booked to go out for one at Christmas - a brilliant restaurant where there's a very pretty umm.. Chinese Lady serving - yum!  If the 'Ch' word has now been completely redefined (even in darkest Essex), I really really do need to know - and soon! :D

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In London never say c*****eys you say Chinese that's a fact the Chinese who will be serving you could have been born in ashington

so what does the person you described become Chinese or English somebody with your intellect can give me your answer no painkillers or stress required please


I think my calling her a Chinese Lady has something to do with the traditional Chinese costume she was wearing the last time I saw her, and the fact that I was there shortly after they opened the restaurant a few years back. This indicates to me that she's proud of being Chinese, and wants the World to know it!


Most people are in fact justifiably proud of their ethnicity - except creepy pseudo-British lefties who are thoroughly ashamed of theirs; their nation's stellar history, and can only cite negatives about it.


Oh, and on the subject of restaurants and restaurateurs: here's a link for Sym to check out another potential self-hater, the MEP for Yorkshire and North Lincs.


Politics politics and guess what more politics.

No clear cut answers.

Claim and counter claim.

'You are right from your side and I am right from mine'

The next year will be interesting but may get a little/ lot boring.

My opinion (sadly ) and I enjoy the debate/s.


Politics politics and guess what more politics.

No clear cut answers.

Claim and counter claim.

'You are right from your side and I am right from mine'

The next year will be interesting but may get a little/ lot boring.

My opinion (sadly ) and I enjoy the debate/s.


Not quite. In the case of the left discussing right it's you're totally evil. Other way around it's simply please try to use your intelligence, and get your head out of the clouds!


I notice Len McCluskey is doing a rethink.  Maybe it came to him when he fell asleep during Miliband's speech at the LPC?


"I've given up on my socialist Valhalla, so I'm now rethinking my position on PR. If a new party emerged, a new Workers' Party, then you may well find that I'm in favour of PR.”




Seems he's given up on his own man already.  Yet more evidence that the current LibLabCon stitch-up is well past it's sell by date I'd say.  It doesn't even do anything for the people who pull the strings (with the notable exception of the EU overlords, who have them all in their pocket).


Re "No clear cut answers": Putting the EU under the required two year's notice that we want what we were originally sold - a pan European Free Trade Area - is pretty clear cut.  There's also quite a few other bloomin' obvious things we can do right away to get out of the present decline. However none of them accord with the self-interest of establishment politicos.

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All that photo proves is that the Uncle Tom Movement is alive and well - opportunists looking for the main chance or poor deluded fools being used or a decent Photoshop job.  Throughout history there are well-documented examples of the deluded allying themeselves with those who really don't have their best interests at heart.


We mustn't forget that the Nazis created their 'acceptable' face for the World by promoting the Theresienstadt concentration camp (making an infamous film of it, conning the Swiss Red Cross, then killing all the captives who were earlier complicit in the plan), and elsewhere in the other camps using Jewish Kapos to keep order and manage the gas chambers.  The Jewish Councils in the gettos, with their Jewish Order Police squads, doing the Nazis work for them. 


Oh, and one last thing, you don't have to be white to be a racist.


I must say that Blighy politics is really shaping-up to be quite fun over the next few months ... I can't really remember another GE season like it.  We've got a truly Socialist party storming across great swathes of Jockoland putting to the sword the Labourjocks and JockoLibs and Fatty Salmond promising to come South to stir a real shitstorm.  Eight Pints and a packet of Rothmans Nige promising his version of the Nuremburg laws on all those without Aryan English blood, whilst that dick Cameroooony doesn't know if he's coming or going being trapped by opposing forces within his party.  As for that lot who should really be attending to the needs of the population all they seem to care about is matching the rhetoric of the right .... shame on them!  Milliiiiiband should ensure that there's plenty of blue water between Labour and the rest so as to give folks an honest choice.  Some here will continue to slag off the Left, some will continue to slag off the Right, none here will even bother to slag off the irrelevant Libs and the EU will continue to exercise many here.  All good, clean fun.


I've said it before here ... make your pack with the party which will more likely be of some direct support to you and your family. 


Ggg did you know the unions don't pick the labour leader anymore the next labour leader will be picked by members of the party,I know

They will still get there contributions from the unions.But it will be the choice of labour paying members to decide I have lots of lads& lasses who don't contribute to the political levy but still want to be in the union..it's there choice not for me to ask but there is benifits to be had been in a union at least there is with ours.. Could send you a membership form if you like LOL


Be fair Tony ... remember where the Tories get their loot from:  crooked hedgefund bosses, crooked boss bankers, crooked boss businessmen, crooked pensionfund managers, property companies, posh fuedal landowners, mining companies, arms companies, crikey the list is endless!!  And these are just the ones that have been registered.  Tons of lucre shovelled in through the back door that isn't declared but recent leaks have shown the scale of the problem.  Further kindness and support is offered to the top Tory politicos ... paid directorships when in office and even bigger trouser stuffing, via the lobby companies, when they leave office.


Crooks the lots of them  (including a sizable bunch of Blair's warmongering Cabinet).


Sym was the union membership dissatisfied with the choice of the new labour leader I can't answer this but I'm pleased it has changed with the next choice of the leader which will be done by labour members not barons it's like when you are negotiating a pay rise the days have gone when you see your mates sticking there hands up & you better because they have. At least every thing is done by a ballot box so nobody sees & you can negotiate on the result with confidence, because that's what your members have decided.my union is really not that bad we even had a quote by a Tory M.P. Saying as a union goes were not that bad L.O.L.....if you need to be in a union....


Thank you for the clarification Nigel; I can enjoy my Christmas meal now! ;)


Our doctrine-bound simple minded lefties don't seem to be able to get their heads around the fact that it's the intent - and not the precise form of words - that's that's all important.  Sadly, we meekly permit them to redefine our language to suit their prejudices!


 Discussing the comments, Mr Farage made clear that Mr Smith was not suitable to run for Parliament for Ukip but defended some of the langauge used despite the backlash.


"I am a bit sad because Kerry Smith is a rough diamond, he's a council-house boy from the East End of London, left school early and talks and speaks in a way that a lot of people from that background do," Mr Farage said.


Challenged on Mr Smith's use of the word "Chinky", Mr Farage said: "If you and your mates were going out for a Chinese, what do you say you're going for?"



When LBC presenter Nick Ferrari responded that he "honestly would not use the word Chinky", Mr Farage said: "No? Fine. A lot of people would." He added he had never used the phrase himself.


"The point is this: I feel a bit sorry for Kerri Smith because he's a genuine fella. I think even the poofter comment, you know - the next sentence he was saying how good another candidate was and the fact that he was gay would be an asset to the party," Mr Farage said.


"I think he's had a tough time. However, he's not suitable to be a parliamentary candidate. I think we've very snobbish in London about condemning people perhaps for the colloquial language they use, particularly if it's not meant with really unpleasant intent.


He added: "Kerry himself said that he had used language that Del Boy use to use on Only Fools and Horses and nobody objected then. Kerry Smith is not fit to be a parliamentary candidate. I don't think that in the comments that he used he meant malice."


3G I wonder what you'd say if you were going for a Caribbean???But I guess if thy broker okays it would be fine..there's notthing wrong with been a leftie good ideals & values......

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