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Short memories of the Trotsky worms.



...What was it they were proudly chanting?  "We are racist. We are racist".  Mind, I suppose they don't represent the views of the vast majority of kippers.


Je suis Sym.


Don't let the facts (or even an actual Country) get in the way of a good old leftie wacist wacist chant boys!


Raising a toast with Nigel Farage, this is one of the Chelsea fans caught up in claims of racist behaviour.

Former public schoolboy Josh Parsons, 20, was named on Twitter as one of the men standing in the carriage where a group shoved a black man off a Paris train.

Last night Chelsea said it was suspending three supporters over the incident, in which racist chants were made, although it is not known whether season ticket holder Mr Parsons is among them. 

There is no suggestion at present that he was involved in either the pushing or chanting.


Mr Parsons now works for the Business and Commercial Finance Club in central London. Speaking outside its Mayfair office yesterday morning, his boss Miranda Khadr said Mr Parsons would not be coming into work.

She said: 'At this stage we are in a situation where this is very much Josh and his personal matters. Should he be charged we will be looking at taking action.

'He is very scared at the moment and he called me to say he is not coming in today. He is not that type of person at all (to have taken part in racist chants), he works with me and I'm not English.

'He is a 21-year-old little boy who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.'


So.. a guy who is not a Ukip party member was once photographed having a drink with Nigel Farage. He was recently photographed in an underground carriage in Paris in which some people were proclaiming that they were racists, and are shown pushing a black guy. There is no suggestion that this identified person was involved in the incident, and a non-English work colleague testifies that "He is not that type of person at all"  But, by the pythonesqe thought processes that occupy our left wing, it can be readily determined from the chain of events that Ukip is a racist party.


What a weird and wonderful fantasy world you guys live in?  There's actually a Latin term for this and it's Reductio ad absurdum you've already deployed the Reductio ad Hitlerum specialisation. In fact you've probably just invented a whole new one: Reductio ad Compotor!


Wansbeck UKIP members looking on admiring


Ed has another silly idea - Labour Party shadow cabinet meeting:


Posted (edited)

Brothers Josh and Ben Parsons were vocal kipper supporters whilst pupils at Millfield School, Josh even captioned his Instagram photo "UKIP Boys".  Josh Parsons was in that group on the Frog too-too ... perhaps the legal term I'm looking for is 'joint enterprise'.  I'll await the usual denials that these creeps weren't racists.  That black guy can thank his lucky stars the too-too wasn't chugging through a wooded area in Alabama ...  Reductio ad KKKum.


A general observation ... funny the number of kipper members getting caught spluttering racist vomit who are then discribed as behaving 'out of character'.  Denials made in the best tradition of the Doctor ... Reductio ad Goebbelsum.  Oh, I also love the camouflaging expression often used in these circumstances ... "some of my best friends are black/Asian/Jewish/Muslim/mackems".  (see what I did there?)


GGG - I'd be interested to know where those quotes in your  earlier post #80 came from.


Note:  My earlier post described the creeps as being "kipper supporters" ... I never said they were Ukip party members! 


Je suis Sym.

Edited by Symptoms

Check out BBC2 tonight at 10pm for a well-balanced documentary - Meet the Ukippers.  You know that you can rely on Auntie to handle these matters with care and even-handedness however much the 'Forces of the Right' fling their sticky shite.   Even Nige is scurrying to condemn some comments made by a kipper member as "deeply racist".  Man, you couldn't make this stuff up!!! (Or even wise old Sym couldn't make this stuff up).


Je suis Sym.


Well, I watched Meet the Ukippers on the iPlayer and to be honest I thought it was one of those spoof things the Beeb does so well ... Twenty Twelve (the Olympic thing) or W1A (the Auntie management skit).  But no, it wasn't a mockumentary but the real deal. 


I am now convinced that the rest of us have nothing to fear from the kipper battalions.  All these middle-aged/old fatties would certainly find it difficult to mount a version of the beer hall putsch and mount a torchlight parade waddle to power.  The Swiss Red Cross don't have enough defribrillators and oxygen tanks to revive the weezing columns during the anschluss of Westminster.


Je suis Sym.



It's OK, if the Tory party don't manage to sneak a refund for C4's Ofcom fine, the EU will simply up the C4 propaganda allowance public information subsidy.  (Other people's) Money well spent for both!

Posted (edited)

The Bossgreen suffers from the same image problem which infects Millleeeeband ... the voice.  A voice perfectly suited to advertising Fosters lager in OZ doesn't sit well spouting off about the evils of fracking or how we'll all grow two heads if we munch GM snaggies.  As for Millleeeee ... can anybody take him seriously when he doesn't even honk his hooter into a Kleenex before being interviewed?


What's the odds that the fragrantly delightful Caroline Lucas doesn't nudge the OZBossgreen aside to star in the GE telly debates?


6000 complaints to Ofgerm about the C4 kipper battering ... I didn't know they had that many members to dragoon.

Edited by Symptoms

Just for clarity.

Any legitimate organisation can advertise here.

I need a drink after that.


This man was in charge of a legitimate organisation Brett, would it be right to advertise it on the forum if it was legitimate now.post-3159-0-50954300-1425217710_thumb.jp


This man was in charge of a legitimate organisation Brett, would it be right to advertise it on the forum if it was legitimate now.attachicon.gifimage.jpg


Would that be good old Oswald Mosley Tony?  Went off the rails didn't he?  Started off as a Tory and steadily became more and more politically extreme to end up....   Oh! :(


Conservative Party



(1922–1924; 1940–1948)

Labour Party


New Party


British Union of Fascists


Union Movement



the Union Movement attempted to redefine the concept by stressing the importance of developing a European nationalism rather than narrower country-based nationalisms.


Isn't that Miliband's federal European Union by a slightly different moniker?


A bit like your mob disillusioned lot some were Tories some were labour in the end Oswald was a bit like Nigel they talk the talk but really they just wanted to be loved,in the end 3G the nation always see through people like them in the end by the way what's your policy on the minimum wage.Just asking on that one.


Why should anyone be worried about UKIP taking power? after all they had the bastion of morality Neil Hamilton as the deputy leader and now back him for a 'safe' seat - not forgetting of course Roger Bird their general secretary (presently suspended I believe) who upholds the fine tradition of nepotism in parliament. and it goes on and on....


Yup, now that there's a real alternative we are all going to have to get used to lots of defections.


Harriet Yeo, former chair of Labour's National Executive Committee, quit the party and pledged her support for Ukip over its position on the EU. Read her explanation of why below.


Once in a generation there is a pivotal moment in a country's history. I believe we have reached that moment. It is time to decide whether we remain in the EU. The only party I trust to offer us that choice is UKIP.


I have been a member of the Labour party for three decades. For years, I have worked for the trade union movement. In 2012 -2013 I was chairman of Labour's ruling body, the NEC. I have also been president of TSSA for two years.


But I have become increasing disillusioned by the party's position on Europe.


We are currently being led into a rapidly expanding federal Europe, in which we have less and less say. Our sovereignty is being eroded by the day. As a member of the Labour party, the final straw for me was learning from a contact in a position to know that the majority of the shadow cabinet wants a referendum. Apparently, they are being told to keep quiet. I understand that prospective parliamentary candidates for the Labour party who are sympathetic to the case for an EU referendum are also being warned not to speak out. I cannot support this approach.


Minimum wage: http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/274a1f20-44c0-11e4-bce8-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3TAY8MYIE


Note, that one is fully funded. We don't have to rob people's pensions for it.  I hear there's a lot of unrest in the union movement about the two Ed's pension grab which will affect a lot of trade-unionists.  Unsurprising, since they had no idea where they were going to get the cash from to fill their tuition fee bribe last week, and have been pushed into a quick back of a fag packet decision. 


Why should anyone be worried about UKIP taking power? after all they had the bastion of morality Neil Hamilton as the deputy leader and now back him for a 'safe' seat - not forgetting of course Roger Bird their general secretary (presently suspended I believe) who upholds the fine tradition of nepotism in parliament. and it goes on and on....


I'm not aware that Neil Hamilton is standing for anywhere, and he's certainly not the deputy leader!  The deputy leader is university history lecturer Paul Nutall who really knows his stuff!  But I do know that despite lots of scrutiny Hamilton has never been found guilty of anything.


Roger Bird is a really nice guy, and is entirely innocent. http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2014/dec/23/ukip-general-secretary-roger-bird-cleared-sexual-harassment-natasha-bolter-inquiry  The Boulter incident was a LP set-up.  Not readily provable of course, but her story has been entirely discredited.  Fortunately he kept all her emails, and they are there for you to read if you care to search for them.  In any event, being an honourable guy he stood down to avoid any embarrassment.  No, he's not suspended, nor is he standing, or holding any office at present.


I'm told our local candidate is a brilliant lady, though I haven't met her yet.  She's a miner's daughter from Stakeford, not one of your bussed-in politicos who has never had a real job. She will make a brilliant MP, worlds away from the dummy we are currently saddled with.  If Ukip hold the balance of power, then at long last we'll have a real voice for real change.  Even if that doesn't happen neither Tory nor Labour would ever take us for granted again!  Electing her is a no-brainer for anyone who puts our local community before dumb party loyalty.  It really doesn't matter if you agree with absolutely all the policies or not.




Following her selection Ms Hurst said "It is an absolute honour to head up our people's army in the constituency next year, to fight for the people of Wansbeck against the political establishment.

"As a mother of five, and grandmother of three, I understand the pressures of modern life that ordinary families encounter right across the Wansbeck constituency.

"The Labour Party have made numerous promises to the people of Wansbeck, but seriously, what exactly has changed? Where is the political will to do anything?

"I have seen first-hand how tough it is for young people to find work, secure long term employment, and get on the housing ladder – Labour politicians have been saying for decades that they'd solve these problems, but still the same issues remain.

Wansbeck's UKIP Euro MP Jonathan Arnott added "Melanie is a fantastic candidate for Wansbeck. She knows the constituency like the back of her hand and understands the pressures that ordinary hardworking people face.

"Former Labour Party members in Wansbeck are coming to UKIP in their droves, and are attracted to UKIP's policies such as 'no tax on the minimum wage', stopping mass uncontrolled immigration, and defending our NHS wholeheartedly from the political establishment's privatisation plans”.


oh dear -- that smacks of denial ..  er hang on - why did Bird quit??and Hamilton is straight as a die of course -  anyways why is Farage in the USA?? - what the f has that to do with whats going on at home now?? 9and he made an A*** of it )

check the bbc website the one about campaign spotting - although of course that would be biased??

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