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Make a noise for Bedlington.

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The event reminded me of 'Picnic Day'

Everyone going into town with one purpose.

The church was full and everyone was determined to get out to the event.

People talking , laughing, taking pictures basically showing how protests should be done.

The weather even proved a winner.

The town looked great.

The ancestors would have been proud of everyone standing up to injustice but doing it in such an incredibly good humoured way.

After all :-

'Bad things happen but working for change'

Anyone not seeing it as a positive should look again'

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I was really proud to see how many people turned up for the day.


The last time I saw that many people standing around in Bedlington was when I was last in Morrisons waiting to be served.

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Foxy, the ex- high ranking Labour member is a little confused with his figures. When he said (rather condescendingly) that all that the demo would achieve was to lose Lavery 2,000 votes at the election, but as he had a majority of 10,000 it didn't matter.


Lavery's majority in 2010 was actually 7,031, so if he loses 2,000 that takes him down to 5,000, and that's a good starting point for the challengers. It is going to be a hell of a lot closer than Mr complacency thinks.


The last time Labour had a 10,000 majority was in 2005 with Dennis Murphy.

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Thanks for posting those photos Brett and Foxy, (you must have caught some of our forum friends! ) great weather for the event, terrific turnout it looks like all ages were well represented. (ah telt wor lass it waas picnic day but she waas still sleapin, 5am!)

Take 2000+ votes away and add to the next candidate is a 4000 swing! that is a good start.

Wasn't that a sad game Pete? the arrogance of the owner is shameful.

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Well I had a rather heated exchange with Mr Lavery and when I told him that all the investment  goes to Ashington his words were  "The last thing  Ashington got was the Sports Centre in 1974"   When I asked him  "What was the last thing Bedlington got" he couldn't answer. Its worth a mention that after the crowds dispersed I spoke to an ex high ranking member of the local Labour party and his words were  " This demo will do nothing other than cost Ian a couple of thousand votes, but he has a ten thousand majority and you will all be standing here again in ten years time blowing your whistles"...........I feel that he could be right if Ian gets re-elected.  

 Foxy, I was about to put the following statement on FB regarding the lack of leisure facilities in Bedlington 


quote ->

I'd like qualification on  Labours statement of in the last two years they're aiming for enhanced sports facilities in Bedlington when Ashington is getting a multi million pound centre and Bedlington has nothing. The dust hadn't settled on the old Asda site when building work began on the new centre, I'm no expert on building but surely work from architects, surveys and tenders went out long before the demolition began ?
<- end quote
I'm not aiming this personally at Mr Lavery, but at our council in general
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I was really proud to see how many people turned up for the day.


The last time I saw that many people standing around in Bedlington was when I was last in Morrisons waiting to be served.

great comment, had me giggling

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Ashington yesterday hosted a Triathlon.

Swimming , Cycling and Running.

It would be great if we still had the swimming baths at Humford because the rest of Bedlingtonshire would be ideal for an event.

Maybe we could put suggestions to the officer in charge of leisure facilities at NCC.

There is a Northumberland Triathlon initiative.

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What does the editorial say, Maggie? Unfortunately I wasn't available to do Wendy's press release this time so have no idea what to expect. Have they gone the Tescos sold to NCC route or focused on Make a Noise?

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Thanks Maggie, so NCC achieved their goal of diverting attention from their failings to those of Tesco....


Although, just read the latest online  News Post leader article, and it doesn't mention Tesco once, so thank you NPL.

Edited by mercuryg
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Next Tuesday at the Netherton Club there is a comedy show.


Next Tuesday 19th at the Netherton Club.

Easy to get tickets just phone or text


Pay on the night.

They reserve the tickets for you .

It would be great to see Bedlington on the comedy map.

Kai Humphries from Blyth is the host.

Make a noise and laugh in Bedlington.

Maybe just what is needed.

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Depends what you mean Palance.

All welcome I assume, no need to sign in.

The Nomad or any Nomad would be welcome but on the bill would be a little tricky maybe.

Certainly at any comedy venue never sit near the front.

Anyone can be on the bill!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Very interesting Vic.

Question is Who wrote the letter and Why?

Everyone can use statistics and in this case the basic duties of the local authority to justify why no more money should be invested in Beflington.

This guy needs to come and justify his assertions in Bedlington.

My guess is quite a few people are worried by the present interest in Bedlington.

No one shopping here is down to the lack of viable and relevant shops.

Give us the shops and things will change!

Who wants to fight for a parking space at Cramlington or Morpeth!

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He has a right to his opinion, and I shall be drafting a response, but he dwells too much on one area, and misses the point: MAN4bedlington is not about Tesco, was not inspired by the closure of Tesco (which, in my opinion, was inevitable) but is far removed from commercial problems in the town. To not see that is to either be complacent in ones personal situation, or to not actually be concerned. Or, in fact, both.

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Hi Maggie, It is signed as Coun Alan Sambrook, Pegswood Ward. The way I read it and going by the context it sounds like a bit of CYA!

Living so close maybe he would like to go to Bedlington and explain why Bedlington's infrastructure was so much worse than the rest of the area that it required extra money to bring up to the areas standards!  

He may also explain why you would prefere to travel to shop rather than shop localy!

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Exactly my thoughts Vic.

He represents Labour and just maybe feels the need to justify the labour response to Bedlington.

Basically no action needed, money spent.

This protest is not going away!

Today people were around the market place talking and socialising.

Given the lack of shops, it was great to see.

Mind we were heading to North Shields for Kippers.

I did wave at the camera.

Thanks to Canny Lass we are watching Eurovision with Kippers followed by Strawberries!

Too much information perhaps!!!

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