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What are your thought on Brexit will the get out vote prevail or will Britain stay in the E.U.

personally i hope and pray that Britain gets out i think most of the E.U. are just waiting

to see which way vote before they begin their exit campaigns.


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I'm with you Brian. I think Brexit will be the tip of the iceberg.

EU trade with the UK keeps millions of EU workers in jobs, so I can't see this ending  overnight if Britain leaves the EU. 

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European Commission head Jean-Claude Juncker has admitted that one of the reasons why Euroskepticism is currently on the rise is because “we were wrong in overregulating and interfering too much in the daily lives of our fellow citizens.


I rest my case m'Lud! :D

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Willy Wonka: And Charlie, don’t forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he’d ever wished for.
Charlie: What happened?
Willy Wonka: He lived happily ever after


Brilliant post Malc!  Proof - if any more were needed - that our politicos really only want to hear what suits their own agendas.

We been the world's most successful traders for hundreds of years without politicos inserting themselves into the process, or dictating the terms of trade.  Trade is simply about providing the right goods and services at the right price.  If you do that others will buy, and if their politicos put up barriers then ultimately it will harm them more.

Ironic then that OhBarmy - from the nation that kids itself is THE pioneer of free trade - is using veiled threats of tariff barriers to blackmail us to do his bidding.  He's certainly the most anti-British US president in my own lifetime and likely long before. There's little chance that whoever replaces him in November will be as hostile.  If it's Trump then business will surely come before any politics, and Clinton has more sense than to meddle like OB.


Asked if Britain's standing would be enhanced or diminished in the US if it left the EU, she replied: "Oh, boy you are asking me to cross into dangerous waters, which I will not do."


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Hello - I am a dissatisfied Canadian who hopes to make it to the UK in a couple of years, when I am 65, I'd like to chat and learn more about Brexit.  I will not be rich, and will have to adopt a reduced standard of living, but, I consider it a worthwhile sacrifice.  I'm so fed up with the North American approach to life.  I'm unsure if I am interrupting a private conversation, so if that is the case, please excuse me, as I am not that technically inclined.  My personal bias is that the UK does not need the EU, and that the UK should decide to regain its former dignity and wrest control from political henchmen.  Hope to hear from somebody.  Thanks!

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8 hours ago, AbsoluteOptimist said:

My personal bias is that the UK does not need the EU, and that the UK should decide to regain its former dignity and wrest control from political henchmen.

My sentiments also.

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On 23/04/2016 at 00:40, Vic Patterson said:

My sentiments also.

Mine too

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good stuff but I bet it doesn't answer Boris's questions:


1. How can you possibly control EU immigration into this country?

2. The Living Wage is an excellent policy, but how will you stop it being a big pull factor for uncontrolled EU migration, given that it is far higher than minimum wages in other EU countries?

3. How will you prevent the European Court from interfering further in immigration, asylum, human rights, and all kinds of matters which have nothing to do with the so-called Single Market?

4. Why did you give up the UK veto on further moves towards a fiscal and political union?

5. How can you stop us from being dragged in, and from being made to pay?

Or indeed these from another:


1) Can you guarantee that the pitiful deal negotiated by Cameron is even going to be approved by the EU parliament AFTER our referendum?

2) How can the EU possibly ensure our safety and security when it allows millions of migrants (including potential terrorists) to roam around unchecked?

3) With all the bollox being talked about intelligence sharing to safeguard against terrorist threats, how come nobody even mentions the fact that Europol shares intelligence and co-operates with 18 countries OUTSIDE the EU?

4) If Turkey isn't going to join the EU "for decades", why did the EU parliament recently vote to adopt Turkish as an official EU language?

5)  According to Dozy Dave, in decades to come, Is everyone looking forward to being extradited to Turkey under the European Arrest Warrant legislation so beloved of Theresa May, for cracking jokes about Turkey's esteemed President?

6) When our armed forces are press-ganged into the new EU army, who will they swear allegiance to ?  Queen and Country, or Juncker and Merkel?

7) When will we start seeing the new militarised EU police riot squads on our streets, and will they take their orders from Westminster, Brussels or the planned EU-appointed prosecutor when the EU takes over our judicial system?

Desperate Dave no longer does debate it seems, or even attempts to answer real questions!

But - just in case you think there are never any answers to be had - we now have an answer to that ever pressing question when will the long overdue Chilcot Report be released?  And, the answer is... a neat two weeks AFTER our once-in-a-lifetime referendum!


Makes no difference them in power will just twist the results to suit them. The referendum is goverments way to appease the masses. Anyway england will soon be known as englanstan part of the united muslim nations.

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The table looks a bit wrong to me.......???   

I know France has a minimum wage of about 9.61 Euros......I worked for it for a while! 

With the exchange rate thats about £7.60.  Minimum wage here is £6.70 which is 8.40E.  

So question is why would economic migrants want to walk through other EU countries with higher wages to get here?  


Of course the table is misleading; Osborne has pledged a £9 "living wage" simply in order to trump Labour's £8.  £9 = €11.50

And you can't seriously be asking that question when you've lived in France - especially Hollande's France!  The chances of anyone - without family contacts - landing any job here in Southern Europe are totally nil, and if you work for "the family" any legal minimum wage is a cruel joke.  Notice that Italy, the continental EU's third largest economy (on paper), doesn't even feature in that table.

Those aren't the only factors of course, language is a big pull too.  Something else the IN'ers don't want to discuss is that virtually all those Muslims in Germany don't speak German and have no intention of learning German, but they do speak really good English.  When Merkel gives them their EU citizenship guess where they will be headed?  Ditto the Turks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

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