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The elites calculate that more Brits living in the EU are likely to vote "Remain" - principally because of the campaign of fear and misinformation - so they are scraping the bottom of the barrel by spending public money on this advertising.  Also, they reckon that far more people who are inclined to vote "Remain" don't feel very strongly on the issue, so haven't bothered to register.  This has never happened before!  You can bet your boots that if they thought it would attract more "Leave" voters there would be no such advertising.

I'm beginning to listen to those who say that if the country provides the elite with the "wrong" result it will be required to "think again" - in traditional EU fashion!

The ex-MI6 chief's warning of a "populist uprising" on a "Remain" vote may be an informed one!  Our banana republic is moving more in this direction every day!


Britain to enter recession with 500,000 UK jobs lost if it left EU, new Treasury analysis shows


Now hang on there civil service: you've been feeding us this "uncertainty" guff for weeks, now it's a firm "would". That doesn't sound anything like uncertainty to me!

Anyway, it's nice to know we have an unbiased, entirely impartial, civil service that doesn't take sides!  Knighthoods all around, eh?!

  • Like 1
20 hours ago, Brian Cross said:

Me too Vic screw the E.U.


Totally agree Brian, screew the eu and the unelected dross that run it.

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Posted (edited)

Campaign fear cries that  500,000 jobs lost if we leave

Yet 828,000 EU nationals were issued with new national insurance numbers to take up jobs in the UK

 Vote Leave

Edited by moe19
Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, webtrekker said:

And still no discussion of the bloody great elephant in the room ...



Yes its like people in power were controlling the media and what stories they are allowed to run, in order to keep citizens uninformed,:D

I wonder what the Biased Broadcasting Company had to agree  to in order to stop Dave reforming them -_- 

If the stay campaign win this referendum may well be the last one allowed  EVER


Greens Want To Ban Referendums On European Questions, As Direct Democracy Threatens the EU




Edited by moe19

Why not take the EU quiz - well, you paid plenty for it!


The strap line is: Do you know the facts about the EU?  No facts there folks, just more unremitting pro-EU propaganda, so please don't waste your time.


I want to add a question though, and it concerns our lords and master's graphic above.

Q) Which of the yellow stars is the UK?

A) 0.4285714285714286 of any of the stars (you choose which one) - getting less by the year - and will undoubtedly be replaced by part of a crescent before too long.  It's called having political "influence"!  How they have the barefaced effrontery to associate it with the Union Flag - when they are doing everything possible to consign it to history - might be the next question in the "quiz"!

1 hour ago, Malcolm Robinson said:

Are you talking about the one on the left or the one on the right?  Yeah, OK, I know: it's the one on the left. The one on the right should go straight to The Tower for High Treason.


This whole debate - the Remain or Leave thing - is the worst example of media overkill I can remember. It's got to the point now where I've actually lost interest. I turn on the TV news each morning and it's the same thing, every day. I've heard it all, thanks. Yesterday, I read my paper in the pub opposite a mate doing the same, and we each did the same thing, and skipped all the pages about the EU subject. We've read it all, it's all that's been written about for weeks. If we haven't made our minds up by now, having been force fed both sides of the argument for an eternity, we're a lost cause. I know what I'm voting, and I'm sure others do, too. It's boring now, and if others are displaying the same level of apathy as I am, it's the fault of the media having nothing else to talk about.


Ah, nil desperandum mercury, it'll all be forgotten about a couple of weeks after the vote, when the Chilcott deisions will hit the media. Latest word is that Blair, Straw, Houghton et al will be hit hard. Apparently, it won't be the complete whitewash we believe it will be.

Time will tell though. 

1 hour ago, mercuryg said:

..the Remain or Leave thing - is the worst example of media overkill I can remember...

That would be to fall into the trap that it's just another election where - if we make a mistake - we can re-vote in five years to correct it.

This one is for keeps and it's about our very nationhood and democracy.  I guess that if this was WW11 you'd be saying all right I've had enough lets just get back to the 1930's! ;)  It's a life and nation changing event, and deserves a bit more application.

1 hour ago, mercuryg said:

This whole debate - the Remain or Leave thing - is the worst example of media overkill I can remember. It's got to the point now where I've actually lost interest. I turn on the TV news each morning and it's the same thing, every day. I've heard it all, thanks. Yesterday, I read my paper in the pub opposite a mate doing the same, and we each did the same thing, and skipped all the pages about the EU subject. We've read it all, it's all that's been written about for weeks. If we haven't made our minds up by now, having been force fed both sides of the argument for an eternity, we're a lost cause. I know what I'm voting, and I'm sure others do, too. It's boring now, and if others are displaying the same level of apathy as I am, it's the fault of the media having nothing else to talk about.

Spot on Merc, I knew how I was voting before the referendum date was announced.


There's just so much jiggery pokery going on from the Remainers that it's near unbelievable. Behind it all is the really big money being funnelled in by Dave's puppet-masters. The true origins of this big money is quite shady.

Official pro-European Union campaign is part-funded by Goldman Sachs, CitiGroup and Morgan Stanley and France’s Airbus and Eurostar, Electoral Commission figures show


The EU works in the interests of the elite - the one per cent - so it is entirely unsurprising to find that the campaign to keep us in the Union is financed by big banks like Goldman Sachs and JP  -- Lord Owen



The EU works in the interests of the elite - the one per cent - so it is entirely unsurprising to find that the campaign to keep us in the Union is financed by big banks like Goldman Sachs and JP  -- Lord Owen


'Gold-in Sacks' ............. Say no more!


It still never ceases to amaze me why the 99% kow-tow to the 1%.


And what about this poster from   Operation Black Vote, showing an elderly Asian woman and a tattooed white thug facing each other on a see-saw.

The poster  by Saatchi and Saatchi  is to be shown on billboards in London and Manchester in the run-up to the poll.

Can you imagine the outcry if it showed an elderly white woman and a threatening black or Asian man  



"It's a life and nation changing event, and deserves a bit more application."

I couldn't agree more, but my point still stands; I'm bored to death with it, and there's almost a month to go before we vote. I'm not alone, either; I am now prone to change channels when I see it come up on the news - and, for the sake of clarity, it's not news, it hasn't happened - and, like just about everyone I've spoken to, I don't bother reading about it any more. It's been killed by the media to the point that, when the poll happens, people will be utterly apathetic, and won't bother voting. I'm not saying it's not worthy of our serious consideration, but that its been rammed at us so hard and so much that the general populace has switched off. I haven't even bothered to read any of your threads over the last fortnight, I'm that fed up with the subject. There's plenty else going on in the world.

  • Like 1
7 hours ago, mercuryg said:

 I haven't even bothered to read any of your threads over the last fortnight, I'm that fed up with the subject. There's plenty else going on in the world.

With the obvious exception of this one! :D

You are entitled to switch off; but there are many many people who don't appreciate all the issues, and others are entitled to campaign for their support. It's called democracy; if you want to end it then vote for the salami-slicing antidemocratic EU, and let the Euro-elites do all your thinking for you.  It was a good 1000 years - whilst it lasted!


Well, to be honest, I haven't read before my post. I did a straw poll today, in the local: everyone - 100% out of 20 odd canvassed - has lost interest thanks to hearing about it over and over again. It's been killed, stone dead. The turn out on voting day will be meagre.

19 hours ago, mercuryg said:

Well, to be honest, I haven't read before my post. I did a straw poll today, in the local: everyone - 100% out of 20 odd canvassed - has lost interest thanks to hearing about it over and over again. It's been killed, stone dead. The turn out on voting day will be meagre.

I think your mates in the pub probably switched off long before the referendum.  That a crook, blustering con-man, and utter ignoramus - one regularly who votes for autogenocide of our nation AND the interests of international capitalism - should poll over 19,000 votes, whilst a miner's daughter who offers real change could only get 7000 (and likely most of those from disaffected Tories in Morpeth) doesn't say much for their political awareness, or appreciation of the issues.  Fortunately the referendum ISN'T FPTP, so engaged and informed people don't get drowned out by the general apathy.

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