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I cant believe its happened again, how many times does this have to happen before laws on guns are tightened in America?

BBC Report

30,000 people die every year in America from gunshot wounds.

"Police SWAT teams now regularly visit American schools to teach students how to react to a shooting - testament to their unhappy status as one of the country's prime killing grounds."

(Timeline: US shooting Sprees)

Imagine that, sending your kid to school knowing that today, they'd be getting lessons on how to survive a gunman.

Its sad.

I cant believe its happened again, how many times does this have to happen before laws on guns are tightened in America?

BBC Report

30,000 people die every year in America from gunshot wounds.

"Police SWAT teams now regularly visit American schools to teach students how to react to a shooting - testament to their unhappy status as one of the country's prime killing grounds."

(Timeline: US shotting Sprees)

Imagine that, sending your kid to school knowing that today, they'd be getting lessons on how to survive a gunman.

Its sad.

I cant believe its happened again

I can .. they're mad .. well at least the ones with the automatic weapons are.

Guest missvic
I cant believe its happened again, how many times does this have to happen before laws on guns are tightened in America?

Bush will come out of this with a clear conscience and a greater sense of nationalism across the land. It won’t be the constitution to blame, but the Asian community no doubt. Just like kid who listened to rock music after all the other tragedies. There’s no sense of accountability over there only scapegoats for the nation to focus their hatred.

As for the media reporting of the event, all the channels are trying to out-sensationalise each other with eye-witness accounts and heart-breaking reports, and some of those there at the time seem to be delighting in their 15 minutes of fame. I can’t watch any more.


A common bumper-sticker in the States is 'An Armed Society is a Polite Society'. The reasoning behind this is if you're obviously packing a weapon any perpetrator may think twice about targeting you 'cos they could get blasted back. The killer in the University shooting could have been sure that tight security (sic) - metal detectors, body-searches, etc. at entrances to buildings on all campuses in the States - would have ensured that none of the victims would shoot back. Would the death toll have been as high as 33 if the student body had been 'carrying'?

The weak-kneed, yellow-bellied liberals will argue that by allowing people to carry weapons that it will somehow cause many more shootings, but I know that if I was faced with the situation of having a gunman bearing down on me, I would like to be able to defend myself with a bit more than pleading words and hysterical screams.

New Labour banned handguns over here because of the Drumblane shootings and a public perception that gun-crime was out of control. Well guess what? Gun crime is at epidemic levels in some parts of the country and a large group of law-abiding people have been deprived of their sport and victimised. The cops in Scotland had the means of stopping Hamilton from shooting those kids and their teacher, but they didn't bother; he had form, was a known perv (with a record), all enough to prevent him access to firearms. But they granted him a Firearm Certificate! By the way, the Government has sealed all the files relating to Thomas Hamilton so we can't find out why he was granted permission to have guns. What have they got to hide?


red neck trailer trash there all insane for Christs sake!

i dont think they should ban weapons they should just moderate the licences, i mean if you ban things they just go underground and become harder to police. it was the person that killed not the gun! so instead of telling mr and mrs sane they can not protect themselves cause loonie lenny red neck druged up on crack cocaine, who shoot up communities. that just ain't right.

give licence holders phycological testing i say!


One of the Fathers of a child shot in Columbine was on GMTV this morning saying how he doesn't want the gun laws changed. It shows how brain-washed they are.

Can see what you mean about them going underground though... it's a quandry.

It's only a matter of time before our copycat society starts doing the same thing, that's what worries me.

One of the Fathers of a child shot in Columbine was on GMTV this morning saying how he doesn't want the gun laws changed. It shows how brain-washed they are.

Can see what you mean about them going underground though... it's a quandry.

It's only a matter of time before our copycat society starts doing the same thing, that's what worries me.

"Bowling for Columbine"......enough said :(


didnt he shot them 1 by 1??why didnt the ones that got shot last try and do sumik about it before he reached them??they might of been shot or injured in the process but im sure a group of them could of stopped him!That part makes me mad! god rest there souls.


he's a nutter !*!@# nuff said! triads and all that stuff! i think he was mentally unstable to so how did he get a gun? don't they share doctors notes with the licensing body?

didnt he shot them 1 by 1??why didnt the ones that got shot last try and do sumik about it before he reached them??they might of been shot or injured in the process but im sure a group of them could of stopped him!That part makes me mad! god rest there souls.

There was a student on the news who said we were all hit or too scared out of our minds tos top him. Another nut job on GMTV this morning saying that this is the reason schools should not be gun-free zones (as they are now) because the teacher or another student would have also had a gun to shoot him down. Isn't amazing what culture can do to warp people's common sense.

There was a student on the news who said we were all hit or too scared out of our minds tos top him. Another nut job on GMTV this morning saying that this is the reason schools should not be gun-free zones (as they are now) because the teacher or another student would have also had a gun to shoot him down. Isn't amazing what culture can do to warp people's common sense.

be like them western films, show down at high noon in the sports hall!!!

The world is overpopulated, hence too much methane produced by the animals needed to feed them. Reduce the human population by whatever means and that could significantly reduce global warming, stop eating beans would also help, or shoot them ......lol

!*!@# ...... :angry:

There was a student on the news who said we were all hit or too scared out of our minds tos top him. Another nut job on GMTV this morning saying that this is the reason schools should not be gun-free zones (as they are now) because the teacher or another student would have also had a gun to shoot him down. Isn't amazing what culture can do to warp people's common sense.

I know, they are completely deluded. Absolutely crazy... If everyone in the street walked around with a gun in their pocket...

Guest missvic
If everyone in the street walked around with a gun in their pocket...

The innuendo would be endless!

The world is overpopulated, hence too much methane produced by the animals needed to feed them. Reduce the human population by whatever means and that could significantly reduce global warming, stop eating beans would also help, or shoot them ......lol

bit harsh ain't it? you could at least say let the terrorist packie scum kill them selves! not decent people only doing there job to try and bring law and order to a hate filled land!

!*!@# ...... :angry:
bit harsh ain't it? you could at least say let the terrorist packie scum kill them selves! not decent people only doing there job to try and bring law and order to a hate filled land!

Very eloquent.....lol

“Good people will do good things, and bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things — that takes religion.” ~ Steve Weinburg

“If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities.” ~ Voltaire


Guest missvic
“If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities.” ~ Voltaire

Voltaire... that's a bit fancy for this place! Nice though :)

Very eloquent.....lol

“Good people will do good things, and bad people will do bad things. But for good people to do bad things — that takes religion.” ~ Steve Weinburg

“If we believe absurdities, we shall commit atrocities.” ~ Voltaire


It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book. F.N.

It is my ambition to say in ten sentences what others say in a whole book. F.N.

thats quite an ambition you got! my ambition is to prove that man did not land on the moon, yes it was all a big hoax just like crop circles!

thats quite an ambition you got! my ambition is to prove that man did not land on the moon, yes it was all a big hoax just like crop circles!

Try proving the existence of a deity, that could be very lucrative, ...lol..... another hoax. :D

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