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scan 44.jpg

Andy Millne


© Millne

From the album:

Misc. Millne Photos In & Around Bedlington

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@Andy Millne Don't recognise the shop - it looks like a mixture of everything - off licence - newsagents (magazine rack at door) - photo developing & coffee shop = 'bar stool at entrance.

Had a Google search using the name - Victor _RENCH CUSTARD ____ Cream. Looks like it could be America☺️  


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@Andy MillneDoes your family have any connections with USA?

One of the magazines on the stand is The Delineator. This was an American  woman’s “Journal of Fashion, Culture and Fine Arts” which was published in New York 1873 – 1930 before merging with  Pictorial Review. This may help to date and place the photo.

Also, we can read on the window:

“ Victor, [FRENCH  C]USTARD, [ICE] CREAM” (Text in square brackets is my suggestion).

Victor French Custard Ice Cream was, according to Wiki, from a Californian company and anything to do with the company seems now to be very collectable (E-Bay).

 I don’t think this is Bedlington. Although 1930 is a bit before my time and things may have changed before I became familiar with the streets, I don’t remember ant pavements with diagonally laid paving stones. Neither do I remember anywhere with high bar stools – which I think I detect just inside the door. Could this be an American ‘ice-cream parlour’?

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Thanks for the detective work. I don’t believe there are any direct connections but I did suspect it wasn’t Bedlington. There are quite a few letters with these photos so I’ll see if I can find any other links to America. 

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