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From the album:

Bedlington Village School

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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


Photo and names from Alan Rigg.- Facebook - Bedlington remembered.

Canny lass


Eggy, would you like to explain the title: 'Mrs Fox's class clarting'. Clarting?

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


1 hour ago, Canny lass said:

Eggy, would you like to explain the title: 'Mrs Fox's class clarting'. Clarting?

@Canny lass That's just my naming the photos when I start to enhance/photoshop and add text etc. When I am finished 'clarting' I normally rename the photo before uploading but in this case, and probably many others, I forgot. 

Canny lass


I've explored many avenues looking for a logical explanation for this title but never in a million years would I have come up with that one !

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

Posted (edited)

I assume it stems from our childhood pastime of 'plodging in the clarts'. Because many of the old photos are damaged or the image uploaded is a photo, with flash, of a photo (rather than a scan) then I attempt to repair them (Microsoft Digital Pro 1o) and enhance the colours. I haven't kept the original of this 1965 Mrs fox's class photo but this is an example of Before and After clarting :- 

Example of clarting.jpg

Edited by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)
Canny lass


That's amazing! All that's left to say is 'Carry on clarting!' you're doing a great job! Thanks.

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

Posted (edited)

No 4 named by Leanne Wilkinson - Bygone Bedlington FB group No 16 & 17 corrected.


1965  Mrs Fox's class named.jpg

Edited by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

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