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Bedlington Gateway Features

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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


At the Southern entrance to the town is  world renowned dog the Bedlington Terrier.

Gateway (6).png

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

Posted (edited)

On certain events in the year one resident, don'y know who, has added an additional feature to the dog. When the added feature has been noticed someone has taken a photo and posted it on social media.

2018 easter.jpg

2018 Prince harry wedding 19_05_2018.jpg


2018 Halloween.jpg

2018 Dec.jpg

2019 Easter.jpg

2019 Halloween (2).jpg

2019 xmas.jpg

2020 May covid19.jpg

2018 World Cup.jpg

Edited by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)
Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)

Posted (edited)

I think it was @Malcolm Robinson who took the photo without any clothing added and it was  




Simon Williams   Bygone Bedlington Facebook group who took all the others.  
Edited by Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


'I think it was @Malcolm Robinson who took the photo without any clothing added'

There are no leaves on the trees so he was probably quite cold standing there in the nude with his flasher in his hands! 

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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


2020 - covid-19 (Stay Safe) Halloween. photo from Simon Wiliams.

2020 Covid-19 Halloween.jpg

Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


Easter 2021 - face mask still hanging - pictue of an easter egg 'secured' to front leg. 

2021 Easter comparison.jpg



Most of us will be watching the coronation on Saturday at home, but in 1953, when the Queen’s coronation took place very few families in Bedlington had a tv. Lots of people from the “bottom end’ of Bedlington were at least able to watch the coronation through The Rediffusion shop window. This was a company that sold and rented tv’s and radios and is now a dental practice. The photos are from one of Evan Martin’s books and the 3 girls in the front are, left to right Maureen Brown, Joan Gray (dress with white collar) and Brenda Smith. Behind Joan is her brother Bob Gray. BottomEndcoronation.thumb.jpg.3c3b571918527aabb4734235a9c8a839.jpg

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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


1955, when ITV started broadcasting, is when our family got the rediffusion TV installed. Prior to that it was three families of cousins- Derek, Dennis,me, Una, Leita, Martin, Mary & John that invaded granny Henderson's in Beatty Road to watch kids TV.

I can't remember the 1953 :thumbsup: coronation and I'm sure there will be sporting events  broadcasting at the same time this 2023 is on air:punk:


Canny lass


I can't remember it either, as we didn't have a TV then, but I do remember the street party and the coronation mugs we were given in school. The street party was great fun with everybody in their Sunday best. There were egg & spoon races and sack races for both children and adults. Esther and Bob Rochester, from the corner shop, rode around on an adult-sized three wheeled bike dishing out a 2oz sweets to every child. They were dressed for the occasion in red white and blue and so was the bike. There were tongue sandwiches - which I loved, until I found out what it was - strawberry jelly and blancmange and Tizer. What a day!

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Alan Edgar (Eggy1948)


Beatty Road - June 1953 - can't remember anything about it or the outfits my brother Dennis and I were wearing:)

Coronation_1953_StreetParty with info.jpg

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