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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/12/09 in all areas

  1. WEST BEDLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL To: ALL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL You are hereby requested to attend a meeting of WEST BEDLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL to be held at Bedlington Salvation Army Hall, Hartford Road West Bedlington on Wednesday 16 December at 6 pm The agenda for the meeting is set out below. John Nicholson Town Clerk 14 December 2009 OPEN SESSION The Chair to invite members of the public present to put questions to, or draw relevant matters to the attention of the Council prior to commencement of business. This question time will last for a period of 15 minutes overall (which may be extended if the Chairman deems it necessary) and each question is limited to 3 minutes per person. In order to give every member of the public a fair chance of asking a question, each person will be limited to two questions at each session. The above covers both verbal and written submissions. Any member of the public who asks a question should first state their name and address. AGENDA 1) NEW TOWN CLERK Introduction of new town clerk: Mr John Nicholson 2) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3) MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To sign as a correct record the minutes of the West Bedlington Town Council meeting held on 12 November 2009 4) MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 5) CO-OPTION TO THE COUNCIL A "show of hands vote†is required to formally co-opt Councillor Headley to the Council. 6) DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS To receive from members in respect of any terms included on the agenda for this meeting, disclosure of any personal or prejudicial interests. 7) ANNOUNCEMENTS To receive announcements on any matters which the Chair wishes to bring to the attention of members. 8) CORRESPONDENCE To receive any items of correspondence addressed to the Council 9) VOTE OF THANKS A vote of thanks will be given to Margaret Penny for her help in past years with regard to the remembrance service. 10) WORKING GROUPS To receive reports from working groups: a. Finance (Councillors Aynsley, and Allen) b. Communications and Events (Councillors Barret and Shephard) c. Premises (Councillors Harratt and Pegg) d. Planning (Councillors Major and Todd) 11) ANY OTHER BUSINESS To consider any other items for information only including items to be brought forward to the next meeting. 12) DATE OF NEXT MEETING To agree a date and time for the next meeting of the Council
    1 point
  2. Threegee and Fourgee? Only kidding, keep up the good work.
    1 point
  3. http://twitter.com/jermceldree
    1 point
  4. That was the Lord Barrington Brian..........
    1 point
  5. Did no one see that coming? When I saw those slabs going down I thought about buying my own BMX (my last one was 26 years ago!). Looks a great place for 360's,double pegs(great to wear that sandstone down), freestylin, half cabs, half pipes, icepicks and jumps. i passed there only an hour ago and counted 25 kids on bikes and 8 on the seats (I wonder who has engraved their 'TAG' first?) I think us adults will have to use the TESCO rear entrance soon, or if we cant beat em join em and buy a BMX! WELCOME TO THE TESCO PLAY PARK!
    1 point
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