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  1. Merry Christmas to everyone and Happy New Year
    4 points
  2. Merry Christmas to all.
    4 points
  3. Merry Christmas to everyone in this group from Bygone Bedlington:-
    4 points
  4. Seasonal Greetings to all here and wishing you all a happy New Year.
    3 points
  5. Is that Wilf i can see loitering by the traffic lights? Hopefully it is, cos that means it's officially Christmas! Whoopee!!! A very merry Christmas to everybody. I hope to be a bit more active next year as two eye operations have meant I've had to rely on someone else to read and write for me for a couple of months. Reading has been a little bit easier but only if I lift the laptop to within an inch of my face. However, I'm on the mend now but can't get new specs until the beginning of February when everything is healed. Have a great Christmas and knock hell out of what's left of the year!
    3 points
  6. Well we have finally got the upgrades to the Garden of Remembrance at West Lea Cemetery done and the new QE11 Memorial Path. It’s taken some time but finally we have something we can all be proud of. It’s about tackling a problem by bringing in the right team, trusting them and letting them do what they do best! This new QE11 Memorial Arch has some underlying significance to Bedlington. Firstly I make all my ‘stuff’ in metal as homage to the world famous Bedlington Iron Works 1736-1867. Secondly if you look you will see the arch is outlined by two tubular bars or rails across its length. These pay tribute to John Birkenshaw who invented the malleable steel rails the world came to use for rail tracks. Previously they were made from wrought iron which was too small and too fragile for that use being only 3 feet long Birkenshaw’s were 19 feet long by comparison and incidentally the first rail lines laid in Russia! Next we come to the steam train. Not just any steam train but a scaled version of the De Arned which was the first steam train exported to Holland built in Bedlington. It’s the one I used for the gateway feature at Attlee Park, after getting permission from the national Dutch railway museum to use their full sized replica as a template . We also built the Bayard steam train which went to Italy as well as a host of other steam trains. Interestingly a Bedlington steam train boiler is reputedly in the Smithsonian in America. Of course we couldn’t miss out the world famous Bedlington Terrier which originated here. Originally bred to hunt badgers and game. Again that’s what I used to develop the seats we make which are scattered around the Town and the large one which is the southern gateway feature coming into the Town. When I did that one it caused a bit of consternation amongst some locals but I said people will come from all over to have their picture taken next to it and they have, as far away as Australia and Canada! Lastly we see a rose and it’s not just attributed to Queen Elizabeth as the quintessential English rose. This also represents the Bedlington Rose, a variety specifically developed for Wansbeck District Council but which has now all but disappeared. In fact the last bed I know of is in Bedlington so I’m calling it the Bedlington Rose! The pathway itself which we can walk on to see the rest of the installation was actually quite overgrown with weeds and vegetation along both sides. You couldn’t even see the stone wall for large stretches and the single track was just what walkers had flattened down. It was scraped back, treated, hard-core laid and then fine gravel so we now have a much wider usable path. All in all a fitting tribute to our late Queen. The Garden of Remembrance was somewhere I have wanted to sort out for some time. Previously it was encompassed with overgrown hedging, broken paving, burnt out litter bin and a broken seat. A dark and dingy place which was really just used for nefarious activities. We now have an open aspect, new hooped metal fencing, new entrance arch (which by the way transforms at certain times of the day from the black arch we see into a shining golden arch!), new bespoke seats, new tarmacked surface, new retaining walls, a bust of Queen Elizabeth mounted on a sandstone memorial plinth and fantastic new planting at the back end. Thanks go to: Firstly thanks have to go to the Leader of NCC who must have become that sick of my constant arguing for a QE11 Memorial scheme for Bedlington that he told me to go away and come up with a scheme and he would consider it. So I did just that! After coming up with some designs and ideas I went and saw Chris and Mike at Barrington Metal Works because they turn my very rough drafts and ideas into workable and deliverable products. Not only that they also took on the installation works for much of it. Next I had to get permission off the cemetery management officers. Tony and Stephen agreed and Stephen even suggested expanding on my initial ideas for the Garden of Remembrance so we might get the back path done at the same time. He also sorted out the planting and the main preparation works so huge thanks to him and the lads who did the work. Also thanks to the Friends of West Lea Cemetery group who made a significant contribution to the planting scheme. Of course things don’t go smoothly but with a sustained effort and everyone pulling together we managed to pull the whole project off. https://www.chroniclelive.co.uk/news/north-east-news/restoration-bedlingtons-garden-remembrance-hailed-30705914?fbclid=IwY2xjawHl3MRleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHZ81xblU3F1xe3CqBHdvb2mB3-pLqjYk-MffOsMbtONDKW9x3z4MAL8SrA_aem_chW2-l6eCHTfTri_-CTn3w
    2 points
  7. Sorry, I'm very late with the answers! I've not been allowed to look at a screen since Friday. However, I did get a pair of temporary specs. They are far from the most elegant pair of specs I've ever had but at least I can read now and I'm actually writing this myself so not reliant on family and friends anymore! Answers to the New Year quiz: 1. 31 Dec 1923 2. The Gambia 3. Potomac River 4. David Nixon 5. Potato 6. Chan 7. Edward II 8. left 9. Seraphim 10. Fiat 11. Carrot 12. Mary, Queen of Scots 13. Sooty 14. Sandhurst 15. Four 16. Montague 17. Norway 18. Helium 19. Templars 20. Ounce
    2 points
  8. When the new black arched entrance turns into a golden one............
    2 points
  9. 1. In which year were the chimes of Big Ben first broadcast at New Year? = 1923 2. Of which African country is Banjul the capital? = The Gambia 3. On which river does Washington DC stand? = Potomac 4. Who was the first British magician to become a TV star? = David Nixon 5. If you were served aloo in an Indian restaurant what vegetable you get? = Potato 6. Which very common Chinese surname means ‘old’ in English? = Chen 7. Which king of England married Isabella of France? = Edward II 8. On British coins, does King Charles III face left or right? = Left (Lizzy II right) 9. In the celestial hierarchy what is the highest order of angels?= Arch, or Eggy , angel 10. Which car manufacturer produced the Panda?= Fiat 11. Favourite, Figaro and Autumn King are varieties of which vegetable?= Carrot 12. Who married the Earl of Bothwell in 1567?= Mary Queen of Scots 13. Who was Harry Corbett’s furry friend? =Sooty – Sweep & Sue 14. What is the name of the college attended by British Army Officers?= Sandhurst 15. How many gold medals did Jesse Owens win at the 1936 Olympics?= 4 16. What is the surname of Romeo in Romeo and Juliet?= wherefore art thou OR Montecchi ) 17. In which country is the River Glomma the longest river?= Norway 18. Which gas is represented by the symbol He? = Helium 19. How were the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon better known?= Knights Templar 20. What is another name for the Snow Leopard? = ounce I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Racing greyhounds have their nose-prints, which are as individual as fingerprints, registered to prevent fraud. = No - I have never owned one
    2 points
  10. Hope everyone has enjoyed the festivities . Happy New Year 2025. Keep up the good work Mal .
    2 points
  11. Answers to last week's Christmas special: 1. Untidiness and disorder. 2. Green or tan. 3. 48 hours, 11 minutes and 7 seconds. A quiz master who became an international hit during the Covid-19 lockdown is now a World Record holder. Tom Finkill, from Bury, made a name for himself by hosting quizzes online, and now holds the record for the longest livestream quiz. 4. 25 (No el)! 5. The Anglo Saxons. It meant ‘Good Health’. 6. 3 (Dasher, Dancer and Donner). 7. Deep pan, crisp and even. 8. Deck the Halls (with Christmas holly). 9. 1914 10. Mele Kalikimaka 11. Dr Seuss 12. Sugarplums 13. Martin Luther 14. Hula hoops 15. A blessing 16. Strengths 17. Tinsel 18. The German version of mulled wine. 19. A hen. 20. 3 – Indiana, Arizona and Georgia
    2 points
  12. 1. Football legend David Beckham suffers from ataxophobia. What is he afraid of? 2. What was the colour of Santa’s clothes before Coca-Cola dressed him in red? 3. What is the longest quiz ever? 4. How many letters are there in the Angelic alphabet? 5. Who started the custom of Wassailing? 6. How many of Rudolph’s companions have names starting with D? 7. How did Good King Wenceslas like his pizza? 8. In which Christmas song can you hear “Fa la la la la, la la la la? 9. During WW1, a famous ‘Christmas Truce’ took place, when soldiers agreed to a cease-fire to celebrate the occasion and play football. Which year did this take place? 10. How do you say Merry Christmas in Hawaiian? 11. Who wrote, “Christmas doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas is a little bit more?” 12. Visions of which food danced in the heads of children as they slept in the poem “Twas the night before Christmas”? 13. Who claimed that he could “drive away the devil with a fart”? 14. What was banned in Indonesia for “stimulating passion”? 15. What do you call a group of unicorns? 16. What is the longest English word with only one vowel? 17. Which Christmas decoration do the royal family NOT have on their trees? 18. What is glühwein? 19. What is a female turkey called? 20. How many states in USA have a town called ‘Santa Claus’? I'll bet you didn't know: There are no turkeys in Turkey! -Answer = NO
    2 points
  13. I have always believed we need to allow our youngsters to have a voice and we should listen to what they have to say. That means they need to be aware of what’s going on so they can make informed decisions. Back in the 90’s I asked the ones hanging around the market place what they wanted and they told me just somewhere safe, warm and somewhere they could call their own. Didn’t sound unreasonable to me so I took that message to the District Council through the then Town Forum meetings. Like so many other Bedlington orientated requests it fell on deaf ears! When I became a town councillor and eventually chair of the Town Council I wanted to include our youngsters and even tried to set up a youth council as part of the Town Council so their voice could be heard. I also did sessions with some of youngsters trying to explain how the various councils work and which one did which service delivery. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hKIe2Z19V8 When I became a County Councillor I took some up to County Hall as part of Democracy week so they could have first-hand experience of what went on up there. I have always tried to include our youngsters and get something for them. Now they, as well as others, have had a huge toll taken during Covid so it’s even more essential to do right by them! The first battle on that front I won and we will soon see the new PlayZone soon at West Lea. Lots more needed in that particular war of course!
    2 points
  14. That’s a few of the ‘big ticket’ items I have personal experience of, even back then just as a member of the public. Really shocked, saddened and disgusted in equal measures by a lot of it so I decided to stand myself for election. Given what I had seen there was no way I was going to join any of the political parties so I stood as an independent candidate for both the Town Council and NCC. I was successfully elected to the Town Council but the Labour candidate took the NCC seat I contested. The first year on the Town council was a real eye opener because I saw how the political parties really operated. The Town council was then made up of 5 labour members and 4 independents. Important decisions which should have been raised and debated at Town Council meetings in full view of the public were actually being made days before behind closed doors at political party meetings! I would watch 5 members vote before the proposal had been fully explained, never mind debated. Also in this first year the chair was ‘given’, by 5 votes to 4, to someone in recognition of his unwavering political support? I asked is this really the best we can come up with? So the council more or less drifted in the first year, I was given a project to shut me up after proposing it, probably thinking I would never be able to pull it off. That’s how we got the parking bays on Glebe Road to solve the problem of parking on both sides blocking access up and down that street. The next year we had a political protégée installed as chair and this time there wasn’t even the remotest disguise of democracy! Even the clerk resigned! Again to shut me up bleating on about what I saw as the crazy situation we had at the top of Attlee Bank for pedestrians, where they had to step out into the road to get back onto the footpath and then cross the road on the tight corner at the bottom of the bank, I was challenged to sort that out. I negotiated with NCC for permission to put a new path down to the Park but this time not going down the main road, going through the woods. I also priced the job up and found the NCC quote to be almost 3 times dearer than another quote I had. Took quite a bit of arguing but finally we got the job done for the reasonable amount and they made a decent job of it. During the monthly meetings some of the stuff that came up was absolutely ridiculous and 4 of us were constantly trying to get it changed. I had several official complaints about my behaviour lodged with the NCC Solicitor at the time and as far as I could see they were for having the audacity to vote and speak against certain proposals. So they always got their own way but for the life of me I can’t think of any really serious other improvements done that year. Members of the public were saying the same sort of things so in his wisdom the chair sent a letter to the press calling Bedlington residents nothing but whingers. At the very next meeting he had the police, out of sight in the council office, because about 200 people had turned up to have a go about his comments. This was a special meeting anyway because we picked a new chair for the next year. One of the Labour group on the Town Council had resigned and someone else had taken their place. We wondered how she was going to vote but we needed have worried she had seen for herself the behaviours on display at these meetings. The chair proposed himself, to thunderous disapproval from members of the public in the room, and other members proposed me. He even repeated some of the stuff he had said in the press article? At the vote one Labour councillor was seen to raise his hand to vote for me and another Labour councillor leaned over and pulled his hand down. This was called out by the newest member of the council and I believe videoed by a member of the public. So I was voted in as chair and immediately had to calm everyone down. I then spent months going through every line of expenditure so at the budget setting meetings I could ask councillors to justify each and every line! Some of the stuff in there was unbelievable, even down to excessive expenses claims! This produced something which no other ‘parish’ council had done; bring in a reduction to the tax charge every household pays. Not only that over the course of the two years I was in charge we put in two new play parks for our kids, one at West Lea and another at Meadowdale, put in new bus shelters throughout, painted the handrails around the Town, also the hardware such as litter bins, fitted larger and more litter bins…..the list goes on. One other thing we brought back was the Bedlington Fair day. I used the money that generated to pay for an enhanced Xmas light switch on show. We had calls from councils all over asking how on earth we had managed to do everything while still doing a reduction in the precept. Not hard when you have some good people around you! I think I also have the dubious award for the most complaints lodged against a sitting Chair, all off one political group, even a NCC councillor got in on the action! All dismissed as vexatious and time wasting. I even had a councillor knocking on my neighbour’s doors asking if they knew anything bad I had done???????? I must have really been a pain in their backside, so doing my ‘job’ properly then! This is what you are up against politically when you stand as an independent; everyone has a go at you. I had pretty juvenile comments and attacks against me on social media platforms and even had my social media account hacked. Never mind faint heart never won fair maiden!
    2 points
  15. Piper 2024 award to @Malcolm Robinson for his work in the Bedlington community and keeping the members of this group, and Bedlington, of what's going on. Malcolm, and Foxy, helping out with the refurbishment of the the Friends of Westlea Cemetary building in September 2023 :- Malcolm, along with others, helping out in the gardens around the Friends of Westlea Cemetary building in July 2024 :-
    2 points
  16. That is Wilf - your eyes are better than my OH's
    2 points
  17. At a recent meeting I was asking about current business health in Northumberland and was directed to a certain report. I had to point out that was done in 2011 and there is very little commonality between businesses then and now! It’s staggering sometimes!
    1 point
  18. Thank you Malcolm for this interesting series of 'factoids'. It's been an eye-opener learning how the well-oiled wheels of local politics function, don't function and even grind to a stand still on occasions. This sort of transparency, is something that is invaluable. Keep up the good work!
    1 point
  19. Very nice indeed! What a transformation! Huge thanks to everybody that was involved.
    1 point
  20. Well done and thank you to all of those involved, I look forward to seeing it.
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. ..... and just to test the grey matter tomorrow morning: 1. In which year were the chimes of Big Ben first broadcast at New Year? 2. Of which African country is Banjul the capital? 3. On which river does Washington DC stand? 4. Who was the first British magician to become a TV star? 5. If you were served aloo in an Indian restaurant what vegetable you get? 6. Which very common Chinese surname means ‘old’ in English? 7. Which king of England married Isabella of France? 8. On British coins, does King Charles III face left or right? 9. In the celestial hierarchy what is the highest order of angels? 10. Which car manufacturer produced the Panda? 11. Favourite, Figaro and Autumn King are varieties of which vegetable? 12. Who married the Earl of Bothwell in 1567? 13. Who was Harry Corbett’s furry friend? 14. What is the name of the college attended by British Army Officers? 15. How many gold medals did Jesse Owens win at the 1936 Olympics? 16. What is the surname of Romeo in Romeo and Juliet? 17. In which country is the River Glomma the longest river? 18. Which gas is represented by the symbol He? 19. How were the Poor Knights of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon better known? 20. What is another name for the Snow Leopard? I’ll bet you didn’t know …. Racing greyhounds have their nose-prints, which are as individual as fingerprints, registered to prevent fraud. Answers on Friday. (They may be a bit late as I've been promised a temporary pair of specs but I have to go to the main hospital in Gothenburg so it'll probably be a whole day job!)
    1 point
  23. Awarded to Malcolm Robinson for his volunteer work in the West Bedlington community and his online postings on this group and Facebook keeping the community up to date with councill business that was, and wasn't, happening in the area.
    1 point
  24. The sorry saga of the Hartford Hall gates. These Grade 11* listed gates were made by the world leading makers Coalbrookdale for the Vienna Exhibition in 1873 to demonstrate their craftsmanship. Anecdotally I was told you can even see the fingerprints on the cast hands included in the design of these gates, a feat which cannot be reproduced even today! It was agreed as part of the renovations to Hartford Hall that these gates would be renovated and English Heritage became involved. They even gave a grant towards the renovations and insisted there was only one place in England that could be trusted with this significant renovation project. The gates were dismantled and shipped off to the specialist down in Yorkshire. Things now take a turn for the worse! During the renovation project the developer went bust and the Administrator was called in. The Administrator sequestered all monies in the account including the grant funding for these gates and paid out debtors of the company. So the money disappeared and the gates which had been started were now left languishing somewhere in Yorkshire. There were many calls for their reinstatement and I decided to do a bit of digging myself. I found out where they had been shipped off to and rang the company up to find out what was going on. I was told there was an outstanding bill for work done, about 1/3rd, and until that was paid the gates remained, never mind about getting them finished. After making more ‘noises’ about them over the next few years and a BBC Inside Blog about them I found out they had been moved and were actually in the old fire station at Morpeth. So I presumed that part bill had been paid and moves were afoot to get them sorted? Asking about them now and I was told they had been moved again, where I wasn’t allowed to know, but moves were afoot to get something done with them. I persisted and eventually I received a phone call to tell me they were in the possession of NCC (good) they would be renovated (great) they would probably be encased in glass or plastic to stop any further degeneration (great) and would be on public display (great!). There was even a cost estimate of around £500K and I was asked to help find that money. I agreed but then asked where exactly would they be displayed, even suggesting several places in Bedlington where I thought they might work. I was told they had to be displayed in…….Ashington? Ehhh! Why was never explained and after a lengthy heated argument I said I wouldn’t be helping them to see them end up in Ashington, which I felt would be yet another slap in the face for Bedlington! So that’s the tale of woe yet again but as far as I know NCC have them stashed somewhere and that £500K estimate could well be in excess of £750K now, never mind where they might end up! (As an addendum to this one.........The Gates are now in safe storage in a NCC depot where they are being kept as dry and moisture proof as possible. )
    1 point
  25. One enduring question, and I’ve asked it many many times myself, why has the needs of Bedlington been ignored for so long? First under Wansbeck District Council and then latterly under Northumberland County Council. I don’t know the answer and I’ve never had that question answered, but we can delve a little under various blankets. Back in the day we had Bedlingtonshire Urban District Council. A council many look back on fondly for one reason or another but principally because we were in charge of our own affairs. We then had the Local government Act 1972 and in 1974 Ashington, Bedlington and Newbiggin became Wansbeck District Council. I was told that BUDC was given a choice to go that way or form one with Cramlington, an emerging newish Town at the time with huge commercial infrastructure. I know which way I would have gone! So again by word of mouth by people there at the time, one of the first decisions made by WDC was to make Ashington the ceremonial and commercial head of this new entity. By that very act I would argue it relegated Bedlington into at best second place if not third place in the pecking order of WDC! As far as I could see that continued throughout the life of WDC, the council that was once described as “making decisions in smoke filled rooms behind closed doors!” We then again had the structural changes to local government in 2009 which saw the creation of Northumberland County Council as a Unitary Authority and I’ve already written a piece about that. As I said at the time, playing third fiddle under Wansbeck District Council would seem a pipe dream now as so many other towns and villages were added to the list to compete with. I now have to delve into the heady world of politics in search of the answer. We saw WDC 100% controlled by a single political party. As I have already written about some of the decisions they made were unbelievable to me! I think out of 42 councillors there 19 were from Bedlingtonshire. I even said to one or two if you get your act together you could force WDC to invest this side of the Stakeford Bridge, you have nearly 50% of the votes so it wouldn’t take much to push something through. I was laughed at and told it didn’t work like that. Took some time to find out how it did work and as far as I could see it was about furthering the interests of a political party not the people who they were supposed to be working for. That is the same across all political parties BTW and anyone can see it time and time again when their ethereal Whips impose control on voting. The voting patterns in Bedlington were taken for granted and so why give yourself work when the elections were a forgone conclusion. Ramping that up to a county level and we saw the same and I see it at just about every full council meeting to this day. That’s a cycle we have to break and we made a good start by electing some independent councillors which believe me sent ripples throughout the political establishment! Just to demonstrate, and it’s plain to see, at most if not all major NCC meetings it’s the independent councillors asking the really ‘difficult’ questions. As far as I can see the only way to get decisions based on merit instead of political expediency is to elect more independent councillors, at least we can vote with our conscience instead of being told how to vote on certain issues! I now want to look at budgets and how they work. The council has, by law, to pass an annual balanced budget so if we see schemes included, like for the sake of argument the Bedlington Regeneration funding, which fail to get started in a year that funding is basically lost. There are options to keep it but essentially 99% of funding which falls into this category is lost. So we saw funding allocated to Bedlington of between £6-£12M over about 3 budgets. Each time failure to realise that project meant the funding was lost, that’s why it had to be reinserted into the next year’s budget. Covid finally stopped any major funding for Bedlington being included and by major I mean 10’s of millions. Bearing in mind that something approaching 90% of the NCC budget goes into the social side of things like adult and young people’s services, and with a large county like ours where towns up and down are equally screaming for investment it’s not hard to see pressures building up. It is easy to see why external funding for various projects is so necessary for NCC, like Levelling up funding, High Street funding, Borderlands etc. Whilst I understand the constraints I still cannot excuse the fact that Bedlington is only included in the smallest pot! That’s seems to me to be a mixture of political pressure and easy options. There are a few of my thoughts, if anyone can give me a definitive answer please do!
    1 point
  26. I’ve been asked about the Bedlingtonshire Development Trust and how it came about……so here goes. (Sorry this is going to be a long one…….) As a member of the public I had started to take an interest in local politics, even just to see why the needs of Bedlington had been ignored for so many years, and had been told to look at forming a Development Trust if I wanted to be proactive. I went around each of the 3 local councils in Bedlingtonshire asking if they would be supportive, thinking a partnership approach would be the best way to go. Each said NO, not interested! That didn’t put me off. I was doing the research when NCC closed our community centre in, as they claimed, a cost cutting exercise. I knew a vehicle like a Development Trust could apply through the council’s asset transfer policy to take it over as other trusts had done with many other redundant buildings up and down the county. I was given the criteria for such a bid and went about putting a Trust board together. The main crux of what we needed to do was to submit a fully costed business plan so that’s what I did. The Trust was the only group who held an inspection of the building to ascertain the cost of repairs it needed. There had been no money spent of maintenance for years under Wansbeck District Council and even less under NCC, and when I saw the books they were even worse! I used this to negotiate a sum of money that would come with the building to see to its much needed repairs. Even the main electrical conduit into the building needed to be replaced, that should give some indication just how badly neglected it was. After quite some weeks of intense collaborative work I eventually produced a professional 21 page business plan which was submitted on the day all these bids had to be in. There were 3 interested parties and I had meetings with them asking if we could do this as a partnership. One said no way, that was the Lib Dem controlled Town Council, and the other said yes because they just wanted a very limited use which I was happy to agree. The bids were in and judged by the Lib Dem NCC Administration at County Hall. The Lib Dem controlled Town Council were awarded the community centre. Fair enough but as some of the details came out I was stunned! They had settled on considerably less than what I had negotiated for, regarding repairs to the building and hadn’t even submitted a business plan? It seems the Lib Dem Administration at County Hall, where the chair of our Town Council was secretary and so included in this meeting, had somehow judged the bids even though there had only been one joint one and awarded the centre to a group that hadn’t even taken part in the process? I was then summoned to a meeting with the Mayor and his deputy. I asked a colleague to come along as a witness because by now I was weary to say the least! The Mayor told me to hand over the business plan I had done because he had been told it was excellent. I couldn’t believe my ears I could only look at my colleague as he looked at me aghast. I quickly realised these people just didn’t have a clue; they had done no prep work, no research and had no costings for things like new heating systems etc. We walked away shaking our heads after replying, “No, you roll your plans out now!” So we had a fully functioning Trust with nothing to do might as well put it to work! As I’ve already reported we worked with an NCC officer to get the sports pavilion down at Gallagher Park. Next up was some self-promotion and this one was entered into an award by a large European Bank and made the last 10 before I had to cut it for exceptional reasons! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iqecpk6LpFk We were also working on a sports hall at Meadowdale School area with Bedlington Forum. We even got the feasibility money for it off a part of NCC, but just as we were about to pull the trigger and commission a national group to come in and pull it together we were told NCC would double to money but it had to include the whole of Bedlington, not just the Top End. We agreed and that was commissioned, little did we know what effect the proposed new school at Bedlington Station would have. A full professional report was produced after interviewing local sports groups, potential sports groups, councillors, NCC etc. and the conclusion……..”Whilst new sporting provision is needed in Bedlington we can’t ignore a £20M new school at Bedlington Station which will have a full range of up to date sporting provision. The best outcome would be to make sure these facilities are available for the community to use”. Course that £20M actually turned into nearly £10M and one of the first things to get the chop…….the big new multi-use sports centre and pitches! A much reduced offer was eventually built which spectacularly failed to meet any of our expectations. The Trust worked closely with Leading Link and again the first thing was sporting facilities: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8qunOuVvCQ We also successfully applied for a Heritage grant to demonstrate our rich history. The project attracted a lot of praise off the Heritage people and we had to go down to Manchester and were applauded as one of the best projects of this kind in the country. We built an interactive trailer which was then ‘decorated’ with images of Bedlington history as well as thigs to do and Leading Link took it around the local schools explaining what each bit was about. We held a ‘junior’ Bedlington Picnic Day as well as producing some excellent videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fz6A9NLArEI What Bedlington’s about and where might it go………(We can dream!) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DtUAN4UKRhU Bedlington’s mining heritage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-EZf2LS_vlc https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6i461yrGFA The Development Trust was asked to intervene time and time again in various issues. The Olympic Torch was coming to the county as part of the London 2012 Olympic games and guess where wasn’t listed as one of the Towns for it to go through, as per! Some pretty heated exchanges followed! I was eventually allowed to make a presentation, at Blyth, to the UK Sports Association guys overseeing this and set to work with Lyn Horton from Leading Link and Richard Wearmouth from the Salvation Army putting together the necessary event/safety plans etc. These national agency guys couldn’t have been more supportive and even squashed some of the stuff our local council raised! The day wasn’t the best as far as the weather went but over 5000 people lined our Front Street to watch the Torch pass through our Town! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fF9ZP8jOcy4 I was then asked to help with a little project for some of our disabled seniors. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S46ShD4M2wM The Trust also put on some entertainment for our seniors in the Salvation Army as well as getting the funding to help Mind Active purchased a bit of expensive equipment they had been after for some time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ka-fhVgjXTs The Trust was by now working closely with several local charitable groups in fact the only ones that wouldn’t work with us were the ones with some councillor members! Several more projects followed but then I decided to stand for council and as I could see a clear prejudicial interest I resigned my Trust board membership. I would like to thank past and serving officers of the Trust for the support they always give to our Town. I was especially grateful when they gave so much to our struggling foodbanks, way before any group thought about doing that. Here is a radio snippet where I try and explain what the Development Trust is about. https://bedlington.uk/.../malcolm-robinson.../ Funnily enough, just as a post script, East Bedlington Parish Council have formed their own Development Trust very recently. Seems the circle has come right around…………….
    1 point
  27. Well that's about half of them............... There is one biggie left of course, Arch. We have seen where the company derived from and equally as interesting is the way the Labour Administration at NCC turbo charged it. It was worth about £30M when they took over and for some reason they began stuffing it full of assets and an almost limitless borrowing facility with around £300M. The way it had been set up though didn’t have any business acumen whatsoever to me. ‘Giving’ this company so much of our assets and lending it money at favourable interest rates, like it was going out of style, with only the obligation of paying interest on the actual money it received meant it’s never going to repay the original balances. At some point in the future it will have to clear those balances or refinance? BTW, NCC makes the spread between what they can borrow at, which is well below bank rates, and the interest rate they charge Arch. So at least there is a little tickle! However ramping up the company to the levels it reached and saying they wanted to triple that ‘investment’ was and is a recipe for disaster! I said that on my first election leaflet! That has now been recognised and is being dealt with, hopefully! It was also supposed to pay back cash dividends to NCC as its sole owner. I did see one such payment made to Active Northumberland at the time (£1M) , because Active was itself heading for financial disaster due to mismanagement under the same people. We all read the ‘indiscretions’ the Arch report noted, nepotism, financial irregularities, no proper controls in place etc, etc, etc. The final report was quite damming with all sorts of shenanigans mentioned, such as the Chief Executive selling his house at an inflated price to the company because he couldn’t sell it on the open market! How on earth there were no prosecutions bewilders me, but it’s hardly surprising the level of mistrust the general public have for politicians. I really don’t understand why any politician who is elected at set periods in time, so can be kicked out and lose all the control they might have, would dare to act in the way some of these people did and to allow such a ridiculous state of affairs. They must have realised it was all going to come out pretty quickly, all that needed to happen was to lose the next election, which they did, and that lit the fuse. Thank God it did or we might be in the same position as the other councils across the country declaring bankruptcy. The thing that really gets my goat is they while all this was going on, basically profligacy with public money behind the scenes; we saw cuts to NCC budgets like Adult Services and Children’s Services. I really don’t know how some people sleep on a night!
    1 point
  28. I've just spent a pleasant half hour in the company of one of my 'bonus' grandsons who has read out loud to me Historical Factoids 1 - 11. We've laughed and cried in equal amounts. Thank you Malcolm!! One thing he said to me was "lt sounds just like you when when you're really peed off with people's ineptitude" (my translation). I'll take that as a complement!!
    1 point
  29. Bit of a side view but still illustrative I think. Gallagher Park Back in around 2010, I think it was, the Friends of Gallagher Park were trying to get some sort of facility down there. I asked the Chair of that group, George Webster, what it was they actually needed. He told me that they wanted to see some sort of toilet facilities down there because very young lads and lasses were having to use the bushes! I had started the Bedlingtonshire Development Trust and used that to open some doors in NCC. First I spoke to the woodlands officer and we came up with a scheme for the downhill mountain bike tracks. Once that was seen as a successful collaboration I was able to speak to and work with the NCC Green Spaces officer. I explained the problems and he agreed that was totally unsuitable. I suggested that instead of just trying to put some loos down there let’s try for a sports building which could have externally accessible toilets. He agreed and for some months we were at meetings trying to secure the funding needed, eventually we succeeded although at a much reduced level than what would eventually be needed! When I saw the costings coming back to us I thought they were unbelievable so I went out and had meetings with a director of a large building group in Newcastle. With his help I came up with a costed alternative for a large indoor training facility, exactly what the users needed down there. I took that to a meeting at Blyth with the head of what has become Active Northumberland and the NCC councillor who had leisure in her portfolio. I was told the Leader of NCC had said there was no appetite for a large build in Bedlington. I was flabbergasted, the professionally raised costings I had were around £300K, the cost of the small pavilion we see now at Gallagher Park, at that time were between £600-£700K. I think it ended up around £800K a lot of which was the cost to get an electrical supply down there. So it couldn’t have been the financial contribution that stopped it? There was the possibility of a lot of the playing fields down there being taken by a housing developer and we didn’t want that. We wanted to retain the open space and playing fields down there. I saw the Queen was looking to replicate one of her father’s projects and introduce some QE11 parks. I applied for Gallagher Park and we were successful in becoming a QE11 park. This meant it is protected as open green space so no development! Because of that I was asked to lead a community response to one of the awards the Fields in Trust group were doing. I entered us into the Best Loved Playing Field section and set about raising the support needed. Unbelievably we won and that award is at County Hall to this day!
    1 point
  30. Just by way of a brief addendum: Worth knowing how the wholly owned, by NCC, ‘arm’s length investment company’ came into being. If you read the bit about Wansbeck Life you will understand the absolute furore that pretty shambolic episode produced far and wide. When the news broke in the press damage limitation went into overdrive with one report to me saying he had never seen so many big shots all running into a meeting. This was when the Lib Dems were in control and they wanted to see the thing contained as much as anyone else, even though it was Wansbeck District Council who had initiated the explosion! The idea that all these local power brokers came up was that the assets of Wansbeck Life were to be transferred into another company called Arch. At that time, and according to that newspaper article, these assets were around £30M. So that was Arch at that time under the Lib Dems, mainly a property landlord. How it ramped up its asset base by 10 fold and became the centre of its own salacious renown will be another chapter………….. Just as a postscript……..I have always felt and said that these sorts of people should be held accountable for their actions. Just recently we have seen similar at NCC and I have said the same in fact I offered to start a public campaign asking everyone for a fiver so we had enough to hire legal teams and issue warrants! I just feel enough is enough and I’m sure most right minded folks think the same!
    1 point
  31. While we are on about the Lib Dems and their 4 years of tenure we have to look at something which happened in Bedlington, the disappearing Golf Club money! The sale of the remaining half of the Bedlingtonshire Golf Club started under the Labour controlled NCC but as mentioned they lost out at the very next election to the Lib Dems. Well actually it was a minority administration because they needed the Conservatives backing to actually take charge. So the sale actually went through under the Lib Dem time of control. From what I saw as a final act of contrition in the final days of Wansbeck District Council they called for any money raised by selling off the final bit of the Golf Club to be retained and spent in Bedlington. That might have been a touch of schadenfreude and scorched earth policy but at least they looked as if they finally made the effort in this case! What happened was that the money seemed to disappear? Shades of Tesco here! In those days we had Area Meetings where the administration and all the local councillors would attend and we, insignificant members of the public, could go along and ask a few questions. I kept asking the same question, month after month, where had the Golf Club money gone? I finally worked out the answer myself after receiving so many vague answers, so my next question was…….”Is it true that………?” It was finally admitted that the money from the sale of the Golf Club had been put into the General Reserves pot at NCC. This meant it would be spent in towns other than Bedlington. The political landscape and scenery might have changed but it was still the same road we were on, it’s called asset stripping as far as I was concerned! Not only that we saw services normally delivered by the District Councils and then latterly by NCC being transferred to the parish councils who charged residents extra to pay for them. Or as it was explained to me NCC simply cut the service deliveries but would transfer them to the parish councils if they were asked. I accused them of double taxation because there was no corresponding decrease in the NCC council tax so effectively we were being charged twice for the same service. Not so, I was told but I remember having a go about this for a couple of years at every Area Budget meeting. At the next election the Lib Dems were voted out and Labour retook control of NCC.
    1 point
  32. Back in 2009 we started on a round of local government reorganisation as designated by central government. There were basically two options put forward and for everyone to have their say a referendum took place. The choice was between a single Unitary Authority encompassing all of Northumberland or two, one for the rural North and West and one for the urbanised South East. The ruling Labour group wanted a single unitary, and not even considering the narcissistic power at play, there should be a huge financial benefit given the 6 District Councils were being abolished and everything they delivered would be delivered by a single Unitary Authority the cost savings should have been immense? One Chief Executive instead of 6, one head of planning and planning department instead of 6 etc etc. Of course the other side of that were the needs in the urbanised South East, where half the population lives, were different to the needs in the Rural North and West. So a referendum took place to essentially answer that question. If memory serves me correctly something like almost 52% of people who took part voted for two Authorities. The ruling Labour group must have thought that was the wrong answer so we saw the single behemoth that is NCC today, created. (Funnily enough a few years later when people were asked if they wanted a North East Assembly almost 78% responded with a no. A North East Assembly was still created and is still there, albeit very much in the background, SHHH! What is it with these people?) NCC was seen as ‘remote’ as far as a lot of residents were concerned so the Gov came up with the idea of Parish Councils to fill what was called a ‘Democratic Deficit’. Parish Councils had to be petitioned for if an area didn’t have one and as North Tyneside and Wansbeck were the only Districts to effectively ban Parish Councils we didn’t have any here. The Lib Dems who by now had taken over the reins at NCC and were the Administration, following the then recent election, petitioned for a parish for West Bedlington. This was quickly followed by the labour group petitioning for parishes at East Bedlington and one for North Bedlington, which is now called Choppington Parish Council. I remember arguing for my preferred choice at the time; bring back Bedlingtonshire Urban District Council, in one form or another because that might give us some say in meaty things like economic regeneration etc. It would certainly give us a half decent budget for some proper projects. It would also mean one clerk etc not 3! The Lib Dems also quickly changed the name of the West Bedlington Parish Council to West Bedlington Town Council. The only difference being that the chair of the Council on a Town Council is called a Mayor, for Parish Councils it’s just plain old Chair. Maybe more than a touch of egotism there because the same Lib Dems ran this council for the first 4 years! That’s why we have 3 Parish Councils in Bedlingtonshire.
    1 point
  33. Just before I post this better explain I was facing several attempts to get my page shut down!!!!!!! Better hurry up and get another posting while I still can! Still back in the late 1990’s Wansbeck District Council decided they would stop bus tokens for our pensioners. This in an effort to save around £100,000 out of their annual budget. This was met with disbelief and distress by many of our older members in our community because they had mostly supported and voted for the very people who made that decision. The Bedlingtonshire Chamber of Trade was asked by pension group leaders for help. We agreed and put up their posters in most of the shops advertising the next councillor surgery, which was to be held at our community centre. I was almost immediately ‘visited’ in the shop I had then by one of our local councillors who told me to get those posters taken down, or else! Things started to get heated after I told him that wasn’t going to happen! I suggested he went back outside get in his car, have a cigarette and calm down because I could just see the front page of next week’s News Post Leader which would feature a brawl between a councillor and a shop keeper on Glebe Road! He did but came back in to again threaten, then coerce, then tell me about a lucrative part time job that might be coming up! I told him the posters stayed up! On the evening of the councillor’s surgery around 400 pensioners turned up to ask for an explanation. The councillors, both WDC and NCC, were inside and locked the doors allowing no one inside. After arguing through the locked doors they relented and opened the doors to let everyone upstairs into the concert room. All councillors apart from two left by the back door and when everyone was assembled upstairs one of them did a runner! So to at least give some credit one fronted the ‘meeting’. First he attacked the bus company saying this was their idea. ‘Unfortunately’ I was standing next to the local area manager for the bus company who told everyone who he was and that wasn’t their idea at all! Next the Chamber of Trade came in for some stick and I said if you try that again I’ll drop a nuclear bomb right in the middle of this room! The pensioners made their feeling known in no uncertain terms! What I never said because I didn’t want to further enflame the situation was that I had looked at the WDC budget and there was one item of expenditure which had received a healthy increase, their own entertainment budget, which they had increased to something like £240K I think it was! So they had cut funding to pensioners to save £100K while at the same time increased their own entertainment budget to more than double that! With the whole debacle up in the air we held meetings with the bus management and we came up with what seemed a perfectly reasonable solution. That was taken back to the council who then claimed they had sorted it all out and would be running this scheme from now on. This scheme was so effective it was adopted, or elements in it, nationally and we can still see it in operation today! When the dust had settled the Chamber of Trade received a letter from the Chief Executive of Wansbeck District Council telling us we were being taken to court for endangering the lives of pensioners? It seems the maximum capacity for the community centre had been breached and we were getting the blame? I prepared a legal team to defend the action, which in their opinion was absolute horse XXXX, but my deputy chair and Finance officer at the CoT went across to meet with the CeO of the council and said they took the finger wagging in his office to put that to bed. They told me that they had never said anything to me because the thought of putting two explosive characters in the same room might have resulted in even more angst! I believe it’s quite an achievement being chair of the Chamber of Trade for two years and having two different Chief Executives of the local council threaten legal action over principled stances each year! Just as an addendum: I had run a business in Bedlington for around 18years when this stuff started happening and I had one visit off Trading Standards in all that time. When these things were going on I had visits almost monthly and the stuff I was ordered to put right……..my shelves were wrong, the floor covering looked worn, the measure I used wasn’t approved…………..the list of petty stuff just went on and on. I eventually told them to go back to whoever had sent them and tell him I won’t be intimidated and if he wanted to carry on I’ll go to the press and really start naming names and bringing skeletons out of closets! I was left alone for a while after that!
    1 point
  34. We are all very well aware Tesco’s pulled the plug on their Bedlington branch renovation some years ago which resulted in a very down at heel looking marketplace for so long. That aside, for the moment, I tried for years to look into the deal that was done seeing as it was reported Tesco paid £1M for the site. (There was a covenant on the car park area which stated that it had to be used by and for the residents of the Town and the site of a weekly market if so desired. That was cancelled out, how I’m not sure but it had to be for the Tesco deal to work!) I looked and asked questions everywhere to try and find where this money had gone. Not only that the then NCC councillor tried too and she got nowhere. There doesn’t seem to be any paper trail for this supposed money never mind where it ended up! When Tesco finally pulled out they were paid just over £2M I believe for the site back. Not a bad return for 3 or 4 years of being in the Town! What I did find out was that Wansbeck Life had negotiated a deal where they would take over the shops and offices which were proposed at the side of the new Tesco building because they would be included in the built at the same time. Now it doesn’t take a brain surgeon to work out that a long lease on 6 shops and offices above might come out at say £1M for the sake of argument, and the fact that Wansbeck Life was the development arm of none other than Wansbeck District Council who were the planning authority at that time. Just in my opinion, but the more I looked into it the more convinced I became; I think we couldn’t find any receipt of that £1M because it was used in the deal by Wansbeck Life to take over and be the landlord for those properties. If that was the case then we lost out big time because those shops and offices were never built and we had to pay £2M to get the site back. Even better pay day for our largest supermarket chain! Almost zero cost, 3 or 4 years of trading and then a nice wedge to walk away with. I must be wrong surly……….. If anyone reading this hasn’t read the previous posting then do so and look out for mention of Wansbeck Life! Because of the ‘bad press’ (to say the least) Wansbeck Life eventually became Arch, now that’s a name to conjure with! You couldn’t make this stuff up really it’s like being trapped in a recurring nightmare!
    1 point
  35. Starting when Adam was a lad and Wansbeck District Council held sway, I’m thinking about 1996, Bedlington was awarded Worst Christmas Lighting Display in the North East by Metro Radio. If I remember rightly there were 4 second-hand displays up on lighting posts outside the old Council Offices and one of them was faulty! Determined to put this right a Bedlington Christmas Lighting Group was formed from lady members of the then Bedlington Chamber of Trade. WDC at the time set aside £10K for lighting displays within its boundary with £5K going to Ashington and 2½ K each to Bedlington and Newbiggin. I couldn’t see two pound fifty never mind two and a half thousand in what we had that year! Anyway the group started fundraising, holding events and generally doing anything they could to get sponsorship for new lighting displays. Every member of the Chamber of Trade pulled their weight and did whatever they could. I was part of a team who asked WDC to give Bedlington the £5K seeing as we were the only town actively trying to help out with funding for new displays. A deal was struck whereby the Town that raised the most money would get the lion’s share (£5K) of the WDC pot. Sounds OK! By the autumn, when lighting displays had to be ordered and delivered, the totals came in from the towns. Ashington had raised, pretty sure it was £300, Newbiggin ignored it and instead went their own way and Bedlington had raised……..£13,000! WDC reneged on the deal and said the £5K would still be going to Ashington? That Christmas we hit most of the lamps posts in Front street with new displays, a Christmas tree with new lights and even a lighted banner across the road, 13 grands worth! BTW, we even had to pay to get them put up and taken down and new sockets on the lampposts so they could be plugged in. Funnily enough the Council paid that fitting charge and it always came out at £2½ K, irrespective of the actual number of units to be fitted! The next year and again after a hectic round of fundraising by the Christmas Light Group we had enough in the kitty to do all of Front Street, top to bottom, and started to think about going down Glebe Road and Hartford Bank. By now the fantastic success and support we had off the whole Bedlington Community was being noticed and we were told there wouldn’t be any more displays going up! Ehhh? I remember saying at a meeting we had with WDC at the time, “Instead of recognising the support the community have given and the hard work and dedication of the Lights Group you really want to kybosh the whole initiative, why not celebrate it?” We ignored them and just started another year of fund raising. We noticed lighting displays we had bought were being put up in Ashington so I questioned that without ever getting an answer, but I saw them for myself! WDC then sent the Lights Group a bill for several thousand pounds for…….electricity, saying they had so many days to pay or they would be taken to court! That obviously frightened the lasses and they asked me to go with them to see the Chief Executive of WDC who had ordered them to attend a meeting. We even took a local Minister along for a witness! They guy was playing hardball and wouldn’t listen to any pleas or suggestions from the Lights Group and finally said he would be taking them to court for an unpaid bill. I told him great because I will be included because all the Lights Group were Chamber of Trade members and I was the chair and I will be countersuing you bonny lad for defrauding the people of Bedlington, because every penny we raised was for Bedlington Christmas lights and you have appropriated them and used them elsewhere. Not only that I will be suing for compensation for distress about the electrical bill you have sent. I knew there was no meterage on lighting columns the council agreed likely usage every year and agreed a financial amount with the power company, there was no way they could justify the money they demanded! If I remember rightly the Minister pulled us apart! Shortly after that the Lighting Group were asked how much money they had in their account and after saying how much there was received a bill for exactly that amount. They paid and said the whole debacle had left a bad taste in their mouths so they would fold the Group. The press got hold of the story and ran it with the banner, something like.………… Local Council plays Scrooge with the Fairy Godmothers of Bedlington.
    1 point
  36. With the furore generated about this new hotel idea and it seems I’m somehow involved and not paying heed to democracy, let’s lay out what really happened over the years. When Labour was originally in charge their idea was to build 60 odd houses in what was Tesco’s car park. Around 700 of us turned up at the library and told them in no uncertain terms that we wanted to see commercial development in the town centre not housing! That plan was hastily redrawn! We then had a consultation on the proposed town centre design and were given 4 options for the layout as well as the styles of buildings. Most of us picked the ‘wrong’ design and the scheme went forward with the designs that the great and good thought were best for us! We saw the Make a Noise demo which was supposed to give a kick up the backside and demonstrate local feelings yet still nothing happened. The Tories then came into power at NCC claiming Bedlington was very important to ‘us’. To be fair we did see £12-14M in one year’s budget for our Town Centre redevelopment but as they are annual budgets and no substantial scheme came forward that money never materialised! We finally saw a scheme come forward which had around 45,000sq ft of retail development, of which Aldi was just under 20,000sq ft and the linchpin for the whole development. Covid came along and all the potential retailers went underground with a cull on all their new developments. Aldi were persuaded to carry on with theirs. The Gov then announced funding to get schemes like the one for Bedlington back on track and we managed to secure that funding by matching it. This is what is being used to do the 4 shops and 6 apartments at the Market Place. We then saw potential funding in the Borderlands project albeit on a much reduced level (£3M) but still that could be seed funding to get the main development back on track. (Several community consultations later and we still see a leisure offer as being consistently the number one response. ) Another community consultation on what people wanted to see developed has resulted in over 35 potential projects which are to be wrapped up in a Bedlington Place Plan. We then see a hotel project being put forward not by NCC but by local councillors, of which I’m certainly not one of them. This scheme at Bedlington Station could wipe out all the Borderlands funding for the whole of Bedlington! That wasn’t why I fought to get Bedlington into the Borderlands funding and kept pushing it along! https://www.youtube.com/live/Q4zZGP1LXjI... With that out of the way I do believe we need to see Bedlington as a destination town and for that we need a USP. We do need the normal range of what anyone would expect in a Town the size of Bedlington but we also need a draw so we get footfall from other places too. That’s the opportunity I see in getting the marketplace development right. PS. Back in the annuls of time in the late 60’s just before Wansbeck District Council came into being, Bedlington Urban District Council had plans for a hotel and leisure centre in Bedlington Town Centre. Pity they didn’t see them through!
    1 point
  37. I'm going to put up my 'Historical Factoids' which have been published on my Page on another site. I did them because I was tired of the distortion that was being reported that surrounded these events so that needed to be corrected. I checked each one with the other people who were involved at the time to make sure I wasn't flavouring things and what I wrote down was as accurate as possible! First I'm going to start with something I wrote in 2013 and even now, more than ten years later, seems to be as apt as ever, certainly the last bit! I will put them up in the sequence I wrote them............. The Spirit of Bedlington: Bedlington’s just about a dog, it’s often been said, If that’s what you believe, Ge yasel a smack on the heed! Steeped in history and culture and grime and true grit, The Bedlington folk would call you a great twit! Back in the annuls of time, Forged out of great sweat, The Town now standing owes No one a debt. Back where it began No one is quite sure, But it must have been olden And really secure. The Town first written about, Thanks to St Cuthbert the monk, His laying at rest The Danes and Normans to debunk. For long times later, under Durham was placed, So the Town was not Northumberland based. A great Hall for the Bishop and privileged to use, A court building too for assizes to muse. King John himself liked to stay in the Town, Not sure he was welcomed without-so-much as a frown. This must have meant the Town was of import, You were lucky to live here not a place of last resort. The people around for their daily bread did need The Bishops mill on the river to grind out their feed. When this mill went idle another came through To power the Iron Works and give work to the crew. At first the jobs were all for some nailers But soon they became world famous railroad railers. Built on coal and iron in times more recent, The folks hereabouts living lives really decent. Birkenshaw, Longridge and Gooch To name but few all men of good grace Bound up with Bedlington hereto. The sign above the Iron works For the Bedlington Nailer, ‘We live by fire, water, iron and God’s favour. Soon changed to make the iron horses so new Running on the rails which were Birkenshaw’s breakthrough. Soon coal was the king and many a pit, Sunk into the earth thought never to quit. The town now had jobs but never was clean, Its bikini line never to be seen. The Auld Pit came first Then came the Winnin, Next off the blocks came Cambois, But that was for swimming. Thousands of miners, Digging out the black gold, The pennies they earned to keep their households. Our dogs now must make their timely debut, No yapping or casting, And certainly not blue. Bred from Old Flint, Down country they came, But it’s Bedlington where they found their great fame. The Town and its history so long into the past, Its role in the county so obviously miscast. More history than others, Of similar scope, A resurgence of pride We all do but hope. The people who lived here for such a long time, Now mingle with others who are just in their prime. New houses and buildings bring people by the flock The problem is now development gridlock. No thought has been put into what folks might like to do, So the money they could spend locally now just says adieu. To the shiny cathedrals of metal and glass Leaving our local traders to feel second class. It’s the pressures of life this modern we are told, But it’s our local shops we see having to fold. Change will come when its least expected, All standing together no interest more vested. A proud people and town of once in the past, No longer just subject to verbal bombast. Malcolm Robinson 2013.
    1 point
  38. Good Christmas and a merry new year to all. I have abstained from the group for some time to accommodate the glacial progress of work on Bedlington. Now that things are moving at such pace I thought I would drop in and say Hi!
    1 point
  39. 1. Football legend David Beckham suffers from ataxophobia. What is he afraid of? Untidiness, disorder. I know just how he feels! 2. What was the colour of Santa’s clothes before Coca-Cola dressed him in red? Tan. 3. What is the longest quiz ever? Quizzes 4. How many letters are there in the Angelic alphabet? 22 5. Who started the custom of Wassailing? Feudal Lords and their Peasants. In England. 6. How many of Rudolph’s companions have names starting with D? 3 7. How did Good King Wenceslas like his pizza? Deep Pan, crisp and even! 8. In which Christmas song can you hear “Fa la la la la, la la la la? Deck the halls with boughs of holly. 9. During WW1, a famous ‘Christmas Truce’ took place, when soldiers agreed to a cease-fire to celebrate the occasion and play football. Which year did this take place? 1914 10. How do you say Merry Christmas in Hawaiian? Mele Kalikimaka 11. Who wrote, “Christmas doesn’t come from a store, maybe Christmas is a little bit more?” Dr. Seuss' 12. Visions of which food danced in the heads of children as they slept in the poem “Twas the night before Christmas”? Sugar Plums 13. Who claimed that he could “drive away the devil with a fart”? Martin Luther 14. What was banned in Indonesia for “stimulating passion”? Hula Hoop 15. What do you call a group of unicorns? Blessing 16. What is the longest English word with only one vowel? Strengths. 17. Which Christmas decoration do the royal family NOT have on their trees? Tinsel. 18. What is glühwein? Mulled Wine. 19. What is a female turkey called? Hens 20. How many states in USA have a town called ‘Santa Claus’? 3
    1 point
  40. My OH's eyes did the job for me!
    1 point
  41. Piper Award certificated presented to the volunteers.
    1 point
  42. Message Handling Protocol??? The BBC isn't a place for politics? You must be joking!
    1 point
  43. Not yet suitable for me, -40c snowing 130 km to nearest fast charge station (if they have one yet!) round trip to the city 900km plus. Okay for local shopping.
    1 point
  44. @threegee - reply from Cllr Alex Wallace =
    1 point
  45. The words ' The Fourteen Club' replaced with 'XIV CLUB' and the year changed from 1958 to 1960- update from @bluebarby
    1 point
  46. Think it was pre-Brexit Wilma!
    1 point
  47. I think that Mr Bebbington should be added to that list HPW.
    1 point
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