Blimmey 3Gs, why did I poke my stick into this little bourgeois ants' nest; first out the heap are the soldiers whose task is to repel the system's critics. Yep, the ruling elite – and they're all the same whatever political party they infest - has never REALLY cared about working men and women. Despite their weasel words these shysters systematically deprived the 'old' industries of support which could have led them to a sustained future; shutting down the mines destroyed not only a huge support industry but with it the world leading expertise it had fostered. It doesn't take a genius to extrapolate what opportunities have been lost in our capacity for research and implementation of clean coal and carbon capture technology as a result of this industrial vandalism. Political spite, the obscene scramble for the short term gain, the personal enrichment of those Tory ministers who had shares in RTZ and other mining conglomerates who ended-up supplying imported coal. Let's just take a moment to hang our heads in shame when we remember loads of the stuff came from the sweated labour of the enslaved black miners of apartheid South Africa. Clearly, bourgeois ideology can only be effective if the masses blindly internalise it's thrust and automatically adhere to it's standard form of behaviour. This type of ideological imprinting manifests itself in the form of sterotypes of social participation, the purest expression of class collaborationist ideology is the notion of the 'partnership' between capital and labour; in other words the dialogue/relationship between the boss class and the workers. The bougeoisie wants to con people that there are no antagonistic social classes but only social partners who can come to agreements. Trouble is that trade unionism has fallen hook-line-and-sinker for this social contract policy tosh. What employers want is to impose their demands so that they can continue to enrich themselves, whilst squeezing the last juicy drops of pride and resistance from the workers. Show me a 'small businessman' and I'll accuse him of always attempting to fleece the punter and squirm at paying the minimum wage; as for the banking class, well ...! To those who still believe that the workers shouldn't be allowed to defend themselves from this form of political violence there are countless episodes of successful strike action resulting in demands being met, including securing jobs (just do a Google for "successful strikes†as this'll save me from labouring over a long list). The enemies (those growing fat on the tit of the bourgeois cow) of those whose mission it is to protect the poor working men and women need to realise that they won't disappear ... patience is a fine weapon! To quote Rosa Luxemburg: "Capatilism drips blood from every pore, not just at the time of it's birth, but throughout it's advance across the world. In this way, through ever more violent convulsions, capitalism brings about its own downfallâ€. Of course, the biggest dishonest weeze to control working men and women was the brilliant trick of selling them their own Council houses ... I'll stand back at this point and wait for the usual bleats of complaint from the poor misguided fools who were taken-in by the honour of owing large amounts of money to the banks and building societies ... the morgage shackle frightened the workers into not taking action. The right to buy was a stabilising factor for the existing system. That old regurgitated chestnut, the lack of a national ballot before the Miners' strike, seems to have been swallowed by those who aren't familiar with the NUM rule book. As it had, and still has, a federal structure, each area voted for action in it's own area. What did for the miners was the behaviour of the bosses poodles (NACODS), that breakaway scum in Nottingham, and the typically timid behaviour of the TUC. For a time it looked as if we were French ... a nation with form for collaboration and cowardice! That dispute could have been settled, and nearly was on two occasions, if solidaritry had held. Let's also put to rest that other bourgeois lie that the NUM were against pit closures; the NUM didn't oppose closures when mines were exhausted. Come on 3Gs, nobody or group (unless we consider those universal tools of oppression – the cops) was above the law; plenty of folks were 'lifted' for all sorts of spurious reasons. Remember people are still being clubbed, unlawfully kettled, and killed by the boys in blue even today. Working class resistance is not an outdated or futile concept.