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  1. If the Liberals get in Merlin there will not be any imrigants, Nike say's he'll make tham all legal citizens. Get your swimming trunks on as mainland UK will sink within six months of him getting power.
    2 points
  2. Just caught a bit of the news before... Cameron said something on the lines of "the people are the masters-we are merely the servants"...... think its about time these MP's all remembered that and started to act in our best interests
    1 point
  3. Or am I about to be hit over the head with a frozen husky?
    1 point
  4. The problem I see with that is there needs to be some free thinking candidates and not ones simply toeing the party line. With no local candidates actively engaging with the electorate the only connection a lot of people get are these debates.
    1 point
  5. Well we have just seen the latest UK GDP figures. With an initial 0.2% rise this is way short of what Government told us to expect as the 'recovery' gathers pace. In fact this isn't a recovery this is what looks like a cynical manipulation by Government to get to the election in some sort of induced mass delusion. At best we are bumping along the bottom and that's probably as good as we could expect given that there have been no real policies enacted which tackle the weak fiscal position we are in. If Government are to be believed and we will see a 3% rise year on year imagine what has to take place to make those figures facts. I really fail to see the significance of these leader debates as we do not elect them directly? We are ripping off the American version in some sort of glitzy glamming up of our democratic system. At best these debates make the leaders into sleazy PR men for their party manifestos don't they? It is surly down to the local candidates to reach their constituents and explain why we should give them our vote. Nice to see there is to be a Wansbeck debate at Ashington Leisure Centre soon where all the candidates will speak and answer questions. Lets hope we see a bit of substance rather than the usual spin!
    1 point
  6. Not even the worst of his barmy "policies" - he wants to give £6Bn+ of the Trident replacement "savings" to Brussels this year and £10Bn+ next. That's because the rebate Maggie negotiated has now run out, and from here on we are increasingly stuck with the full cost of subsidising the Brussels gravy train. So... make a big deal about clawing back the odd million from our own MPs, but a three-party conspiracy of silence about the thousands of millions we are now throwing at the European snouts-in-the-trough. And, the LD masterstroke on immigration: telling people who came here illegally in the first place what regions or towns they can and can not go to. Yeah, the illegals will pay some attention to that, and will be queueing up to pay their taxes too! Funny no one has thought to ask Vince Cable how much he has budgeted to police this idiotic idea! Even Gordo managed to call this one right; i.e. it will simply encourage more of the illegal immigration it is supposed to combat.
    1 point
  7. Well it looks like the "establishment" are after the Liberals/Clegg theres been so much thrown at them this week its obvious he rattled the other two "leaders" last week so its time to throw a lot of muck and hope some of it sticks I,m still not convinced there is a leader among any of them mind
    1 point
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