Merlin, I'll be honest and say i was expecting a reply that would not help the conversation at all there, so thank you for your serious reply. (at least a quirk on abusing entrances that were intended for one way traffic!) I find that absolutely disgraceful. Anyone with a concern put in writing should have at least had a reply! The fact the one way system is on technical "Private Property" within the school grounds leaves less room for action than usual. Does anyone know what the escalation procedure is in this case? Surely there is someone higher up the ladder who can shed some light on the subject? At the very least, the police could be involved with the double parking. A school in Newsham, Blyth got the police involved when parents were inconsiderately parking outside their school, and this resulted in a police presence at school opening and closing times, issuing tickets for those who were inconsiderately parking, for a good few weeks. These measures are still checked on a regular basis, at random, so no-one dares chance it now. Perhaps an answer may be achieved by going down that route?