Pete, The problem I have is, like I said, I agree with the sentiment of a joined up Europe, I just disagree with the way it has been rolled out and governed. There is nothing wrong with the idea of a Europe 'sans frontiers' but one which respects cultural differences and in fact celebrates them. I think the idea is way beyond the capabilities of the people involved that's all! In fact it seems more about self-aggrandisement of the few rather than something which promotes universal benefits for all the peoples involved. Maybe that's just a cynical view on all political democracy at the moment? As for the governing laws, well I do agree we seem hog-tied down in a lot of respects but again looking at the other side of the coin we should be glad the likes of the European Court of Human Rights is there, especially regarding some of their rulings which took precedence over our own governments intentions! It certainly needs sorting out and the sooner the better but until we start to take a real interest in what happens 'across the water' in the far off land of Eurotocrita we will only be in a position of feeling the effects rather than influence the directives. Oh and don't think we are alone in questioning the machinations of Europe Ltd most of the other European nationals I have spoken to over the last 15 years are of the same opinion!