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Showing content with the highest reputation on 30/10/10 in all areas

  1. The problem is not with the people posting it lies with the people *not* posting. If your relative does not post and contribute to the site herself how can she complain about the content? The tools are there for people to use, if they choose not to then there is very little we can do for them. You are beginning to create a bit of a self-fulfilling prophecy Mr Darn. Perhaps your welcomed enthusiasm and positivity for the town could also be directed to it's website?
    2 points
  2. Well Malcolm I was never very good at putting things into words and I can not put an argument into words like you can but I stand by what I said the quicker we get out of the EU the better. I was happy before we joined and I will be happy when we leave, whenever that may be. As for the human rights, good thing bad thing I am not so sure.
    1 point
  3. I may be speaking out of turn here, and I will stand to be corrected, but to answer your questions Mr D. What is it? It is an associated fund to the main one which saw the recent Market Place upgrades. (Like it or not that's the single biggest investment Bedders has had in a very long time, if ever!) It is targeted at shop fronts and offers owners co-funding towards improvement in the facades. Who does it apply to? Any of the 'commercial' premises in the Conservation Area. Is everyone aware of it? Everyone one of them had an explanatory visit or at the very least an offer to get involved. BTW, I believe the Top Club has at last seen the light! So Mr D it really only looks like there's nowt happening, there is a lot of work being done by people behind the scenes to turn the fortunes of the town around!
    1 point
  4. thats a good idea a radio station where did you pinch that from!!!!
    1 point
  5. Vic/Brian, I am not sure 'negative' is the right word maybe 'fearful'? We now have one of the country's most aggressive pub chains in the town and they will claw their market share by whatever means necessary. Let's not kid ourselves this is a slick operation targeting a specific marketplace and within that they have achieved market dominance. The recently announced 'austerity' measures by our Gov and increasing price inflation will mean less disposable incomes for just about everyone here and putting the two together I can see only one conclusion, but that bet still stands! If we now consider the Tesco expansion, again another aggressive national player, I think the face of Bedlington will change. What we should be doing is recognising that and working with it to lever in more investment into the town instead of sitting back taking a supine stance.
    1 point
  6. Pete, The problem I have is, like I said, I agree with the sentiment of a joined up Europe, I just disagree with the way it has been rolled out and governed. There is nothing wrong with the idea of a Europe 'sans frontiers' but one which respects cultural differences and in fact celebrates them. I think the idea is way beyond the capabilities of the people involved that's all! In fact it seems more about self-aggrandisement of the few rather than something which promotes universal benefits for all the peoples involved. Maybe that's just a cynical view on all political democracy at the moment? As for the governing laws, well I do agree we seem hog-tied down in a lot of respects but again looking at the other side of the coin we should be glad the likes of the European Court of Human Rights is there, especially regarding some of their rulings which took precedence over our own governments intentions! It certainly needs sorting out and the sooner the better but until we start to take a real interest in what happens 'across the water' in the far off land of Eurotocrita we will only be in a position of feeling the effects rather than influence the directives. Oh and don't think we are alone in questioning the machinations of Europe Ltd most of the other European nationals I have spoken to over the last 15 years are of the same opinion!
    1 point
  7. Malcolm. The driver of the first X33 that turned up hopes that yourself & others can attend our public meeting in November. For everyones convenience the Salvation Army Hall has a bus stop right outside & I will stop. Promise!
    1 point
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