Thanks for such a considered reply Mr D. Firstly I think you have to admit mods have the same right to express opinions as any other member. That being the case you then have to consider the 'personality' and their particular ways of expression as would be exactly the case if they weren't mods. That would be best case, however you will know there are many times mods have to bite their tongues, that just the nature of the game. I really don't want to get into the recent 'have a go at the mods' scenario which has developed but when things burst into flames someone has to be standing with a bucket of water, when they throw it is up to them, how well they do can only be judged by the audience not the protagonists. If the site is to develop and succeed any and all ideas have to be taken at face value, if a community site starts to make arbitrary decisions without reference to its core clientele there is only one likely outcome. Therefore any ideas should be given consideration; you might have to debate the point to make it mind depending on how controversial it might be. Let's take your 'poker night', not forgetting I have signed up to it! It goes up on, basically, a public platform; hardly surprising people with no intention or interest in it have a go, in a light-hearted way. The fact is you have about 10 people interested, I would have thought that's a result? As for the business advertising, I have already said I think a lot are missing out but let's look at this another way. Tomtom's posting in 'Likes and Loathes' about the White Swan is probably worth more to that business than a professional advert on this site, word of mouth recommendation being what it is. That is probably more down to tomtom of course. As for TOTT and Chat, last time I looked you had to be a member to get into TOTT. Although not a great restriction in access it does designate some affirmative action has to be taken on your own behalf to enter. I would be of the opinion a 'loose cannon section' with strict access criteria might be more useful rather than imposing a set of strict posting rules for TOTT? You could always start the thread Mr D, as a test? At the end of the day the site being a community site reflects the attitudes within that community and the wide variance contained therein. People will follow certain threads they are interested in and not others, that's their choice and long may we continue to have that choice!