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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/11/10 in all areas

  1. Just goes to show, what investment can do to the town of Bedlington. Media coverage cn only show Bedlington as coming back from the dead, Just need more Investment for jobs and Bedlington will be booming again like it was Take Notice NCC, Bedlington coming to bite your legs
    1 point
  2. i think your taking it to far! i was only stating the experiences i have had listening to "local radio stations" to argue your case what if your NOT the niche market and your don't like the limited genre of music or the amatuerishness of the radio station then you will not listen wil you!!! therefor my points are completely valid. why should i have to try harder? it should be the radio station who wants people to listens job to try harder! at the end of the day if they cant provide the service i want i will go somewhere else!
    1 point
  3. Well it will all come out in the wash anyway I'm sure - now I'm starting to see my name plastered all over these forums.... VoiceOf Sefron seems to have it in for everyone... Well one things for sure this guy (part of koast) certainly feels threatened by Ultra Radio ) well he has good cause, coz we won't be doing the usual Krap they are planning to do! Just keep an eye on our ideas being lifted - coz I will certainly shed any light on any injust Shenanigans.. VoiceOf Sefron want to know all about me - emmm (what is he up against more like??) A force that doesn't sleep and works a 20 hour day!!! By the way I don't pay myself a salary on this project guys (totally voluntary) - I have to work 2x full-time jobs and a weekend job and manage 3 kids and fund Ultra myself.... Reading some of the probing comments on here - it's proving to be already worth it... ha Read some of Ultra vs Koast The guy is a complete ****** I started Ultra back in June 2010, didn't know about Koast but came along SRNG through my research - made contact but learn't of the issues gaining funds and how long they sat on the project - so just cracked on anyway!! The link details my efforts to work with Koast. Anyway - I will be making some waves and have a dedicated team of local people (ALL LOCAL) and we have endless IDEAS ahead of our broadcast in June. Ultra Radio will certainly make it's mark - it's already got you guys talking. Buy the way - some of the comments made are starting to ask the right questions and the right sense! )
    1 point
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