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  1. WEST BEDLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL To: ALL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL You are hereby requested to attend a meeting of WEST BEDLINGTON TOWN COUNCIL to be held at Bedlington Salvation Army Hall, Hartford Road West, Bedlington on Thursday 11 November 2010 at 6 pm The agenda for the meeting is set out below. John Nicholson Town Clerk 04 November 2010 1) COUNCILLOR PETER HARRATT The Mayor will invite Councillors and members of the public present to join him in a minute's silence in respect to, and reflection on, the late Councillor Peter Harratt. OPEN SESSION The Chair to invite members of the public present to put questions to, or draw relevant matters to the attention of the Council prior to commencement of business. This question time will last for a period of 15 minutes overall (which may be extended if the Chairman deems it necessary) and each question is limited to 3 minutes per person. In order to give every member of the public a fair chance of asking a question, each person will be limited to two questions at each session. The above covers both verbal and written submissions. Any member of the public who asks a question should first state their name and address. 2) APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE 3) MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING To sign as a correct record the minutes of the West Bedlington Town Council meeting held on 14 October 2010 4) MATTERS ARISING FROM THE MINUTES 5) DISCLOSURE OF INTERESTS To receive from members in respect of any terms included on the agenda for this meeting, disclosure of any personal or prejudicial interests. 6) ANNOUNCEMENTS The Chair will make any relevant announcements. 7) CORRESPONDENCE. a. Letters Received: Skillshare are helping local people to connect with their MP. The nearest session open to everyone is 4 December at Briardale Community Centre Blyth at 12.30pm b. New Consultations NCC has issued a consultation document on the Statutory Youth Service Reorganisation. Response needed by 30 November 2010 Northumberland Parking Strategy public consultations sessions. The nearest being Ashington leisure centre 22 November at 6pm c. Invitations The Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Clerk were invited to the opening of East Bedlington Council Office on 5 November. NCC are running their procurement consultation workshop again 15 November at 1pm in County Hall ( Redesdale Training Room ) The Members were invited to the Community Action AGM held 3 November. d. Freedom of Information Requests Mr Andrew Glover requested information on the cost of Christmas decorations in 2009 and 2010. He was responded to with £0 and estimated £4,500 respectively. 8) WORKING GROUPS To receive reports from working groups: a. Finance (Councillors Aynsley, and Allen) Nothing additional to report b. Communications and Events (Councillors Barret and Shephard) To update the Council on the organisation of Remembrance Sunday Christmas Events are a separate agenda item. c. Services (Councillors Barret, Aynsley and Major) A Services sub group meeting has been arranged for Tuesday 30 November. Part of the agenda of that meeting will be to review the Service Level Agreements with Northumberland County Council for maintenance of play areas and bus shelters. Councillor Barrett and the Town Clerk are attending a free NCC course on allotments, playing fields and play areas 15 November d. Planning (Councillors Major and Todd) The Council's decision on planning applications: 10/S/00611 10/S/00622 10/S/00617 10/S/00620 There may be additions from planning applications after the agenda is issued e. Community Support (Councillors Hedley and Shephard) The sub group will make a recommendation to the Council regarding the following Community Chest applications: Meadowdale Middle School – £200 towards football the cost of new football strips. 9) NORTHUMBRIA IN BLOOM + WANSBECK GARDENING COMPETITION The closing date for entries into the Northumberland in Bloom competition is Monday November 22. West Bedlington Town Council entry will cost £125 1. The Council are requested to decide whether or not they wish to enter the 2011 Northumbria in Bloom competition. "Best in Bedlington†gardening competition. 2. The Council are requested to discuss the gardening competition proposed by Councillor Wallace of East Bedlington. The anticipated cost is £500 + 10) CHRISTMAS IN BEDLINGTON To update the Council with the progress made with the installation of Christmas lights. To update the Council with proposals made for the programme of Christmas events The Christmas Lights "switch on†is set for Thursday 25 November. The Council are requested to give approval to the Christmas programme. 11) BEDLINGTON COMMUNITY CENTRE (BCC) The Clerk will report on behalf of the Steering Group progress made with the transfer of ownership to West Bedlington Town Council The Council are requested to ensure that they are in agreement with progress to date. The Council are requested to provide the trustees to be named in the trust document as members of the management committee. 12) CLERK'S REPORT a. The Clerk will update the Council on the progress with the appointment of a new councillor. b. The Clerk will update the Council on points of interest arising from the meeting attended with Tesco 27 November as a guest of NCC Town Planning. c. The Clerk will start the discussion about setting a precept for the fiscal year 2011 / 12 d. Payments which require Council approval in order to be made: Lloyds TSB - Bank Charges £8.25 HMRC (£134.92) The Salvation Army – Room Hire £30.00 Northumberland County Council £925.48 John Nicholson £53.76 13) ANY OTHER BUSINESS Service Level agreements with Northumberland County Council will be added to the agenda of the next Council Meeting Thursday 9 December. 14) DATE OF NEXT MEETING The Next Meeting of the Council will be held Thursday 9 December 2010 at 6pm in the Salvation Army Hall.
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