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  1. if asda get their way?
    1 point
  2. I'm far from sad, but I am someone who likes a pub to be a pub. I respect Wetherspoons for making a go at it with the Lion as, as I've made quite clear, it should be a pub, and it was being left to rot. I have no problem with the concept of the 'family oriented pub' but don't see why I should come on here and declare it will b a massive success when that's not what I believe; as I've made quite clear, I simply don't see where the business is coming from. I've also said that I will be going in, because my views are based on market forces, the way pubs are in the town at the moment and my experience of other Wetherspoons establishments. I cannot understand the attitude of people saying 'They've got my custom' or vice versa without actually having tried it, that makes no sense. I doubt 'other folk' will be aggrieved at the comment about 'old gadgies' because, as I clearly pointed out, it was a quote from a younger 'gadgie' among a group who I happened to be talking to last night; personally, I don't think the place will be full of 'old gadgies', but that's clearly the opinion of many of a generation younger than me. These lads, by the way, used to drink in the Lion years ago, when I did, and we had many a good night in there. Clearly, they are accepting that it's not really going to be to their taste. so what hope is there for the Lion? I may be wrong; many people on here believe that a Wetherspoons is 'what the town needs'. I may find that it is packed every day. I doubt it. People won't start coming out in the evenings again just because there's a Wetherspoons in town. Nobody other than those who already do will begin drinking in teh day, and most of those frequent the clubs and will not go to Wetherspoons. There is no passing trade, and no waiting trade - this isn't Ashington, with it's bus terminus, or Newcastle. So where is all the business coming from? I'm sorry that me not being all positive is not to your liking, but there is also one other aspect of all this that I find difficult to accept. I drink in a selection of pubs on the front street that are run by landlords and landladies who have, for many years, provided me with great service and are trying to keep their head above water. They pay high rents, high prices, and now along comes a company that can afford a failure looking to play the lead in the market. What happened to supporting local businesses? Are all the people on here who are gagging to go to Wetherspoons regular pub-goers, like me (really, if you drink in Bedlington, you will know me)? Or are they just being enticed by the prospect of a new kid in town? I suspect the latter, and that most will go in for a lookie, and then head down to Tesco's for 15 cans of lager at a bargain price.
    1 point
  3. Well ladies and gents... I guess time will tell after the crack the seal on Tuesday. While we are all entitled to our views, I'd just like to make the observation that Wetherspoons is a VERY successful business and I am sure they have some very clever people who have spent a long time deliberating over this investment, which must have been significant. They must be convinced the demographics work and they must be confident that the numbers stack up otherwise lets face it, I am sure there are 1000 other run down pubs across the land that they could have pumped their cash into. I say good look to them and if the place ends up as a family type pub/ bar... so be it! I for one will be sampling their grub and beer my earliest possible convenience!
    1 point
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