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  1. Heard from a couple of sources that the Ridge Farm may be come an Indian Restaurant and the that the Dun Cow is to reopen as the Milfield - any one confirm?
    1 point
  2. GGG, I think the Irish are funded until early next year but with recent upward pressure on their bonds because of their banking sector insolvency………….and your right that unequal taxation looks very iffy now! Course our banks hold a lot of their bank debt and their banks hold a lot of our commercial paper debts, explosive situation! Interestingly there is a populous move afoot in France to start a bank run there, although quite what that will achieve might be best left to our Gallic brothers to answer…….. Maybe if our close friends and allies had rallied around us in 92 when we needed it………… Seems a bit strange that at a time of massive cuts in public services our Lady of Threadneedle Street is being asked to bail out other countries, and I would expect Portugal and maybe Spain to be hard on the heels of Ireland. The problem is that with the more than apparent lack of anything resembling an innovative approach to this mess the politicos will inevitably start the printing presses up again and allow a debauching of our currency and inflation to make the resulting debts look less than fatal. I still think we will see a split in the Euro if not a complete retrenchment back to national currencies by members.
    1 point
  3. That soon is right now! There has been a flood of capital out of Irish banks over the last few days and they are now teetering. If there isn't a deal right away they are insolvent. Their pretense that the near fully nationalised banks are not the state has fooled no one! It's crazy that we are joining the queue to bail them out. They've been leeching UK jobs by undercutting our tax system to attract investment, and exploiting our market for their goods, for decades. We paid the price for their prosperity and now we are about to pay the price for their profligacy. Here the French are dead right: equalise your company taxation or no bail-out Ireland; no more free lunch!
    1 point
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