I'm a bit of a scholar regards the Knights Templar and can completely refute the claim the the Order of the Rose Croix has anything to do with them other than a tenuous connection that was cooked up to create that belief.Leigh, Lincoln and Baigent have a lot to answer for with regards to perpetuating this myth. We're back to this belief in the 'supreme being' again, and it's this that bothers me. Let me elaborate a little. If all Masons have to pledge a belief in a Supreme Being that surely means that all Masons must be religious, that they must actually, truly, believe in God, Allah, call him what you will. In all honesty, I find it hard to believe that they are do actually, truly believe in a Supreme Being. Let's be honest here, this is the 21st century, and even the most ardent Christian is hard pressed to admit that there is a God up there who created the Earth in seven days. That's plain to see, and difficult to argue. So how have the Freemasons found so many men who actually, truly do believe this? It doesn't strike me as being very probable. Therein lies my problem: I don't believe in a Supreme Being so would not pledge that I do to join the Freemasons, and I can only logically assume that many who have joined the Freemasons, and pledged a belief in a Supreme Being, have not been entirely truthful. My question is - why would they do that? I have to be quite frank in response to this sentence and say - and I don't mean to offend - that I find this extremely hard to believe.