I find the whole 'self-regulation' a bit bizarre? If MPs break the laws the rest of us have to obey shouldn't they lead by example and take the consequences the same as us mere mortals? The fact that they themselves wrote and passed the legislation is hypocrisy of the highest order! Parliamentary privilege, fine when it protects whistle blowers and members exposing corrupt workings within the state but to use it to cover members caught with their hands in the till is something else! I am pleased the students at last have some fire in their bellies but it looks like they have lost mainstream public support and I wonder if they have really read what were the proposals? The Lib Dem position is quite another part of this and I would say we should all try and make political parties stick to their pre-election manifestos or how else can they expect to be believed! T Dan was in a North East documentary last week as they showed what were really ghettos in Newcastle getting knocked down. This guy is vilified because he took and laid out bungs to get this work done. At least there was some social element in his 'corruption' not like the stuff we see these days where it is all about personal benefit!