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  1. me thinks the only reason he wanted it kept quiet was because if we knew he was taking a pay cut the the press or relevent media would also have to tell us how much he earned in the first place
    2 points
  2. So the "leader" of N.C.C reduced his wages on the Q.T....... Well well done him mind you I think I could survive on £490 A DAY..... ASSUMING he works a 7 day week (NOT)or £179,000 a year . IF he was anything of an example he should have taken a massive pay cut and maybee keep some employees on, AND he wanted to keep it quiet, presumably to make him look a martyr. Makes me wonder what sort of OUR money is wasted on these people with there fantastic salarys AND are they worth it? on the face of it I would say NO..... UNLESS its business as usual aka W.D.C and folks lining their pockets with OUR money,I,d dare say there a folks working there that could/would do the same job for a LOT less money AND probably do it better
    1 point
  3. NOW I,M ANNOYED its absolutley CRIMINAL. OH and when the lads and lasses came back from FIGHTING for OUR country and PROUDLY marched through Ashington and Morpeth (the ones who did come back that is.) Did you know that the majority had to buy there own refreshments.FACT. Its times like this when I wish I could get to have CHAT with one or two of these buggers supposedly in charge.
    1 point
  4. £490 A DAY and his pay cut amounts to £24 A DAY ITS BLOODY OBCENE . Now just you wait and see how many of the REAL workers loose their jobs because of the disgusting wages these people are awarding themselves. Yes I fully understand the times we live in and if a business OR a Cooncil is loosing money you have to look at WHY and you make changes and cut your cloth accordingly. And do you think £24 a day will make a BIG dint in to the MILLIONS of pounds of cutbacks they have to make NO IT BLOODY WON,T. I think they should START at the top and make their way down HOWEVER I bet they don,t. And I still INSIST there will be people there MORE than capable of doing these "executive" jobs for a LOT less money. Just think of the money that could be saved, it alone will account for a pretty penny if the "boss,s" wages are anything to go by oh and his/their wage does not mention bonuses that he and they may recieve for organising the cut backs that WE are ALL about to experience. And do they get any other "benefits" that WE pay for?
    1 point
  5. One law for them and another for us always has been and always will be :dribble:
    1 point
  6. Give me half his salary and I'd do his job, not saying I'd do a better job, but, I'd make a few of the bxxxxxxds jump! :dribble:
    1 point
  7. Merlin. Greenwich CC clearly state the law in the second paragraph of this: http://www.greenwich.gov.uk/Greenwich/YourEnvironment/Noise/AlarmsPage.htm I used to serve on a 4 counties risk management group when alarm regs were revised & if my memory serves me well I think they should be limited to 3 audible alarms & then cut off to display the flashing light only. This info is from a few years ago mind. Hope this helps. Hang on just found the relevant legislation: Clean Neighbourhoods and Environment Act 2005 I think you need to contact an NCC Enforcement Officer.
    1 point
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