Two flies on their beach towels soaking up the rays drinking gin and tonic, when this blue fly drops out of the sky. 'Hey man what's up? You look freezing' 'Aye' says the blue fly 'I just flew over the Alps.' 'You shouldn't do that, you should do what we do! Before your holiday go down to the local pub where you will always find a dumb blonde bragging about her holidays, you land on her neck crawl down her front till you find the sauna between her legs, crawl in and enjoy the trip. That's what we do every year, works a treat! The next year the two flies are sunning themselves on the beach when this blue fly drops out of the sky, freezing! 'Didn't you do as we told you?' says one fly. 'Aye' says the blue fly. 'I went down the pub, sure enough there was a dumb blonde there bragging about her holidays so I flew on her neck as you said, crawled down her front till I found the sauna crawled in and waited' So what the hell happened' says the other fly. Blue fly says 'I ended up on a hairy bikers 'tache flying over the Alps on his harley'