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Minutes of the meeting held on Tuesday 14th June 2011 at the Salvation Army, Hartford Road, Bedlington. Present: Brian Oliver - Chair Malcolm Robinson – Vice Chair Margaret Oliver – Secretary County Cllr Pegg Town Cllr Aynsley Help Hub Terriers FC Northumbria Police Salvation Army Friends of Gallagher Park Leading Link 19 Residents 1. Welcome and Introductions o The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and added that he thought it was appropriate at this point to update those present what had happened since our last meeting with regards to the running of this Forum. He went on to assure everyone that we still had the validity to continue and it would not reduce our standing with NCC or any other organisation. Everyone then introduced themselves to the meeting. 2. Apologies o Eight apologies were received. 3. Minutes of meeting held on Tuesday 29th March 2011 o These were confirmed as a true record by Val Tyler and George Webster. 4. Matters arising o The Chair had been informed that there was a new planning application, for the Elliott Garage site which shall effectively double the number of Care Home beds which had previously been approved. Concerns were raised by the members present to the impact this new development may have to the Town. o Extension to the Conservation Area in Bedlington has now been adopted. Some discussion took place between members concerning the effects this shall have on individual people who will be affected by this decision. 5. Police Update o Total crime figures for Bedlington showed that there were 15 offences less than last year. o Over the last 28 days period there has been 23 fewer offences (11% down). o Detection rate for all crime is 41.1%, slight reduction to last year. o Youth ASB (Anti Social Behaviour) 26 fewer (32% down). o Non Youth ASB 22 fewer which is a decrease of 32% compared to last year's figures. o Dwelling Burglaries, 5 fewer than last year figures, (50% down), but 3 more over this same 28 day period. o Burglary Other Than Dwelling, 6 fewer than last year (60% down) but 5 fewer over the last 28 days period. o Violence Against Person, 12 fewer than last year and 17 fewer over the last 28 days which is encouraging as this included the Bank Holiday and the holiday for the Royal wedding. o Criminal Damage, 7 fewer for the same period as last year however there has been an increase in damage to motor vehicles which mostly relates to the Stakeford area. o Operation Mohawk is now in place to tackle this emerging crime. 6. Leading Link (St Benet Biscop) o Lyn Horton and Natalie Smith came along to explain that they have set up a new social enterprise company which will be based in the new building, at present under construction at the entrance to St Bennets opposite the Ridge Farm. This building will have full community access and will be called the "Lodgeâ€. Lyn explained they will work with other Bedlington groups, community groups and business groups, to make that happen. Some links were made with other groups and information required by Leading Links was also exchanged. If anyone wishes to view the building plans they can contact Lyn or Natalie (see web link below) and they will be more than pleased to arrange a meeting with you. More information on their website at 7. Friends of Gallagher Park update o A new committee is now in place and includes 3 young cyclists who also use the park. It was decided to keep the meetings as an open format so that members of the public could come forward and approach them with their views or concern. A working group has been set up so that they will be able to move forward in the right direction. A questionnaire is to be sent around all schools in the area and the public to get feedback which will assist them with the way forward. A comment from a BMX track user was "This is the start of something to look forward to in Bedlingtonâ€. Elected officer are: Chair………….Val Tyler. Vice Chair…….George Webster. Secretary……..Peter Angus. Treasurer………Keith Dalton. 8. Bedlingtonshire Development Trust update o The three people for the Portrait Bench which will be located in Gallagher Park close to the football pitches are; Dr Brown; Mary Weightman; Sir Daniel Gooch, as well as the Bedlington Terrier being featured somewhere in the artwork. o Funding has been obtained from Bernicia to help with our architectural services and planning permission but a lot more funding money has still to be found before we can progress further with the regeneration of the property acquired. After initially rejecting our application, following a personal presentation to the Heritage Lottery Fund by Malcolm, they decided to change their minds and stated that they will now welcome our application but a lot more work is still to be done if we do take this route. More funding applications will be submitted in the future. Further meetings are to take place with NCC senior project officer with regards to the building the Development Trust is hoping to regenerate into community usage. o We now have a NVQ qualified Mentor. o Completed procurement and commissioning training modules through NESEP. o We attended a VCS Alliance meeting and took part in the CVS Alliance meeting as well as attending an employability and training delivery seminar. o After a productive meeting with a Newcastle IT company we hope to get several refurbished computer systems which come complete with operating system and ready to plug in and play. This will help us address the digital deprivation figures in our area. As we have been successful in getting a small grant we can now hold some 'Silver Surfer' training sessions which is for people unfamiliar with computers and the use of the internet, this will be very basic instructions and nothing to be frightened of! Also available is an online course which shows how to get more out of your internet and email. Anyone interested please give Malcolm details. There were 6 people who gave their names straight away. We hope this will result in us supplying (free) the refurbished computer to our members who wish to join the internet age! o Spoken to and offered assistance to, Bedlington Community Soccer Club, to help with funding application forms. o The Development Trust now has up to date policies and procedures documents, all 15 of them! o We have registered an interest in Earth Balance as we believe the current situation there is far removed from the original ethos of that site! The 'Mission Statement' which is adopted in the constitution of the Development Trust is: ''The Trust will seek to be at the centre of regeneration of the community providing and encouraging practical, deliverable and economically viable projects that make significant contributions to the improvement in the quality of life for Bedlingtonshire residents. It shall promote, maintain, encourage and advance the prosperity and social welfare of its inhabitants of Bedlington town and surrounding areas.'' 9. Any Other Business o The Chair thanked Malcolm for his time and very hard work which he has applied to gain funding money for the Forum. Fingers crossed that we will ultimately be successful with the Hadrian Trust as we have made it through to the second round. o Question: What is happening with the Community Centre? Answer: It was explained that there was some legal issues regarding land to the rear of the . premises but the centre had been transferred to the Town Council o John Garbutt of Bedlington Terrier Football Club informed the meeting that players and managers were flying to America, in one week's time, all expenses paid by Lord Bedlington who has invited them out there to play football with American teams. The club are looking to the future and how they can progress for the benefit of the club but have no idea yet as to what plans there are as discussions will take place once they are out there. o Question: Tesco? Larry Roberts reported that he had been in touch with the London HQ and was informed that the building plans are still on the books. o Question: Hartford Road? Russell Hogg reported that the reinstatement of the road surfaces following Northumbrian Waters upgrade is of a very poor standard. BKO is to investigate further. *Information received since the meeting…the road surface on Hartford Road is under review and appears to be only temporary. Date & Time of next meeting: Tuesday 6th September 2011 6.30pm Venue: Salvation Army, Hartford Road, Bedlington.1 point