Here's how important Bedlington stands in the eyes of our so called saviours of Bedlington, Tesco...CLOSED...Morrisons.... CLOSED! An' you lot still think THEY will bring new business to this forgotten Ghost Town? I don't think so! Wake up and smell the roses! To get what I needed today I had to leave Bedlington, as per usual. Morrisons don't want to be here and Tesco have absolutely no intention of extending whatsoever, a pipe dream if there ever was! To get back to outlets for kids or even just some new outlets, the people who own these premises to let must, I repeat, must reduce their rents and introduce some incentives to attract new business's, instead of wringing their hands with glee at the exorbitant rent prices they have set for new business's to set up! Don't think for one minute that I am talking out the top of my head! I was involved with a business that had premises on the Front Street, the first premises was owned locally, we moved to another premises owned by some people in London. Why? Simple really, rent! We moved to premises four times the size for about half the rent charged by local landlord. Sorted, yes.... not so, enter the the next set of blood sucking morons, the local cooncil! I ain't going there, but put it this way we AIN'T there any more! NUFF SAID!!!!