Recently at a BBQ, the demon drink kicked in for a Cooncillor! Local and very well known in the community! Said cooncillor who doesn't usually drink was heard bragging of how he can afford to have so many BBQ's, Ha Ha I put them on my expenses, I pay for nowt, and I mean nowt haha you are all idiots haha! Unfortunately or fortunately whichever way you look at it, no one was recording at the time! Believe you me if I had in my possession such incriminating evidence it would have hit every forum, every paper and every social net work! You don't know how very lucky you have been son. But NOW I know what you are up to, you had better keep off the drink, you won't be so lucky next time. The next time some one offers you a drink, it might be me, think very, very hard before you accept. You will be recorded, one way or the other! And, I above all others have more reason to bring you down than others! You are now being watched! Your 'friends' will tell you who I am, but more importantly I KNOW who YOU are!